
From City of Hope MUSH
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Dyson "I can't say I will not bat my lashes and say sweet words. But the true dance, the one of glances, of longing, when the songs of flowers are met by the laughter of starshine and the Moon's inexorable swell and pull... for that dance, I have but one partner. "
Lark "You may call yourself a bird, but I think you may yet prove to be a Lion. I like you."
Aaron "It would be so simple. So easy. So lovely. I can't."
Seif "One day there will be dancing."
Elizabeth "Why does his affection for you make me seethe? I want to show you my true form so you'll know what you face and flee. But he likes you. So I must endure. Oh. Wait. Not anymore. Haha"
Xipach "Monster."
Fitz "Your secrets will be kept. I remember well the rights due all fae. Do not be afraid."
Cody "What ARE you?"
Lucas "You come as part of a package with Cody. Your damage makes you interesting."
Hawthorne "You're a dirty, dirty man, Darius Hawthorne. I can speak your language when no one else is looking."
Lorelei "You are beautiful and fascinating and totally off-limits."
Michael "You often make me want to disembowel you with a dull fork. Considering the facts, this is less than surprising. What is surprising are the times when I don't want to."
Tabitha "You continually amaze. I hope I won't have to kill you."
Sebastian "Something of a mystery, it intrigues."