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{{Infobox Log
{{Infobox Log
|name      = Moots 101
|name      = Moots 101
|summary  = Gathering to discuss Moots and answer questions.
|summary  = Gathering to discuss Moots and answer questions.
|icdate    = October 21st, 2019
|icdate    = October 21st, 2019
|players  = [[Branton]], [[Brooke]], [[Chayse]], [[Cody]], [[Frankie]], [[Hannelore]], [[Jake]], [[Remi]], [[Rian]], [[Skully]]
|players  = [[Branton]], [[Brooke]], [[Chayse]], [[Cody]], [[Frankie]], [[Hannelore]], [[Jake Miller]], [[Remi]], [[Rian]], [[Skully]]
|location  = Underground Tech Haven
|location  = Underground Tech Haven
|spheres  = Gaian Garou Kinfolk
|spheres  = Gaian Garou Kinfolk
[[Category:Branton]] [[Category:Brooke]] [[Category:Chayse]] [[Category:Cody]] [[Category:Frankie]] [[Category:Hannelore]] [[Category:Jake]] [[Category:Remi]] [[Category:Rian]] [[Category:Skully]]  
[[Category:Branton]] [[Category:Brooke]] [[Category:Chayse]] [[Category:Cody]] [[Category:Frankie]] [[Category:Hannelore]] [[Category:Jake Miller] [[Category:Remi]] [[Category:Rian]] [[Category:Skully]]  
[[Category:Logs]] [[Category:Gaian]] [[Category:Garou]] [[Category:Kinfolk]]
[[Category:Logs]] [[Category:Gaian]] [[Category:Garou]] [[Category:Kinfolk]]
<font size=2pt>
The City. Hidden beneath the Community Garden here is a special place that all shifters know about. A place where those who know Cockroach and enjoy technology can gather. And eat bacon. This is where Brooke, the Sept's Master of the Howl feels the most at home. Looking to give a more relaxed talk today, not put people on the spot, she has set up some extra chairs and has invited one and all over so she can spread the love of Moots and answer questions - since during a Moot you cannot really be asking any of it. As a Galliard, she is excited and cannot wait to begin sharing. Being during the day, she knows it will be slow to gather, but that is fine.
The City. Hidden beneath the Community Garden here is a special place that all shifters know about. A place where those who know Cockroach and enjoy technology can gather. And eat bacon. This is where Brooke, the Sept's Master of the Howl feels the most at home. Looking to give a more relaxed talk today, not put people on the spot, she has set up some extra chairs and has invited one and all over so she can spread the love of Moots and answer questions - since during a Moot you cannot really be asking any of it. As a Galliard, she is excited and cannot wait to begin sharing. Being during the day, she knows it will be slow to gather, but that is fine.

Latest revision as of 15:31, 31 August 2023

Moots 101
Gathering to discuss Moots and answer questions.
IC Date October 21st, 2019
Players Branton, Brooke, Chayse, Cody, Frankie, Hannelore, Jake Miller, Remi, Rian, Skully
Location Underground Tech Haven
Spheres Gaian Garou Kinfolk

[[Category:Jake Miller]

The City. Hidden beneath the Community Garden here is a special place that all shifters know about. A place where those who know Cockroach and enjoy technology can gather. And eat bacon. This is where Brooke, the Sept's Master of the Howl feels the most at home. Looking to give a more relaxed talk today, not put people on the spot, she has set up some extra chairs and has invited one and all over so she can spread the love of Moots and answer questions - since during a Moot you cannot really be asking any of it. As a Galliard, she is excited and cannot wait to begin sharing. Being during the day, she knows it will be slow to gather, but that is fine.

Clearly, this is the first time that the cub known as Frankie Wilde has been here to the underground haven. As she follows her chaperone for the day - another of the Black Fury tribe - the blonde girl is a bit wide-eyed and rubber-necked as she comes down the stairs, taking in everything as best she can. The woman she's with does her best to keep Frankie moving along, though Frankie's interest and curiosity at her surroundings prove a little difficult to prod her forward motion. Also making her forward motion difficult? The way she stops completely when she notices the chairs all set up - and all currently empty. Apparently the first to arrive, Frankie gets that look on her face that clearly demonstrates concern at being the only one present, and she's reluctant to figure out which of the empty chairs to claim.

Brooke gestures around. "Welcome Frankie. Take a seat wherever. I wasn't sure who would be able to make it by so just find a place you'd like." She takes a moment to greet the chaperone that came along with Frankie. "Good to see you. Thank you for bringing her by." Back to Frankie, "Would you like something to drink, or eat? We have a few things here."

Rian arrives not too far behind Frankie, trotting down the stairs in a tailored purple suit with teal accents. "Am I late? I'm so late, I'm sorry!" he's apologizing while coming down in a hurry.

Mustering a genuine smile despite her apprehension at having been the first to show up, Frankie responds to Brooke's greeting by also moving closer to the seating area. "Oh, thanks," she answers the offer food, "But I convinced Sarah to swing past The Slice o' Life for lunch," the blonde confesses, giving a quick grin to the kinfolk chaperone she's with. "You would *not* believe how good authentic pizza tastes when you haven't had in a couple of months..." As she then stands and surveys the chairs to decide where to sit, Frankie looks up at the arrival of Rian, a noticeable look of relief washing over her features that she won't be the only one attending.

Brooke grins. "I bet. I remember those months stuck at the Caern after my first change. I at least learned more about Carob." Which really isn't that bad. "Welcome Rian. Come have a seat. You are not that late. I'm glad you made it." She offers him his choice of seats and then pulls up a stool. "Alright, so both of you are fairly new, but have had at least a chance to see a Moot in action. Before I start in on a blow by blow of how a Moot works, do you have any questions about Moots?"

"Hi, I'm Rian! Silver Fang Ahroun, great to meet you." Rian says to Frankie, offering her a hand to shake. Once they're introduced though (super short form introduced), he has himself a seat in front right across from their instructor. "Yes, I do!" he says when questions are asked about. "I was raised in the know, but I was far too busy getting shuffled around and lectured at to see too many moots, and all of those that I saw were in one place. My experience with them is mostly limited to about five or six months worth of moots, followed by the one that happened here after my arrival, which was a little different than the others, but then there were some pretty dramatic things going on, so I could see why. So my question is, with this very limited witnessing of them, are moots the same everywhere? Like how a new year's party is basically exactly the same no matter where you go, with a few minot differences, or is it more like how spring feativals are completely different everywhere?"

Giving Rian a handshake in return and her own brief introduction, Frankie nods briefly to him as she speaks, "Frankie, Black Fury Galliard." She then pulls up a chair, her chaperone also intruducing herself as a kinfolk named Sarah before sitting next to the blonde cub. Frankie regards Brooke's question, gears almost visibly working in her head, though just as she seems to make a decision to open her mouth and ask a question, she's beaten to the punch by Rian. The girl doesn't seem to mind, though, instead quickly closing her mouth as if she wasn't really going to speak after all and instead looks between Rian and Brooke as she curiously awaits the answer about how the gatherings might differ from one sept to another.

There's a loud *clump clump* from the stairs and a low, "Owww!" right after a dull thud, then some more fussing sounds and such before the goliath Skully finally shows up. He's ducking and shrugging aside from technology placed to a feng shui scale a bit smaller than his own, and his broad mouth purses in a grimace as he has to skirt around a few objects to make his way to where the gathering is held. "Ahem. Apologies for my lateness, Hushed Blaze-rhya," he says in that Baloo-like rumble of his before taking a seat on the floor cross-legged and letting his eye take in the other attendees. He gives Rian a genial nod and flashes a smile toward the unfamiliar Frankie, but otherwise keeps his peace; he's here to listen with them big ol' jug ears of his.

Brooke has that knowing smile, happy that the Cliath and Cub are introducing to each other. "That is a good question. Really, a Moot differs from Sept to Sept. We try here to make it more a melting pot, so far as what Bear will allow. As Bear is who we are praising and giving our energy to, we need to keep him in mind. Therefore, if say we were in an Urban Caern, in the city, we would have a far different Totem, such as a City Parent, or Cockroach.." she gestures around here, in particular to where there is a cockroach habitat ".. and we would not only flavor it differently, but it would just have an overall different feel - while still hitting the same basic high points with the same goal of refilling the gnosis of the Caern heart for our totem. So instead of say telling a story, or acting out a dramatic scene? A Galliard might show a short film. Instead of going on a Hunt around the bawn during the Revel? The chosen Wyrmfoe might hand out paintball guns." As Skully makes his way in she waves and says, "No problem, Weathers-the-Storm. Glad you could come."

Rian is rocking a bespoke suit of purple, with teal accents, because he was a god damned peacock in his other life. While listening to Brooke answer his question, he turns his head to spot Skully and gives the giant a large grin and a finger waggle while he's getting settled. But then is attention is right back on the lesson, doing a very good impression of a toddler all wide eyed and enraptured by pre-nap story time. "Ooookay, I think I get it. 'The same except different', essentially, flavor and totem preference, environment and dominant spirit life and tribe. That makes complete sense, thank you!" He looks to Frankie then, because he totally saw her mouth open like she had a question to ask.

Remi slips in coming down the stairs and quirks an eyebrow at the number of people gathered. Nodding to Brooke respectfully Remi goes to set a few boxes down on one of the work benches that they have claimed for their use before wandering back over to see what's going on.

Blonde waves of hair dance around Frankie's features as her head swivels with the sound of Skully clunking on in. She performs a little bit of a blink at the man's size and stature, though does her best not to stare - instead giving him a polite nod before turning back to listen to Brooke as she explains the differences that might take place in a more urban environment for a moot. "Movie night and paintball..." she muses a bit ruefully. "Sounds a bit more my speed," she continues with a grin. At the expectant look from Rian, though, the girl stammers just a bit, shaking her head. "Oh, uh, I didn't have any questions..." she fibs, for whatever reason. "Maybe after I learn more about just all the different parts of the Moot are..." Her attention is grabbed by the other new arrival, and another nod is given before she glances between Remi and Skully with a bit of a pondering look on her features.

While the others are talking, Jake just sort of -appears- and listens for a while. How long has he been there? Who knows. He doesn't interfere or interrupt anyone though. Looks like he's simply there to observe and does offer a nod of greeting to anyone who looks his way.

Skully's got no questions so far; the mild-mannered mastodon ist just mindin' them mild manners, sitting Indian-style on the floor and listening to the questions and answers of others. He adjusts his eyepatch a little and nods at Brooke's answer in silent agreement, big ears twitching as he catches the sound of the arriving Remi and gives a quiet nod of greeting. But then Jake is there, and Skully blinks before pushing up up UP to his feet and giving the man a broad smile. He claps the Shadow Lord on the shoulder but doesn't get any louder or more demonstrative than that; there's a lecture going on, so he sits back down.

Brooke notes the others coming in, and raises a hand in greeting to Jake and Remi. "Fair question. Ok, then let's go over each part of it, and anyone that wants to pipe up with some ideas or experiences they would like to share, please do." She starts in. "The beginning of the Moot is normally with the Opening Howl. Where we bring everyone together - not just in their side conversations. This is where we honor those who have given their lives, and remember them. It is also were we announce what the spirits have seen of our renown. Then we go over the Litany. Can anyone here tell me some good reasons why we go over the Litany each month?"

Typically, the new guy who came in unfashionably late keeps his mouth shut. But this is Chayse, and he's a different critter altogether. He takes his place quietly next to Rian, offering his compatriot an upnod and then raises his hand a bit before giving Brooke an easy grin and shrugging, "it's a rote. We're more likely to ingrain rotes that we honor regularly?"

As even more people arrive, Frankie settles back in her chair and seems to become more at ease. After all - with additional people comes less chance that she'll be called upon or singled out, which unfortunately happens all too often at educational sessions when one is a cub! Case in point, the inquiry from Brooke about why the Litany is recited each month. Doing her best to just sort of shrink down in her chair and be as completely un-noticeable as possible, the blonde girl darts her eyes from one side to the either, suddenly wishing she was sitting much closer to the back. As the kinfolk next to her nudges her gently in the arm, Frankie shoots the other woman a look, mouth turned down at the corners. A bit defiantly, she remains silent, looking away from her chaperone as she seeks out if anyone else is going to answer the Master of Howl before Frankie herself is inevitably picked. And - success! The blonde cub can't help but grin triumphantly over at her chaperone kinfolk when Chayse chimes in his response.

Jake smiles back at Skully, a genuine smile, and mouths 'good to see you' before sitting next to the big man and listening as well. Seems he's here to experience the lecture also. He returns Brooke's wave as he settles into a comfortable position and listens to the answers to her questions.

"Because the Litany ain't just words; it's the laws by which we prosper rightly," Skully adds in his deep rumble, speaking up from his seat on the floor. "Some of those laws're easier to follow than others. By speakin' 'em all together, we pledge to embrace 'em as a society, an' remind ourselves an' each other that they're not to be taken lightly."

Rian can't help but notice Miss Fidgety McShrinky next to him, and gives Frankie a bright and encouraging smile. For himself, he fearlessly takes a shot at an answer while also waving Chayse on over to a nearby seat. "To keep us from thinking about things just one way all the time, so we understand how to interpret the laws by the Fool giving us more than one angle to look at?"

Remi just nods along listening while fiddling with what looks to be some sort of small multi-valve device. Tightening one of the tiny screws before Remi offers up "A reminder. Keep it fresh. Because some tribes put more or less focus on certain tenets. But the Nation has an overall take on the Litany. Especially if you're dealing with a multi-tribe sept like you have out there. Not everyone was raised in one of those." a soft reminder finishes the thought up before Remi returns their attention to their adjustments.

Brooke signals Bacon Bot to come hand out cups of Bacon to anyone that wants one. "Very good. Everyone. Yes. We look for new people to play the Fool because each tribe, each individual, can find a new way to question what is our 'code of honor' that we hold closest. Some of us did not grow up in the Nation and have really different takes on it. Like I was talking to Frankie here about a few weeks ago. The whole idea of having to remind us not to eat human? That was a shocker to me as a cub. This is our opportunity to learn and share, and as a group understand." She moves on. "Once we finish going over the litany, we hadn things over to the Caller of the Wyld and the Theurges to bring the spirits to the forefront. I think of it as a 'Wake up Bear' segment. Does anyone have a question about that? Or thoughts they might want to share?"

Another look of triumph crosses over Frankie's features as her previous conversation with Brooke is called out, though this time she takes much less pleasure in it. Instead, it's more of the 'I hate being right' kind of look, and it's followed by a quiet but somewhat noticeable sigh, at least to those right next to her. Then, she's nudged by the woman who arrived with her again, and Frankie casts the woman a brief scowl before she takes in a slight breath and turns her attention back up towards Brooke. "Uh.." She pauses before she restarts again, mouth twisting a bit to one side as she speaks. "So. If the moot's done every month... Don't the spirits and such know it's going on? Why do they need to be ... woken up?"

Rian opens his mouth, but Frankie beats him to it this time and he just points at her with a nod of his head aimed at Brooke. What she said! His eyes go rather wide at the friggin Terminator Tank arriving with cups of fresh bacon, and is so startled that he actually takes a cup and holds it while just staaaaaaring at the robot in silence, not moving much in case he... upsets it, maybe. He even eats the bacon, but he'll cry about all the grease and fat later

Skully looks at the bacon brute more curiously than Rian does, accepting his cup of bacon and looking the machine up and down with an eye toward its mechanics. His eyebrows rise a little, and he shakes his head before scarfing down some fried pork and listening to the ongoing exchange.

BACON! Jake gladly accepts one of the cups and chomps quietly as he continues to listen and turns to Frankie. "I don't think it's necessarily waking them up but more of an...invitation. To be honored, in a way. They do so much for us, looking out for our Sept and packs. Supposedly if the spirits aren't thanked and appreciated the spiritual power of a Caern grows weak. Really, when you think about it...the spirits are everything to us. They aid is in all ways. They should be honored on a regular basis. At least that's my impression."

Remi accepts the bacon idly popping it down. BaconBot is a regular of the place. No input to this part. Seems more Theurgy.

Brooke would be the one caught about to answer, but she waited hoping others would speak up. And there is Jake! "Bingo. The Moot is like stepping stones, building up to the end. Some of us may forget from time to time how much the spirits do for us. This is really a time for us all to come together and remember. Honor. Respect. So with the Inner Sky, the Theurge's are the ones knocking on the door. Greeting. You could even say 'Respecting the territory' of the spirits. While the spirits would already know - that is granted - they do like to be paid respect. Chiminage. Without them? We Garou really would be just snarling savages. They teach us so many gifts. Like controlling Rage. Like sensing the presence of the Triat. They can be convinced, coaxed, encouraged to inhabit items to become fetishes for us so we can do Gaia's work. It is the least we can do every month to ask them to come or wake them up in a way."

Now comes the fun one. "The next part is where the Philodox come in and the Truthcatcher. This is where the Moot cane go several ways. Now always - everyone who has a grievence has the opportunity to speak up, in turn by rank, and have the Truthcatcher and/or another Philodox hear them out and give judgment." Brooke takes a breath, as this has been a touchy subject as of late. "I am no Philodox, but above all I want to say this about it. Everyone does have a voice here and this is where you can make it known. Respectfully. Sometimes, what will happen will not be easy to witness. Sitting around in what amounts to a Court Chamber is not always fun with people you know on trial. But it is part of our system of justice. Not Human Law. Garou Law. I'll answer any questions on this part that I can, if you have them."

Chayse watches the bot curiously. He's happy enough for the snack, though he seems to almost want to investigate the contraption more closely. Frankie's important question, however, redirects his attention.

When the bacon-bot comes near by to her, Frankie gives the contraption a very dubious look, nose wrinkling before she lets the thing buzz on past her. She doesn't pay the thing any further attention, then, instead turning to focus on Jake's answer and Brooke's follow-up to her question - a bit of a crease forming between her eyebrows, above the bridge of her nose. "So. It's like a prayer thing," she oversimplifies. "I mean, I guess it makes sense..." she continues, a bit of dawnling realization creeping into her voice, even despite her attempt to remain a bit 'too cool for school'. "The whole moot is kinda like a religious service, really..." Whether or not she's really getting the right of it, it's clear that she thinks she's getting a deeper understanding of things, at least. She's mum again at the topic of the Truthcatcher, glancing around the room again kind of idly.

Remi looks over to Frankie "Invitation and thanks. Prayer suggests supplication. We're not the spirits servants, slaves or subordinates. We're allies. We have a relationship with them both good and bad. We thank them for their help and show that we don't take them for granted. Our relationship is reinforced." Remi nods to Brooke not really inputting anything on the garou justice system.

"Yes, but what's a grievance that's worth bringing up at a moot?" Rian asks with a curious head tilt and a bite of bacon. He suddenly realizes what he's eating though and quickly turns to put it all in Chayse's hands and furiously wipe his fingers with a napkin. "I mean, is there things too small for that and you'd get in trouble for bringing it up, or are there things too big for it that you should skip the moot and go straight to elders or.. What's the protocol there, also?"

There's a narrowing in Chayse's eyes as he listens to this portion with particular interest and scrutiny. "The Cracking of the Bone is also a good time to pose questions to your Elders, right?" He asks as he is suddenly deposited Rian's remaining bacon cup. "I mean, even if you're not a Ragabash you're allowed to question Sept policy, right?" He shrugs and begins to finish off the tasty fried pork flesh.

Nodding to Remi, Frankie seems to get a better handle on the interaction with the spirits at the moot, and is about to respond to the androgynous individual before Rian's question about just what is appropriate for adjudication sparks a follow-up question from the cub. Before she has time to mull over whether or not she wants to chime in, she finds she's already speaking, a curious voice sounding out, "And, do you like...Have to wait until the moot to get a judgement on something? I mean, what if something happens like, two days after the moot... Do you have to go all month before you can get a ruling? What if it's an ongoing kind of thing?" She clams up then, though does give Chayse's question a bit of a thoughtful look, as if publicly questioning the ways of the Sept isn't something she was aware could be done. Or, accepted, anyways.

Hannelore is preceded by a *click* *click* *click* noise of her heels on stairs as she precariously balances her phone, a caffeinated coffee shaped beverage and her purse. Stealthy she is not, entering the learning session late with all the grace of the Scooby Doo gang sneaking through a haunted underground tech haven searching for the ghost in the machine.

Okay the questions are valid and Remi looks around at those younger. "For scale. If it's an internal pack thing. Bring it up to your Pack Philodox. If it's an internal tribe thing, bring it up to your highest ranking tribe's Philodox. If it affects more than just your pack or tribe, or if some reason you can't go to those people with it, you bring it to the Truthcatcher. The moot is where things get finalized if they need to be public or where bad feelings get aired to be resolved. Also it's the place to call people out if you think somethings being swept under the rug. Politics happens even among the Garou. But it's also the end of the line. Once the bone's been cracked the matters considered finished and it's dishonorable to bring stuff back up unless something new has happened." Remi gets up to put the multi-valve back on the workspace before coming back to crouched down and listen. "Generally you won't get slapped for bringing up a concern unless you've violated the over and done with of a previous Moot's cracking of the bone."

Brooke has to consider her words carefully in response. "Very good questions. Collateral Damage is correct. Our Judges are here to assist in these matters, as is the Truthcatcher. In this time of the Moot though, tensions can rise, but it is our way of getting it all out there so it can be resolved and we can get our heads back into what we need to be doing. Fighting the Wyrm." She looks around now to see if that helped or if there are more questions on this subject before she moves on.

Rian sits up front with Chayse and Frankie, who's totally not trying to blend in with the furniture next to a red headed peacock in purple and teal. "That makes perfect sense, thank you both!" he says, and adds a respectful bow of his head to Remi for her helpful explanation of the chain(s) of command.

Twisting her mouth again to the side just a bit, Frankie nods as both Remi and Brooke give further explanation to the dynamics and protocols of the 'Cracking the Bone'. The further information seems to sate her questions about what's appropriate and the timing of bringing things up, though it's clear from her expression that there's still something nagging at her about that portion of the moon. She visibly resists speaking aloud for a noticeable moment or two, before she can't hold it in any longer and just sort of blurts out, "Why in the world is it called the 'Cracking of the Bone'? Is it like, a King Solomon thing?" It's the only reference she knows, the story of King Solomon offering to resolve a dispute between two families claiming ownership of the same child by cutting the child in half, so, she goes with it. After she speaks, her gaze flicks over to newest arrival, heralded as it was by the tell-tale sound of high-heels. Frankie's gaze lingers on the well-dressed woman a moment before she returns her attention back to Brooke and the others as she awaits a response.

After taking another bite of bacon Jake glances over at Hannelore, studies her for a moment, then offers a very slow nod before answering Frankie. "Well, the Truthcatcher passes around a 'bone' that allows the person holding it to talk. Speaking without it is considered rude and dishonorable. No one really 'cracks' it."

Hannelore scootscoots in, taking a moment to look over those assembled, paying less attention to their faces than what they are wearing. When she sees Rian and Chayse she waves a braceleted wrist that jangles and jingles with excitement. "Scusi, pardon moi," she whispers as she moves over towards them, leaning down to give Rian a kisskiss on the cheeks and a "you look fabulous". To Chayse she whispers, "Every time I see you, you're eating bacon." She files that information away as she settles herself down, crosses her legs and takes a sip of her sugary caffeinated drink.

Remi's explanation draws Chayse's attention and he offers the other Garou a bit of a respectful nod before Frankie blurts out her question and he swivels his gaze next to the cub as his smile blossoms into a grin. He nods to her, hopefully encouragingly, but he can't help chuckling just a bit. He arches a brow at the *click* *click*ing and lifts his eyes towards Hannelore. He gives a shake of his head and purses his lips a bit before quietly murmuring, nay, chastising, "/you're/ *late*".

Just like the four hour long recitations of family names and titles, even the more quiet and brief wasp-welcomes must be endured rather than ignored. Rian returns the air kisses, shares a smile for the new arrival, but he doesn't say anything, merely giving Hannelore's knee a pat and returning his attention to Brooke, looking to Frankie when she asks her question and then back to Brooke once more for the answer. He's pretty interested in that as well!

Brooke nods to Jake, although her eyes move toward Hannelore and Chayse. Interesting. "Welcome." She says to Hannelore. Time for introductions later. "The big part with Moots is that there is protocol and you cannot just blurt out. To be heard, you must have the 'bone' or 'talking stick' in your hand. It would be passed from person to person in their turn. This way, the judge can focus on who is speaking and not have to deal moreover with a crowd shouting or people arguing and then missing something. It makes sense as you wouldn't want attention divided when you are seeking a fair outcome. In some places, an actual bone is used. At the end of this part, the bone being cracked in half symbolizes not only the end of this segment, but finalizes everything said and decided. Time to move on. Hopefully." She will wait to see if that helps before talking about the Galliard's portion.

At first, it seems as if Frankie doesn't quite get the naming convention of 'cracking the bone'. In fact, as folks talk about 'passing' the bone or 'holding onto' the bone, it almost seems as if she's just waiting for a pause so she can dwell on the whole 'cracking' thing. But, just when it seems like she'll get her chance, the cub settles back with a nod as Brooke finally explains that the bone is, indeed, cracked at the end of that part of the Moot. "Okay..." she says aloud, still nodding. "That makes sense." She blinks a bit at something her kinfolk chaperone says, before turning to her and responding in a not-very-hushed whisper, "Well, no one had said anything about the bone actually being cracked!"

Chayse leans forward, elbows on his knees and hands. His attention is back on Brooke as he waits for the next portion.

In response to the chastising look from Chayse, Hannelore simply waves a hand over her outfit, mouthing back, 'Had to change'.

Remi glances over at Frankie "At my last home we had a mic and it was dropped at the end." providing an alternative to bones.

Brooke decides to move on to the next part. "Alright. Now here is the fun part - at least for me. The Stories and Songs portion. A Galliard's moment to shine. From the newest Cub learning to use their natural talents, to Elders with more experience. Even Kinfolk have been found to add to it, as we have some with talents and stories or songs that can and will inspire. Whether it is a dance, a song, a story, it is a craft that can remind us of the past. Tell of the great things, the disasters, whatever it is to inspire us to Glory."

Chayse nods along with Brooke, grinning, until somewhere his record skips. He blinks and screws up his face a moment before asking, "so.. Here? At the Sept of Enduring Spirit... Kinfolk are not only allowed at the moots? Buut can also participate? Huh..." He mulls that over

Branton comes down the stairs hella late but surely looking like he means to be here and belongs here. He caught what Chayse just said and adds "I did a tale recently myself. Branton Kholer, Fury kin."

Skully perks up from eating bacon when Branton arrives, giving the man a broad grin and a mild wave before going back to his cup of bacon and not-interrupting.

Jake is sitting next to Skully, also eating Bacon, and offers a wave to Branton as well. He seems to be enjoying the class and pleased about something or other.

Chayse looks up as Branton enters and provides an example to his question. Chayse's head bobs in interest and what might amount to some respect for the Fury Kin before he glances back at Jake. He tries to catch his Tribal Elder's attention, letting him know that Branton's name resonated with the day's prior lesson. He gives a bit of a thumbs' up and swivels his head past Skully, his eyebrow arches just a tad. The guy sure loves his bacon.

"So, anyone can do this, then?" Rian asks as if just making very sure, directing his next bit to Brooke for clarification, "If I had some great tale to tell about something my friends and I did, I would... Come to you, I think, and see about telling it?"

Cody enters and quietly finds a place out of the way, and the edge where he can listen.

Brooke nods to Chayse and smiles to Branton as he arrives. "Good to see you Branton." She goes on to say with kinfolk, "Our Kinfolk here are important. They are of Gaia too. While most of the Moot is for the Garou with their connections, we have some Kinfolk that have incredible insight to offer. So yes, in the time of Stories and Song, they can absolutely inspire us as well. They are given that chance, first, since I take Rank into consideration for performances. Like a band. You got your opening act up through the Headliner." She nods to Rian, "Well, if anyone wants to take part then they need to see me first. I welcome anyone, not just Galliards. We may have that gift of story, but sometimes it means more coming directly from one that experienced it."

Jake notices Chayse's look and nods quietly to the man before returning his attention to the class.

Branton finds himself a seat near Skully and Jake because he knows them and listens nodding.

"Great!" Rian responds with a grin, apparently pleased as punch about the opportunity to tell terrible stories about great things.

Hannelore leans forward and gives Rian an encouraging pat on the shoulder. "You'll look good telling it, at least."

Brooke grins, "I remember this one time, my pack mate at the time told a story about being so scared, and it turned out it was not the Wyrm after her, some bane or skull pig. It was a mundane goat. She told the story so well!" She keeps from laughing, even though everyone including Iris seemed to find hillarity in it. "So that brings us to the ending of the Moot and the Revel. This is the time of the Wyrm Foe or the Ahroun given the chance to bring our spirits to the highest of highs."

"Fair warning.. If you're storytelling is shit then people think less of you. There's Wisdom in knowing when to keep quiet." Remi stands heading back to the crafting station for a moment while the topic lulls to grab another piece of doodads before sitting down on the wheeled stool and rolling back to the group. Idle hands. Remi's aren't as things need to be adjusted.

Skully seems skeptical about Rian's enthusiasm, but doesn't naysay; he just finishes another strip of crispy bacon and snickering some as Brooke mentions Iris. He murmurs, "Iris has a lot'a strange run-ins with nature."

Rian clicks his tongue and pats Hannelore's hand, "Thank you for the vote of confidence, you're a terrible person." he says with a smile, only joking. "I assume that's probably a good reason to have to go through Hushed Blaze-rhya," he says with an understanding nod at Remi, "She might have to say you couldn't orate yourself out a wet paper bag and need to give the job to someone way more qualified." Grinning then, he says of the Revel, "I like that part quite a lot."

Jake chuckles as well. "Yes, spending time with Iris is...usually an adventure." From the tone of his voice it sounds like he admires her a lot. He nods to Brooke. "Yes, the Revel is quite exhilarating. Really gets the blood pumping for sure."

Branton chuckles and nods at the story about the goat and then Skully's comment to which Branton responds "To the extent that she got herself a part elemental fiance."

Brooke literally bites her tongue a moment, and smirks. "Right, I figured. So most traditionally, the Revel is like a pep rally for a football game - for those that know what that is either from real life or watching Bring It On, or High School Musical. Just without the songs. There is usually a Hunt involved, stirring up emotions, blood gets pumped, and once the target is eliminated, they rush back into the Caern and that is when the Gnosis is released and the Caern is refilled for the month." She looks to Remi, "Perhaps you could, as an Ahroun that comes from a very different Sept, give us an example of what you would do there?"

Hannelore looks from person to person, trying to piece together goats, Irises, elemental fiance's. She shakes her head and opens her eyes a little wide.

Chayse's head bobs a bit and that sloppy grin returns. He leans over to fist-bump Rian. Next to the Cracking of the Bone (of course) this is his favourite, as well.

Rian bumps it, then explodes it, but quietly of course. If he's got questions, he saves them for now and looks to Remi instead.

Looking up from the doodad Remi grins "It's pretty similar really. Everyone's phones are flashed the target data and you begin the process of hunting. Scouring CCTV feeds, social media posts, traffic cams, cell phone records to locate them. Once they're found you start hounding them. Redirecting traffic, sending fake notifications to their phone if they have one, causing car trouble to take escorts out of the picture, along with actual car chases till you've herded them into the kill zone. Then you terminate them, preferably in a veil friendly manner, and begin using your ties to human infrastructure to make it all look like an accident or a drug deal gone wrong." Remi gestures around at the various weapons, drones and electronic devices available in the tech haven. "The more creative and subtle a pack is the more celebrated they are. Then you come back to the Caern and party it up."

Cody looks towards Remi and cocks his head to the side for a moment, listening. Branton nods and grins at Remi "That sounds like a hell of a good time actually. Heck, you could even select your targets with cover up excuses in mind. Like a dealer from a gang that you know is in a turf war and have the 'make it look like the other gang did it' be part of the exercise. Might be out of the scope of a Revel though."

Hannelore says, “Try doing it all in heels.”

Rian leans forward so he can see past some folks and asks of Jake, "Do you do it every month?"

Remi nods to Branton "We call that Tuesday." before adding while looking around at the younger Garou "It's mainly the how, why and what that changes. Rural caerns often hunt down monsters of some sort. Tear 'em up with claws. Hoot at the sky. Then go home. In the city there's dozens of factors you have to keep in mind. The Veil Must Not Be Lifted. People, places and things have cameras. Buildings are tall so someone a block away might see you. Also what we fight is different. Obvious monsters are for packs to deal with. A fomori is dangerous. It has to be delt with. It's also pretty irrelevant most of the time. A Fomori ruins a family. As Glass Walkers we target the servants of the Wyrm that ruin neighborhoods, cities, and regions. Enemies that corrupt and harm on a whole different scale. Getting rid of a Fomori is nice.. But causing a Wyrm corp to go bankrupt and the CEO responsible for leading it to 'commit suicide'." Remi does the finger quotes. "Priceless."

River slips in the baack. As she sees a meeting going on she is quiet and finds a spot out of the way to hangout till it is over, or possible she does not have something better to do."

Jake looks over at Rian and shakes his head. "No, not every month. I often pass it on to other Ahrouns or worthy warriors who have shown great bravery in battle. It's quite an honor actually."

Brooke loves hearing this discussion. "Each tribe has a flavor to make it different. As well as the setting you are in. I can imagine the tales that Howling Wind could tell us of Russia in the snow. The point being the same end. And as you can see, the Moot has a place for every Moon. They have a chance to shine and give back to the spirits and the Sept at the same time. It can and is an honor to do so."

Rian beams a smile and says about the entire moot process, "Wow, that's great! You lot are very inclusive here, aren't you? It's nice to know how all the parts and pieces are done and how they fit together. Thank you all for explaining this, it's been very educational!" Super enthusiastic, as always.

In similarity and in contrast to Rian, Chayse shares his appreciation, "yeah," he says, "this was really informative. This Sept is so different from mine back home. It's a perfect environment to learn in!" He nods, though his expression is heavier, more serious and contemplative than Rian's exuberant one. Yet the gratitude is there, "thank you, Hushed-Blaze-Rhya," he nods sagely to the Elder before then turning to all those gathered, "and to all of you. I think I learned a great deal from everyone tonight."

Jake stands. "Excuse me but I have to get ready for patrol. Brooke, thank you so much for the talk. Excellent job." He looks to the others. "I'm happy to see so many faces here. I learned some new stuff myself. Everyone have a good evening." He chuckles, claps Skully on the shoulder and heads out.

Brooke smiles, "I'm glad to hear that. Really. We have so many that leave their Septs and come here to learn more. We have people from all tribes, all walks of life. It is hard for some to adjust. Some are already so in the mindset of their homes that it is hard for them. But we try. " She clasps her hands together and offers, "My thanks to everyone that came and took part today. If anyone would like to talk to me sometime about participating yourself in an upcoming Moot - no pressure - but you are welcome to do so. You are welcome here anytime, and hopefully this is the beginning of even better Moots to come."

Branton nods at the comment about the sept being a learning environment "I heard someone refer to this is like a Graduate school sept. Only way you'll fail to learn something is if you're not paying attention. Of course you'll probably still learn something then but it'll likely hurt a bit."

Cody bobs his head, looking thoughtful. "Thank you for allowing kinfolk to attend. I learned quite a bit." He says softly.

River watches as she folds one leg under her on the chair as she watches, quiet as if soaking it all in. She keeps her ears open as she just sort of becomes apart of the background of the room.

Skully smiles happily at the end, giving Brooke a short round of applause before he rises to his feet. "Thanks for the invitation, an' for holdin' the gatherin' in the first place," he rumbles politely, dipping his head to Brooke. "Glad to see you teachin' folk 'bout part'a what it is you do, ma'am."

Hannelore stands and smoothes out her clothing, "Ja, thank you for the lesson." She looks to Rian and smiles and then to Chayse, "Are you filled with bacon?"

Chayse begins to stand and straighten his vest and tie a bit as he looks back to offer a nod to Cody, and then a light wave to River. He blinks down at Hannelore as she speaks and his brows knit, "am I? Am I /what/? Are you asking me if I am 'full', or if I am 'filled'? You should take better care with your words, they have meaning and... I do not think you know what you are asking right now."

Rian stands and when one person does it, he goes right along with it and gives applause! Buttoning his purple suit jacket and smoothing his tie, trying to suppress a laugh at Chayse and just snorting it out anyways. "I ate bacon. It was delicious and I'm trying not to think about it."

Brooke rises and walks toward Hannelore. "I do not believe we have had the chance to meet yet. I am Brooke Spencer, Rited Hushed Blaze. Elder Galliard Glass Walker." Just the short version tonight. A bow of her head then ti Skully. "You are very kind. Just giving back, much like I promised the Elders I would."

Cody returns the nod to Chayse, but says no more. He knows his place.

Branton chuckles as he stands up along with everyone else, chiming in cheerfully regardless of what his place might or might not be "And for the new faces, I'm Branton Kholer, kinfolk to the Black Fury tribe, Fiance of Elder Mercy's-Messenger, Klaive-smith, Pyrokinetic, and Sorcerer-Shaman in the service of Hecate, the Mother of Spells and Lady of the Crossroads."

Hannelore looks like she is about to give a retort to Chayse when she is approached by Brooke, "It is my pleasure, Hushed Blaze'rhya. My name is Hannelore Darleen, kin of the Shadow Lords. I am new to Prospect and have only met a few."

River walks over and after people finish their introductions says "I am River Salama, Fera Kin of the Bastet and sorcerer priestess of Luna."

Remi shrugs a bit as introductions go around. "Remi, called Collateral Damage. Ahroun of the Glass Walkers and member of the Ghosts of Uktena. I'm the local explosive ordinance specialist." then as if forgetting something minor. "Oh. Fostern."

Chayse nods in approval at Rian's duds, he looks awesome, as always. But then his attention is called towards Branton and Remi. He seems to start in their direction, but then notes that the Elder Glasswalker Galliard is headed to his area and he stays put. It'd be rude to walk away, yes? Instead he lofts a hand to both Branton and Remi, "Chayse Zyadrov," he calls for them, and anyone else who may be interested, "Claith Shadow Lord Philodox." He leaves the rest of his trailing intro aside for now, just glad to meet more new faces.

Cody bobs his head in a friendly manner, stepping forward as the other kin has. "Cody Covington, Kinmagi to the Fianna." he speaks softly. "Well met."

Brooke aahs, "It is nice to meet some new Shadow Lords. You are always welcome here. Have you met with Alphanumeric? I've helped him a little since he arrived."

Chayse turns his attention back to Brooke as he hears her speak, a genuine smile on his face. He shakes his head, "no....? No Ma'am, Hushed-Blaze-Rhya," he says, "I met Gren? But not Alphanumeric. I'm hoping to meet everyone by the month's end, though," he beams at the Galliard earnestly.

Hannelore says, “This is the first I have heard of an alpha named Numeric. I met Viktor who just returned here, and Herr Zyadrov here. Oh! And Xenovia. We have become fast friends.”

Waits nearby and preens his nails a bit while Brooke meets new people, smiling like a dork. He has no idea who he has and hasn't met (except the people he's standing right next to), so he goes with the seemingly accepted short form to whomever, "Rian von Steuben, rited Death Before Dishonor, Cliath Silver Fang Ahroun. Nice to meet you all!"

Cody slips away though a friendly bob of his head to Rian as he passes by.

Brooke shakes her head, "Not an Alpha. He is a Cliath, more loner type so far as I have seen. Alphanumeric - all one word. Kinda Weaver in that. But I see how translation issues might occur. Be sure, if you have not already, to get with Defiant-Storm, your tribal Elder. He's of my pack and is quite a leader."

"Oh, yes, ma'am," Chayse agrees, "Defiant-Storm is pretty amazing, actually. He told me I should meet you, so I decided to show up here today. So sorry again for being late, Hushed-Blaze-Rhya," he says sincerely.

Hannelore let's Chayse take point in the conversation with an actual Garou and she quietly goes to gather what is left of her empty drink cup and her purse. She looks over at River and gives her a curious look and a what might be a coy smile. The pulls her purse on her arm and tilts her head at Branton before touching Rian on the sleeve. "I have some shopping to do the next few days for an upcoming event. Anything you want me to be on the lookout for?"

Brooke ohs and looks to Rian. "When you have a chance, swing by tomorrow? I had an idea for something and want to run it by you."

"Oh, yes please." Rian says to Hannelore, but doesn't say *what* to keep an eye out for, and just grins. Because *what* is *everything*. "You two should swing by this week, I want to chat about some ideas." But later, he doesn't hold the lady up and instead turns to Brooke, "Yes ma'am. If you want, I can just stay after class and talk to you now since I'm here. Whichever is better for you."

Remi mutters about the gnosis as a chemical solution and wanders back to the workspace returning to whatever wacky project is in the works.