
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 23:26, 24 October 2013 by imported>Aeric
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Camarilla "Devil's Advocate? No child. I'm 700 years old. All I say is from experience and you would do well to heed it." Tremere

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Vampire "After 700 years of this shit, Let me be the first to tell you: Vampirism is a curse levied against the iniquities of humanity. It is a curse I wish to be rid of and one I would gladly trade for one single beat of a heart before death and eternal slumber. Anyone that says they like this state is either delusional or lying."
Werewolf "1st rule of werewolf, run the fuck away!"
Wraith "Ghosts attached to chains that attach them to desires that they must fulfill out of a supernatural obligation. I pity them, but only for the two seconds it takes for me to realize that they at least found death and are just being douche bags about how their life ended."
Changeling "No comment."
Mage "Human mages. In some ways equal to the Tremere. I know better than to mess with one for no reason and when I do mess with one, I remove it's pieces before considering it dead."
Mortal "Humans are like those stand up posters that you put your face in and smile so that people think you're what that stand up poster is."
Demon "Are people still surprised by this? Tremere: Fucking with demons since before it was cool."
Sabbat "Fancy themselves a vampire church because they couldn't be bothered to come up with an actual rank structure. Idiots."
Camarilla "The Camarilla is a faction of politics. They care more about their status than they do their brothers and sisters. Still, at least we're creating order and have a sense of justice."
Independent "If you stand for nothing, you will fall for everything."
Gangrel "Clan Gangrel. Too busy trying to fight the power to see the hole they're about to fall in and realize it isn't worth falling into just to prove a point."
Brujah "Clan Brujah. Spiritualists, Fighters. They spend too much time with their peacock displays."
Tzimisce "Depravity has a limit. A limit you have long since crossed. You deserve all the hellfire you are destined to."
Lasombra "The fake sorcerers who seek to have power like ours. They failed. They have a half power, one that true mages scoff at. Amateur hour was over hundreds of years ago children."
Assamites "Nobody expects a vampire assassin."
Gargoyle "We created you and gave you life. You exist because of us, but you reject us and fly off. I will not tell you your choice was wrong, but I will not help you find your new life either."
Giovanni "...You disgust me. Necromancy should be outlawed and all of you should face vinculum or a stake. To be pulled from one's eternal sleep without faculties is a fate worse than vampirism."
Malkavian "Genius seems to make them insane, but sometimes you can look past the insane at the genius and accept their insanity."
Nosferatu "Perhaps the worst off of us all. I would pity them but it wouldn't be honorable and they seem to use their situation as a benefit."
Toreador "Sometimes a dog is just a dog."
Tremere "What's a Tremere? A walking library. A fact many people have learned to fear."
Ventrue "I'm okay with you being the leaders, but don't forget who helped put you there. If your head gets too big, I'll drain it for you."
Hunters "I do not fault the humans for this courage and will not take their battle from them when I face them."

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Faqirah "Like all the rest. Not to be trusted."
Marion "Got herself arrested for breaking the only rule the mage hold dear. Stupid."
Never "A neonate with no clan and no sire. Aeric is teaching him to be a vampire. Whether or not he becomes Camarilla is unimportant."
Sebastion "Okay Sort. Leader type."
Madeline "Keeper of Elysium, but backstabbing. Aeric is old and her facade doesn't fool him. She'll be nice as long as he's useful."
Draven "A gargoyle that raised against his Tremere masters and started killing them. Aeric will tolerate him despite the blood hunt in his clan, but this one stands on rocky footing."
Sentinel "Guardian of the Elysium. Also thinks the sea is out to kill us. Good sort."
Jack Frost "Primogen of the Chantry in Prospect. At the moment Aeric is still appraising this one."
Silvana "The bestest ghoul under our protection."
Deirdre Chase "Sad things when a good vampire dies, but his ghoul came to me and I'm finding out she surprises me in ways that make this undead life feel new."

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RP Hooks
Among the Kine...
  • The Academic Community
Among the Academic Community, Aeric is no stranger. He has written many papers on historical and literary topics, including even on some occult topics. Certainly not one to shirk even if you ever need to know something. He has after all been around long enough to learn quite a bit and retain it.
  • The Upper Crust
Aeric is old money, seven hundred year old money. And it shows. He interacts with the upper crust and shows up at their parties seemingly getting invitations where he shouldn't, but no one questions it, because he appears to belong.

Among the Kindred...

  • The Camarilla
Aeric was assigned to the Prospect Praxis as a helper for the war. His seven hundred years of experience marks him as an elder and he should be well versed in the ways of sabbat and other types of supernaturals. He always has an ear for a young one and is always willing to give advice.
  • The Clan Tremere
Aeric is an Elder of Clan Tremere and a very knowledgeable and helpful sort for the local chantry, easily taking up his mantle as elder in the interest of the greater good of his clan.

Among the Supernatural...

  • Seven Hundred Year Old Vampire
Yeah, he's been around the block about 25 times and you probably feel him coming. He won't apologize for that, but he won't bring it up either. An old ass blood magic vampire should draw some attention from the local supernatural, especially since he's here to help fight a war. Who knows what these old fogeys can do.

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Mortal ID: Aeric Foard
Date of Birth: December 23rd, 1328
True Age: 685
Apparent Age: 40
Race: Vampire
Clan: Tremere
Sect: Camarilla
Demeanor: Visionary

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Notable Stats
Intelligence Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png
Stamina Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.png
Melee Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.png
History, Literature, Vampire Lore, Occult, Politics and Rituals Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.png
Thaumaturgy Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.png
Resources Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png
Generation Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png

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