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Revision as of 14:51, 22 June 2012

“That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou seest the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth in the west,
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.
In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed whereon it must expire
Consumed with that which it was nourish'd by.
This thou perceivest, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.”
― William Shakespeare

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”
― Edith Sitwell


“Winter is not a season, it's an occupation.”
― Sinclair Lewis

“The season was waning fast
Our nights were growing cold at last
I took her to bed with silk and song,
'Lay still, my love, I won’t be long;
I must prepare my body for passion.'
'O, your body you give, but all else you ration.'
'It is because of these dreams of a sylvan scene:
A bleeding nymph to leave me serene...
I have dreams of a trembling wench.'
'You have dreams,' she said, 'that cannot be quenched.'
'Our passion,' said I, 'should never be feared;
As our longing for love can never be cured.
Our want is our way and our way is our will,
We have the love, my love, that no one can kill.'
'If night is your love, then in dreams you’ll fulfill...
This love, our love, that no one can kill.'
Yet want is my way, and my way is my will,
Thus I killed my love with a sleeping pill.”
― Roman Payne

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The Others
Vampire "Your chill is a warding and one that I will heed. But if you trespass against me or mine you will regret it sorely."
Werewolf "I've heard good things and bad things, I suppose discretion is the better part of valor when dealing with these particular prodrigals."
Wraith "You have my sympathies."
Mage "You did what you did. I see the cause and though it pains me, I will look the other way."
Mortal "They do as they do and I will keep to myself, as I always have."

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Count Leras ap Fiona, Bastard of Chaos and Civilization, Heir to Land and Sea and Sorcerer of Lion's Reach "I have waited, locked in slumber, dreaming each minute to wake and feast my eyes upon my beloved. Now my time is here and my eyes open and find you more radiant, more overwhelming than I could possibly have imagined. With each joy comes a spike of sorrow as I realize the truth: My time is borrowed from others and I must have you to myself for as long as I can."
Airyana "My beautiful first child. My heart aches to be denied the memory of you. I cannot agree with your choices, but I can promise to love you despite them."
Narine "Hello my darling. Each day you grow stronger and with each breath you are more loved."
Cody "So sweet, so radiant, as beautiful and loving as a hug, may you always dance with joy little one and know that you are loved by us."
Eden "Your gifts show your caring and I can tell you it is returned."
Carolyn "May your Fior Righ go well and without complication and may you attain the glory you seek."
Nala "So many days we spent together, so many memories and beautiful things shared. May we have many more to come."
Baron Dagda "A relative newcomer and yet I feel as though I can speak freely with you."
Sir Laric ap Scathach "Your heart is kind and your compassion seems endless, though perhaps a kinder hand could be taken with your miniature lady."
Sir Lonne "Can you not, just for a moment consider the feelings of others before you speak?"
Baroness D'Arte "I thought -I- was a drama queen. Here. You can have the crown."
Aisling Foster "You seem to have all the keys to happiness and yet you are unhappy. A shame."
Uriel "It has been too long since we've had a chance to speak, I look forward to meeting the real you."
Mongo "I wish we spoke more often."
Aeris "..."

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RP Hooks
'General RP Hooks'
Alala is Co-Owner and helps run the place. She can be seen lounging about or behind the bar. She's there a lot.
  • Bytes 'N Beans
She's a coffee fiend and ex barista. It's also close to home.
  • Social Butterfly
Alala is incredibly friendly. Barring that, she's always (usually?) polite. Introductions are something of a specialty.
  • The Runaway
Like so many newly Chrysalized Fae, Alala is a runaway. Abandoning a family that she no longer knew or understood, Alala has been on her own and on the run since she was 16 years old. Family members, private investigators or cops, oh my!
  • The Thief
You gotta do, what you gotta do. And when times were tight, living on the streets more often than not, Alala picked up the skills she needed to get by. These include the know how to do some breaking and entering, lifting wallets or valuables and some con work. Were you a victim? Did you lose something special? Are you on a hunt for the one that got away?

'Fae RP Hooks'

  • Infiltration specialist sounds better than just 'thief'.
While mortals are considered fair game, to the Fae world, Ionae's skill sets have been used in the past to retrieve previously stolen items, and hunt down the thieves or missing items. Was there something you stole that she stole back? Was there a misunderstanding and you just think she's a thief?
  • Curse of Seasons
Countess Ionae might as well be four sidhe in one. Each time the seasons change, she changes with it. Her form, glamour and personality all shift to personify the dominant element of the season. Spring is Air, Summer is Fire, Autumn is Earth and Winter is Water. In the Summer she tends to be a bully and prone to rage, in the Winter she tends to fall in love only to forget and get distracted come Spring. Were you ground beneath her boot heel or witness to her Godzilla impression? Are you an old lover who never got the 'yeah, it's not you it's me' phone call because she just didn't think to tell you she was leaving?

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Race: Changeling
Full name: Alala Grace Wells (nee Theodorou)
Fae Name: Countess Ionae Daughter of Flame, Lioness of Fiona, and Defender of Astral Seas
Date of Birth: February 27 1991
Nationality: American with Greek heritage
Occupation: Co-Owner of the Sideshow
Seelie Legacy: Aspirant
Unseelie Legacy: Beast
Kith: Sidhe
House: Fiona
Court: Seelie
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Height: 5'11"

Legerdemain.gif Art-sovereign-logo.gif Primal.gif
Chimera: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Chimerical-Companion: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Dross: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Fame: PurpleDot.png
Holdings: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png(PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png)
Title: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Glamour: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Willpower: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Appearance: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png(PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png)
Strength: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Dexterity: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Stamina: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Melee: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Chronos: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Legerdemain: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Primal: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Skycraft: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Sovereign: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Actor: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Fae: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Prop: PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png

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No pages meet these criteria.

Nyx, Ionae's Cait Sidhe companion.
Ionae's Sidhe plate.
Sapphor, Defender Blade of the Third Lord of Dream
Cold hands, warm Heart
Airy Fairy
All Fire, no Ice
Solid as a Rock

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