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{{Infobox Log
|name      = 02.26.23 Converging on Witches' Brew
|summary  = A convergence on the Witches' Brew of assorted friends and would-be friends.
|icdate    = 02.25.23
|players  = [[Branton]], [[Dasia]], [[Deirdre]], [[Janneke]], [[Kieran]], [[Lyric]], [[Sark]]
|location  = [[Witches' Brew]]
|spheres  = [[Bastet]], [[Bygone]], [[Sorcerer]]

Revision as of 09:57, 27 February 2023

02.26.23 Converging on Witches' Brew
A convergence on the Witches' Brew of assorted friends and would-be friends.
IC Date 02.25.23
Players Branton, Dasia, Deirdre, Janneke, Kieran, Lyric, Sark
Location Witches' Brew
Spheres Bastet, Bygone, Sorcerer

Logging Started: 2/26/2023 9:33:17 PM

Witches Brew and Occult Shoppe - Main Room

When entering the shop, the door will chime from an old-fashioned little bell set above it. First to assault the senses are the scents within the shop, there are heavy herbal smells along with delicious scents of baked goods. Describing the shop itself, it can be considered broken out into two sections. A front section that is the entirety of the front of the shop houses the cafe portion, and a back section that is split in half with one half devoted to tall bookshelves and a wide-variety of books, while the other half is devoted to a huge herbal and apothecary section that includes needed supplies for the practicing pagan. Separating the front and back sections of the shop is a long, rectangular glass counter for specialty items and checkout. It has a narrow space to enter and exit in order to serve customers and check people out from the cash register that is at this counter. There is a sign that states, 'If you can not find the book you are looking for, please enter your request in the special order book.' The front of the store has nooks built against the front windows that are comfortable window seats with piles of cushions for the customers to sit and read, chat or snack comfortably. There are also plush, comfortable seats that have high cushioned arms arranged in cozy triangles around little tables for people to relax and chat. Just to the left beyond the cafe seating is a long glass counter that is displaying a plethora of baked goods, all very interesting and all very delicious. Behind the counter is a barrista that can also offer a multitude of drinks, from coffee, to tea, to water or any non-alcoholic drink. All drinks are delivered in unique cups, no two cups are alike, and they are all porcelein. In the far back of the room, behind the bookshelves and shelves of merchandise are two doors that are always closed. One door has a sign on it that says 'Employees Only', the other door says, 'Private'. At the front of the store, there is a set of double-glass doors on the right hand side that lead into an expansive greenhouse, although the glass windows are often misty due to the moisture of the greenhouse beyond.

PLACES/+views/+notes available - +note/read here/PEACEFUL_AURA NOTE: There are several cameras pointing at the entry door, the cafe and specialty counters. Also - if you do anything in this shop that would be noticable, or Mia or any other workers that work here are involved/impacted, please @mail Anyu.

FAE - This is one of those rare and beautiful spaces where the line between the realm and the Dreaming feels... oddly paper thin. It's mostly seen in the places where the light through the windows carries an extra sparkle - a filtered radiance that usually only exists in storybooks, now. Occasionally, when browsing the wares, it will appear as though there are more books on a shelf than it could possibly physically support - books on things that no mortal shop would have. Curses, Arts, Arcadia, The Seelie Code of Chivalry, A Treatise on the Fall of Balor, the Noble Houses - A History... these are the sorts of things that squeeze themselves into every gap and nook and cranny - or make their own room where they must. Chimerical cats and bats and ravens have also taken up residence - sometimes dozing in little patches of sunlight or hanging from shaowy corners or perched atop a bit of dusty statuary looking down on the world below. Even the spiders are wonderous, here - tiny creatures that look as though they have been carved from crystal and precious gems, sparkling in that radiant sunlight. This is, without a doubt, a /paradise/ as far as sluagh are concerned... but catching sight of the crawlers is never an easy endeavor.

Kieran steps through the front entrance, causing the bell above the door to jingle. Kieran wanders in. Someone should have warned somebody this was gonna happen, but nooooooo. Of course not.

Dasia enters! The bluenette has her hair back in a loose ponytail, with the fancy designer handbag/chimerical handbasket held in the crook of her elbow. The designer clothes to mortals are a rich heraldic green tunic and black leggings, with fancy black chimeric boots with her stylish sneakers. Always with the voile... but fancy! "Sir Sark-" she begins, buy stops herself. No, that doesn't feel right at *all*. Instead, she offers one of her smol smiles, the sort that won't reach her eyes and induce the dreaded WRINKLES. This one feels... apologetic.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll]=====================##======--->
Deirdre rolls Perception + Kenning vs 6 for 0 successes.
1 4 5 10

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dasia rolls Perception + Kenning vs 7 for 0 successes.
1 1 2 3 5 8 10

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Kieran rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 2 successes.
2 3 3 +6 +9

Janneke has closed up shop for the night, and seems to be wanting something caffeinated, because isn't that a perfect idea, to drink coffee at night? Yeah, what a concept! She secures a brownie as well as her jangle juice, and smiles at the other familiar faces. "Sheez Louise, it's a goddamn convention."

Deirdre saunters jauntily into the shop. Her eyes alight with wonder at every sight, at the seeming beneath reality, at the chimerical animals. She's about to say something, but notices the man sitting at the nook and remembers the escheat. So, she doesn't let herself get too carried away. Besides, even a mortal can find wonder in a new shop. And, this shop is rather fancy, after all, it was spelled 'shoppe'! To the man in the nook, Deirdre gives a very sloppy salute of acknowledgement before moving to browse one of the isles.

Sark perks up at the sound of someone new walking in, and offers the group a bright smile, warming up a little more at the 'sir' bit. He laughs and murmurs, "Just Sark. You start calling a teenager 'sir' in a place like this and people look at you funny and consider calling the police..." He glances down at the little cramped window seat and hrms, then back at the group, not clear if they are all together or not, "If you came to find me, maybe we grab a bigger table? I know we can be friendly and all, bit might be too many needta sit in laps in the window seat."

Kieran looks around as she comes in, and waves to one or three people, including people who aren't even looking in her direction. And then she sees him. The guy. /That/ guy. That /fucking/ guy. With a determined step, she makes a beeline for /that fucking guy/, her gaze unwavering in its laser-like focus on her target. Drawing up right in front of him to her full height, she inhales slowly before saying... "Hey, Chai with extra cinnamon, and one of those blueberry muffins, please." Sent>:bursts into giggles with that. "Yeah, I don't wanna crush anyone under the density of my butt, so a bigger table may be in order." She doesn't precisely *mind* having a big ol' butt, of course. "I came mostly because I saw you in the window, and then saw everyone else, so I figured, why not?" And Kee steps in, and JJ grins again, and says, "Like I said, a convention."

Janneke bursts into giggles with that. "Yeah, I don't wanna crush anyone under the density of my butt, so a bigger table may be in order." She doesn't precisely *mind* having a big ol' butt, of course. "I came mostly because I saw you in the window, and then saw everyone else, so I figured, why not?" And Kee steps in, and JJ grins again, and says, "Like I said, a convention." Dasia has reconnected.

At the sight of other people that she notices, like JJ and Kee, Deirdre gives a quick wave. She skips over to JJ, who obviously knows the man. "Heya, JJ. Nice to see you again." She pauses for a beat. "I see you two know each other?" Deirdre raises an eyebrow, hoping that her tone would imply a deeper meaning to the question

Branton comes ambling in to the shop, first time in a very long while and steps out of the way of traffic to have a look around and see how things have changed

Coffee at night, booze during the day, Janneke and Kieran both have The Best Ideas! "I suppose you're right... er. Sark," Dasia replies with a nod, and offers another smol smile in greeting to all the other folks as they begin to cluster. "Seems like the bigger table is in order, after all," she agrees.

Sark picks up the ring he had been toying with on the table and pockets it, then wraps both hands around his cocoa mug to take a sip, and wriggle his butt out of the alcove to stand up. He scrunches his nose in amusement at Janneke and offers, "I am always happy for company. I spend a lot of time sitting here in the window watching people wander around outside and the silly things they do." After a few more moment's consideration, he nods with a questioning look at the larger square table across the dining area (#6), and lifts a hand to wave at Kieran when he sees her at the counter...but at least doesnt try to yell across the shop at her.

Kieran collects her not-so-ill-gotten-refreshments and turns to /actually/ look to see who's here, instead of just randomly waving at people like she's the freakin' queen... and yes, she had been doing that weird 'pivot-at-the-elbow' wave, too. As she goes deeper into the shop, she spots Sark and angles over in his direction. And that of the small gaggle of wimmenz around him. "Daaamn, Easy, you're just collecting a /harem/ tonight, ain'cha?"

“Well, not in the biblical sense," JJ comments gaily, to the question from Deirdre, "But yes, we're acquainted... should I... yes, I guess I should perform introductions. Sark, may I introduce you to Deirdre O'Brien, and I know you know Kieran already, and," She pauses, realizing she has no idea what Dasia's mortal name is, but they seem to have already covered the introductions. She does, also, offer a smile to the head-shaven man who is entering as well, affable as always. Well, he's looking at her, it's just polite! Well, he was for a half a second anyway. "I've not met the gentleman here, so I can't introduce him, I'm afraid.”

"Dasia," the Saudi fashionista with all the designer clothes chimes in to provide for JJ. Or to JJ. "But we've already met, so it's fine."

Branton grins at Janneke's calling attention to him and he steps that way "Branton Kholer. Local craftsman for both the Renaissance Faire and alternative religion communities. And there's a non-trivial ammount of overlap between them to tell the truth."

When she realizes that JJ missed the double meaning to her question, Deirdre just plays along. She can always ask again later. When introduced, Deirdre does a very lazy, barely-there curtsey. "A pleasure to meet you, sir. I don't think JJ knows that I am also Captain of Siren's Song. But I am, and I am quite proud of that, so Captain Deirdre, at your service." All that's missing from that introduction is a tri-corner hat to flourish. She gives a lazy salute to Dasia. "Doll, we always seem to run into each other. I don't know if it's fate, or destiny, or your bad luck!" She giggles at the self-deprecating joke. Anyone that cannot laugh at themselves is a poor person indeed.

Sark pauses at the table and sidesteps a little to let the others get a seat first, bowing his head at the introduction, "I think some of you met me before but may not recognize me, but yes. Sarkesian Goldstein. You might catch me or my assistant, Stella Green, around here, so if you cant catch me, she can." When Branton is indicated, he pauses for a moment as he looks the man over, but the smile warms back up right away, including him in the bow of his head. The comment about a harem draws a soft chuckle from deep in his chest, and he adds, "I had no idea I was going to get hunted down like this or I would have found a better spot. What would all of you like to talk about?"

Kieran says, “Sex." She finds a seat and puts her cup down while she nibbles on the muffin, "But, you know, not necessarily with anyone /here/. Sorry.”

Janneke ohs and sighs. "I feel so seen, Kee," she counters, perhaps recalling an in-joke, and takes a swallow from her coffee. "Branton, I'm Janneke Johansen, but just call me JJ, everyone does, and I run the new shop across the street, Detonation Boulevard." She beams at Sark as she settles into the chair, and notes, "Your entire fan club showed up at once. Please, everyone, feel free to grab a seat..."

"A bit of all three, but change the 'bad luck' to 'maybe good luck'... can't be sure yet, though," Dasia teases Deirdre. When Sark asks what to talk about, she arches a thin, microbladed brow. Note entirely unlike a Vulcan. "Obscure language lessons, but those can be scheduled any time, really," she replies, before slipping into a seat nearer to the end of the table.

Branton grins and nods at Janneke's mention of their shop and he says "I'll have to stop by. I'll leave ya all to your fan club meeting. I just stopped by to check out how the shop was doing, I've no idea who this is." he says with a nod in Sark's direction.

Deidre looks up at the bald man and smirks. "I would say, sir, that given the convention that is going on, the shoppe is doing just fine. And I'm not sure if it's a fan club or a harem. But thanks." Politeness accomplished, Deirdre turns back to Kee. "Sex, but not with anyone here. I think I am insulted!"

Sark chuckles under his breath as he eases into one of the last chairs, and takes another long drink of his cocoa before setting the mug down. He offers Branton a bow of his head when he explains he's not part of the group, choosing to sit back a little more comfortably in his chair before addressing the rest of the table, "Sex, I am probably not an expert on. Obscure languages, a little better. The more obscure and lost in the past...even better. And if I don't know, I have, well, relatives that might, they just dont like me pestering them too much when they are trying to rest and contemplate things. I take it this has something to do with the things you showed the multicolored one?"

Kieran snorts quietly at the responses from both JJ and Deirdre. "Now now, girls, you're both pretty. But neither one of you plays the ukulele, do you?" She looks from one to the other expectantly before looking back to Sark. "Probably less what went down with Saruman the Overcompensating and more with just knowing when you're onto a good thing."

Branton chuckles, unable to help throwing out a challenge, and raises his hands, palm up and apart, in a gesture of prayer and says a phrase in an archaic language and looks over to Sark with a quirk of a curious eyebrow as his hands drop back to his side. Branton says something in a foreign language.

Janneke tells Deirdre, "I know, right?" Then she says, "Um... ukulele? I mean, I can pick around a little but not really...?" JJ considers the whole sex thing, but leaves it right the hell alone. The linguist thing, also not an area of expertise. She blinks at the comment about the multicolored one, and offers, hesitantly, "Erm... perhaps?" She looks to Dasia for confirmation on that. She blinks at the unknown language from Branton and looks very very curious. "What tongue is that?"

"Play the ukulele? Sure, I can play it," Deirdre says with a grin. "Now, if you want it played well . . . that's another thing. But I will strum the fuck out of those strings with abandon. It will only sound like shit." Then she sniffs the air. "Wait, it's Sunday still." With manic energy, Deirdre springs up from the table to order a hot chocolate.

Dasia smirks at Sark, the corners of her lips turning up juuuust a little bit, but not quite reaching her eyes. "Eh, it's more just me wanting to snoop and understand when you're talking to, uh... the family," she says, keeping things vague-ish. She glances at Branton and blink-blinks. "I'm sorry, what?" she inquires. Definitely not following along. "Play it? No. Can I sculpt you one out of clay or stone? Maybe even glass? Uh... let me get back to you on that."

Sark tilts his head in curiosity at Kee's comment and bobs his head again, keeping his voice down a little more conversationally. Dasia's comment gets more of an 'ohhhhh' to it and he considers, "Well, I could try to teach you, but none of you would be able to speak it without some very creative...uh...surgery or changing around. Mr....Overcompensating, as Kee put it, did not seem to be offended at my presence, which was a relief, so if you need to go back to him, I'm happy to accompany again. It probably does his ego good to see a young one kowtowing to his presence anyway." He pauses and hrms, "Who knows, I might be able to get some concessions out of him. SOME of them do get lonely. And oh man is it nice out there. I’m kinda in envy of you all."

Kieran looks from Deirdre to Dasia, just... confused. "Why are you all so worried about my sex life? Honestly, this is not healthy." She finishes the muffin, and picks up her chai. "You guys need to get out more. Go to a club. Start an orgy on the dance floor and get thrown out without your pants, or something..."

Sark tilts his head in curiosity at Kee's comment and bobs his head again, keeping his voice down a little more conversationally. When Branton shoots him a curious look, he slowly shakes his head with a small furrow of his brow, "I didn't catch that? But if you are wishing me well, I appreciate it and hope the same for yourself." Dasia's comment gets more of an 'ohhhhh' to it and he considers, "Well, I could try to teach you, but none of you would be able to speak it without some very creative...uh...surgery or changing around. Mr....Overcompensating, as Kee put it, did not seem to be offended at my presence, which was a relief, so if you need to go back to him, I'm happy to accompany again. It probably does his ego good to see a young one kowtowing to his presence anyway." He pauses and hrms, "Who knows, I might be able to get some concessions out of him. SOME of them do get lonely. And oh man is it nice out there. Im kinda in envy of you all."

JJ retorts to Kieran, "I'm not *worried* about it, Kee, I'm *fucking with your head* a little!" JJ watches the exchange with Branton and Sark with puzzlement, and again, curiosity, but she keeps getting pulled back into the other parts of the chatter as well. She notes, "I am not going to be referring to the fellow as Mister Overcompensating just in case I forget and let it slip in front of him. I am neither crunchy nor good with ketchup, I assure you." She adds, more quietly, "That's why we are so protective."

Grrr. Grump. Flurf. Snurp. Lyric comes in the door muttering. He's dressed up for a night on the town, his hair is a little mussed, there's even a little smudge of lipstick somewhere in the vicinity of his shirt collar. He pushes in the door just as someone else is going out and the poor lady actively recoils from the very pretty man who comes stalking in like he's about to bite someone. He catches this out of the corner of his eye and pauses to visibly take a breath. He smooths his hand back through his hair, settling it a little bit, then heads up toward the counter, dipping around behind it as he pulls some keys from his back pocket. The woman at the counter EYEBALLS HIM and he glances at her with something that at least kind of resembles an apologetic look.

Branton grins at the confusion "It was an invocation to Hecate, the Mother of Spells and Lady of the crossroads. You did mention being good at obscure languages. All that said, I'll leave ya all to it." and he turns to head out.

"Who's obsessed with your sex life? I was talking about making a weird artisanal ukulele," Dasia counters. "But yes, I'm sure there are plenty of clubs around to cause some trouble in. And I will visit them soon and see which makes the best thin-mint-flavored shots, and then you'll be sorry you didn't tag along," she teases. "Or maybe I'll get convinced to spend all my time learning languages with Sark here, instead of drinking." A pause. "It sounds boring, but knowing how to speak to different sorts of people is nice, and can even be exciting after a bit."

Soon enough, Deirdre comes back with a mug of hot chocolate topped with an excess of whipped cream and a chocolate chip muffin. She sits down at the table with bright, happy eyes before taking a sip. She hums contentedly. "I gave up chocolate for Lent. And I realize that lent has been going on for only four days at the moment, but do you have any idea how much of a jonesing you get for chocolate when you don't have it?" Deirdre is oblivious to the social friction that just happened, as she's lost in her world of sweet, delicious, creamy coco.

Lyric bends down behind the counter and there is a rattling of keys. Quiet talk between himself and the barista and after a moment, he stands up and she hands him a napkin, indicating his neck. He hands her money from the safe, then takes the napkin and wipes everywhere except where the lipstick print is. She rolls her eyes and snatches the napkin back and wipes it away. They're still chatting. She motions toward one of the coffee machines and he nods, using the napkin to wipe away what she already took care of, and leaves from behind the counter. MAN he's pretty.

Sark still looks a little confused, but seems to click on what Branton says and catches himself before he goes too far, "Oh, Im not that old....well, you know what I mean." He clears his throat softly and pastes the smile back on again, but gives Dasia a small negative shake of his head, "Boring? Not at all. Its remembering the ones you havent spoken in a long time that's the challenge. I used to know several of the native dialects around here, and now I can only remember the Cherokee. Though I suppose I could recognize when Im being insulted in most of them, and that's often the critical parts. Knowing when someone's angry at you?" The entry of the pretty man who looks like he might be having a bad night slows Sark down enough eye him for a few moments, hmmming under his breath before looking back at the table.

Kieran glances back toward the pretty man talking to the Barista, then back over to the folks around her. "Ok. I'm officially halfway lost here, but... Dierdre, Sark's a decent guy who sees more'n he lets on. Just work with that for now. Sark, Deirdre has a fishing boat and supplies delicacies." Standing up, she finishes her drink and heads back toward the counter. "Hey, if it ain't the guy that owns half the not-gin-joints in town." Of course, he's probably a lot more memorable than she is, so... random encounter over mead, meat, and dirt floors? She's probably gonna get that 'who the hell are you?' look.

Dasia glances at Deirdre and taps her temple, in a very... meme-like gesture. "That's why, if you're going to be fasting, you pick a set of rules from a culture that only fasts from sunrise to sunset," she says. Much smart. Very brain. BrainSmarts that don't really improve much when she finally catches Lyric out of the corner of her eye. She turns her face towards him a little, thin microbladed eyebrow quirked up a little bit, and she offers the smollest of smiles - the kind that's all the corners of her lips, and barely manages to reach her eyes, lest her face give any crows feet the impression that they are welcome.

She does. But only for a second. Lyric blinks at Kieran slowly, but then he smiles, recognition dawning. He could be in a toothpaste commercial. Look at those pearly whites. "Keeeee. Yes? Welcome. I see you made it back. We're glad to have you." His voice is ALMOST as pretty as he is. Middle Eastern, but with little floral notes of properly schooled British hanging out in there.

At the mention of her fishing boat, Deirdre looks up from savouring her hot coco. She swallows quickly to clear her mouth. "Oh, yes. If it's under the sea, I can get it for you. Just a few days back I shipped 15 thousand dollars worth of Uni to Japan. Overnight express. Clams, oysters, scallops, tuna, swordfish, mackerel, marlin. Crab. Oh man, I made some crab cakes the other day for dinner. Do you like seafood, Sark?" It's pretty easy to get Deirdre talking about her one true love: the sea.

Sark rumbles a little when Kieran attempts to vet him to Dierdre and nods his head slowly, then offers, "Im also happy to follow you back to someplace else if you really want lessons in that. I can't give good examples of that language like this, unfortunately. Tongue's not nimble enough, and not enough throat." Well, arent we glad they arent talking about SEX right now? When Deirdre mentions seafood, he lights up a little again and rubs his hands together, "I love seafood. I could trade you some fresh caught shark for other lovely things. I mean, if you have folks that would buy sharkmeat off of you. " <OOC> Deirdre says, "So much is going on my brain is melting, so if Deirdre misses something your character said, it's really my fault"

Kieran nods as she continues to smile at Lyric, "Thanks, it's always a pleasure to stop by. Don't mean to be a bother, though. Just wanted to say 'hello'." She looks over to the barista as she fishes out her wallet, "And, y'know... get another muffin."

Lyric shakes his head, waving a hand to Kieran. "Any time." He waves a hand at the barista, who waves away Kieran's wallet. Looks like Lyric's in charge here. "No charge," she tells Kieran. "The boss likes giving it away." Lyric squints at the Barista and she rolls her eyes and goes back to work. Sent>:is watching the ping=pong of conversations in the room, feeling a little confused but gamely forging ahead. Well, after a bite of her brownie for courage. The very pretty man who enters seems to be in charge, somehow; he also seems a little... dangerous? There's something about him that makes her move in a little closer against Sark, and that should say quite a bit. She does find herself curious when the man speaks, and she misses all but the part of Deirdre's comment about crab cakes. "Oooh, crab cakes," she says softly, now trying to both watch her friends and the lovely man.

Janneke is watching the ping=pong of conversations in the room, feeling a little confused but gamely forging ahead. Well, after a bite of her brownie for courage. The very pretty man who enters seems to be in charge, somehow; he also seems a little... dangerous? There's something about him that makes her move in a little closer against Sark, and that should say quite a bit. She does find herself curious when the man speaks, and she misses all but the part of Deirdre's comment about crab cakes. "Oooh, crab cakes," she says softly, now trying to both watch her friends and the lovely man.

The sailor shakes her head gently. "I never fish shark. First of all, they're over fished already, mostly in Asia where they catch the shark cut off the fin and leave it to die." There's a sadness to the smile that she gives to Sark. Then, slowly it cross-fades into happiness as she thinks. "But I'd happily give you some choice selections. I think I can handle being the 'the first sample is free' fishmonger." The red-head laughs in a cheerful tone. "Besides, if Kee and JJ say you're good people, you gotta be pretty decent. How about you and JJ, and Kee!" she says louder so that Kee can hear her. "And Dasia come to my ship one time and I'll make crab cakes."

"Be right back," Dasia murmurs, before pushing off from the table and hefting that designer handbag of hers (along with the designer everything else) over towards the counter and the glorious snacks, and not at all because PrettyBoy is over there. Newp. Instead, when she's there, she kind of leans to see past Kieran and get the Barista's attention. "Hi yes hello... could I get a large hot, white-chocolate drink, with the chocolate drizzles and the whipped creme, please?" she asks, carefully digging through the handbag with manicured nails to pay for the drink. "Oh, and one of those teeny coffee straws, if you've got one long enough for the mug."

Sark lightly reaches across JJ's lap to rest his hand on her hip when she scoots in closer to him, glancing at her face and then Lyric's again, before giving her hip a light pat and turning his attenion back to the conversation at the table. To Dierdre, he nods happily and murmurs, "I would love to do that. I can give you my cellphone number before you leave and you can just text me when you'd like to have a gathering? I live out on Windstorm Isle, so Im usually pretty close to the harbor." Not that he has to wait on a boat, but yanno, details.

Kieran laughs as she accepts the muffin, nodding to the barista, "Well, you know, if I looked that good, I'd flaunt it a bit, too." She gives Lyric a wink as she starts back toward the others, "Thanks again."

Lyric is fine. He's pretty. He isn't scary at ALL! Nope! Not him. Rage isn't a thing. Especially when the moon is this big. Nope. He's totally harmless. "Windstorm aisle?" Lyric asks, glancing over toward Sark. "I don't think I know that one."

Janneke is unconvinced, somehow, but she smiles at the snuggle from Sark and that, somehow, makes her brave enough to not freak out or lose her shit. "I definitely am down for that," she tells Deirdre, handing her one of the shop's cards with her number on the back. "But I need to get going... I gotta do the last closing stuff on the shop and then go get some sleep."

"Sure, it's 619-555-FISH. That's my personal cell. Yes, I paid extra to get that line. Yes it was worth it," she says to Sark, and anyone else that cares, really. She takes the card and smiles warmly to JJ. "Alright, doll, take care, and I look forward to running into you again." "Windstorm Isle . . . seen it on the charts, but never been close to it, I think. To be honest, I don't notice land any more than I need to avoid it."

Dasia glances back to the table while the Barista works on the hot white-chocolate... white hot-chocolate? HOT CHOCOLATE, but with white chocolate flavoring, not normal cocao. "It sounds mysterious, but can't be too terrible, if he can make it out of there every day," she notes. "Then again, if he does leave it every day... is there actually something horrible that keeps sending him away?" A mystery, indeed.

Sark bobs his head and scoots a little to give JJ some room to get up, with a murmured, "I will come by soon to take a closer look at things, promise." He smiles warmly, but shifts his attention back to Lyric when the lovely man mentions not knowing the island. A small shake of his head precedes a soft, "I think I heard you say this was your place? You have lovely cocoa and muffins. I am in your window seat there, all the time." Speaking of, that causes him to eye his mug and lift it, to drain the last of the cocoa before it gets cold. When Dierdre mentions her number, he digs into his shirt to pull out the cellphone he has attached to a chain around his neck, and unlocks it quickly to thumb the number into his list, then pings a short text message to it before closing and adding, "I sent you a ping so you have my number as well. And yes, I have a private ferry that comes and goes from it. A friend of mine, Laoise, used to run things, but I took over when she had to leave the city. There's a large horse ranch on the property, but I pretty much have it to myself and a couple of others that stay on it with me."

Talk about Lyric? Yes, please. Lyric nods at the lack of an answer. "I do. I bought the place to help out a friend who ALSO had to leave town. This place was too important to the community to let it pass into random hands, so here I am, even though Mia hates me." Mia, the Barista, rolls her eyes.

Kieran nods as she gets back to the group, "It's a nice island. I've been out there a dozen or more times now, shooting pool, getting drunk, laying waste to the... wait, no, that was Styx and Stones. But the island's nice. Quiet. Not the kind of place you just drop by unannounced, though. The government smallpox center out there gets... twitchy... about that." She's /helping/! Really!

Janneke smiles and offers waves where appropriate, hugs where wanted, and warmth as she departs. JJ heads doorward, the tinkling of bells behind her as she heads home.