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And out of the black a figure forms
A soldier in the sky
With a drop of love
Trying to set you free



Full Name: Hu "Mo" MoGui
Apparent Age: Early 30s
Occupation: Mercenary
Sphere: Shen
Demeanor: Rebel
Flaws of Note: Strong P'o, Tainted Joss
Advantages of Note: Joss

Plot Hooks

Barrio Chino/Chinatown:
A newcomer to Tijuana's Barrio Chino and Prospect's Chinatown from San Francisco, "Mo" Hu Mo Gui operates an independent courier service for assorted and various Tong and Triad VIPs. Interestingly enough, he doesn't actually seem to live in either Barrio Chino or Chinatown, but somewhere "up north" instead. He can usually be identified by the matte black Kawasaki racing motorcycle that he drives into and out of town.

If the money or cause is right, he is happy to serve as gun/muscle for hire, providing "enforcement" for clients in Barrio Chino and Chinatown.

He's known to be a practitioner of Zi Wei Dou Shu, known to those in the West as Purple Star Astrology, one of the most well-respected processes for laying out "The Destiny Path" or "Fate". In ancient times, Zi Wei Dou Shu was restricted to the exclusive and private consultation of the Imperial Emperors only as Zi Wei Dou Shu could provide an elaborate reading too detailed and classified. Zi Wei Dou Shu has been used by professional consultants and practitioners for the past 1000 years to determine one's destiny and as remedial Feng Shui strategies.

The Middle Kingdom

Demon "Never trust a Yama King. He has a hundred motives for anything he does ... Ninety-nine of them, at least, are malevolent."
Hsien "Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit."
Kuei-Jin "There are 12,800 hells located under the earth – eight dark hells, eight cold hells and 84,000 miscellaneous hells located at the edge of the universe. The Kuei-Jin bring a piece of each hell back to the Middle Kingdom with them."
Beast Courts "Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit."
Chi'n Ta "They have no gods. They work magic, and think they are gods themselves. But they are not. And when they die, they become dust and bone, and their ghosts whine on the wind a little while till the wind blows them away. They do not have immortal souls."
The Yellow Springs "The souls of the deceased endure after death and must be kept happy by offerings and honor. If a spirit is not kept happy, perhaps because it had a bad death, an improper burial or has no descendants to perform the proper rituals, it becomes a hungry ghost."


x200px Mogui-redandblack.jpeg Mandarinmask.jpeg Kawasaki-Ninja-ZX-10RR.jpg