2019.05.23: Bruised Egos in the Styx

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Bruised Egos in the Styx
A naive young woman finds herself in a perilous situation in the Styx.
IC Date Thursday, 23rd of May 2019
IC Time Early evening
Players <<ST>> Grinch, Ellie, Solara, Hardy, Riva
Location Styx and Stones
Spheres Everyone

xxxxxAt approximately 8 and nearing 9 PM, the crowd in the Styx hasn't gotten as rowdy yet, though it's definitely going there. Everyone knows everything can happen once the bell rings and midnight hits. But there are still a few hours left before that time, and Grinch can enjoy spending his free time on the bar with a Backwoods joint, the scent of weed mixed in with cologne and alcohol producing a strong scent. He has his bomber jacket on and looking as slick as usual.

xxxxxThe sound of a sports exhaust rips through the bar as an engine idles outside. A few moments after coming to a rest, a tall feminine figure in full sporting gear enters through the door. She is dressed in full black, including the helmet she wears on her head. Wandering over to the bar, she takes a seat on a stool before yanking the helmet off to reveal the blonde Norwegian Ellie! Placing the helmet on the bar top, she waves to Danny the bartender "Coffee?" she asks, with the sweetest smile. Rolling his eyes, he digs under the bar for the instant crap -- still not in Dawson's good books for the real stuff, it seems.

xxxxxGrinch takes a long drag from his joint as smoke billows, golden eyes resting on the tall figure as she makes her presence known. Grinch ashes to the side and savors his mouth with the taste of cheap beer, tongue running through moist lips as Ellie goes to sit on the stool next to him. "Should get yourself some beer instead. Coffee's only good when you go to an actual cafe or some, no?" His nostrils flare and he snorts as the question is tossed over.

xxxxxEllie smiles as she turns her head to the side to look at Grinch. "Do you know what the medical profession calls motorcyclists?" she asks, "Organ donors." The question is answered within the same breath. "I'm riding, and wouldn't dare in any state other than stone cold sober." Her strong, Scandinavian accent makes the saying sound strange. "This is the closest place on my way back to the campus that serves coffee, and stays open late enough that I can rely on it." she adds, as if trying to explain her reasoning for coming to a biker bar for coffee. "Plus, I ride a bike." she says with a wide smile.

xxxxxGrinch blinks at Ellie as she turns to face him, eyes carefully studying the woman's physique and stunning appearance overall. "Don't know shit about anything medical and their stupid terms, but it sounds like they've got great humor." He lets out an unassuming hmph as he smokes. Her accent in particular seems to draw his curiosity in as he stares. "So where're you from? Never heard the accent before, but shit, it kinda suits you I think?" He shrugs, fingers latching on his pint for a chug of the beer. "You ride a 'biker'? Damn, I know for sure I ain't one, but I wanna be now," he chuckles.

xxxxx"Ride a /bike/." Ellie corrects him, "I apologise, sometimes my English slips and it can lead to... Problems." she says with a sigh. "I am from Norway! Thank you for asking." As Danny offers her the instant coffee in a cup, she pays with cash that is conveniently stored within an inside pocket of her jacket. Of course, she has to unzip slightly to retrieve this, and though she is wearing nothing too revealing above, does show off a touch of midriff to those facing her. Luckily, her back is turned to those less-desirables in the back.

xxxxxGrinch itches his chin as he stares at her curiously. "Right, yeah. Definitely don't want that happening, 'specially not around here," he sniffs and turns his head slightly to peer at the grouped up bunch in the back, snickering. "Looks like you got eyes on you already. Can't really blame em- I'd mistake you for a supermodel myself. Unless you are?" Her exposed midriff earns a stare from Grinch, though he quickly snaps out of it and looks away. "You really a biker though? Like, what's your trade, Norwegian-lady?"

xxxxxEllie purposefully keeps her head and attention firmly forward, aware that any excuse for provocation could stir those in the back into action. "I am a student." she explains with a laugh, "I do some modelling, but I wouldn't call myself a supermodel -- it is not my main profession." She takes a sip of coffee, and though it is full of the caffeine she desires for the ride back -- it tastes like shit, instant trash. "I ride a Kawasaki Ninja! Does that not make me a biker? A superbike rather than a chopper, unlike most people here." she adds.

xxxxx"A student. You're tall as fuck to be a student, but OK, I guess?" Grinch occasionally turns his head to pay the bikers back there a quick look, though his focus is mostly on Ellie. He tokes on the joint and washes his mouth down with the beer, head bobbing to her statements. "Yeah, good choice. Gotta use your gifts to the fullest, hustle on em cash, and you just so happen to be gifted with the looks. Your boyfriend ain't worried that his girl is out in a biker bar by her lonesome though?" He sucks his teeth at her question, contemplating upon it for a while. "Well, not in the traditional sense you ain't, but you can be? When people say bikers, hogs and choppers come in mind. Harleys and shit."

xxxxxAnother day another round.... of visiting places. Solara enters the hall as she usually does, lingering near the entrance and scanning for the other people present with a slow hum. A debate internally arises, having to decide between the usual seat or somewhere else.

xxxxx"No boyfriend." Ellie says as she takes another sip of coffee, "And I prefer sports bikes to choppers -- they're just more my style." she finishes. Nothing her jacket is still unzipped somewhat from earlier, she moves to zip it back up to her neck despite the warmth of the Styx. "Why are you so worried about me being all on my lonesome?" she asks, turning to Grinch. "And it's not my fault Americans are so short."

xxxxxSolara overhears something. Boyfriend, sports, worried lonensome, and Americans are short. Fucking priceless. Solara's attention goes away from sitting at the booth towards the interaction between Ellie and- oh hey it's Grinch.

xxxxxHer stride to the bar looks like something out of an action drama, probably going a bit too fast and too steady, giddy in the potential shenannigans that could occur. "This isn't the first time I've seen either of you two." she murmurs aloud, "I've overheard one's name" a little smile to grinch, "But I don't really recall the other. Hopefully a remedy for perceived loneliness is easier to drink in a crowd."

xxxxxThe presence of another giantess definitely catches Grinch's attention as Solara enters the establishment. "Looks like you just got competition," he remarks with an amused sniff, golden eyes studying the woman before they return to Ellie. "Sure, nun wrong with sports bikes. Never one to fancy any bikes before, but truth be told, I'm sure I'd go for the fanciest ones, and anything that has 'sports' tend to be the fanciest," he retorts. Then the question is asked by the woman that earns her a chuckle. "Take a wild fucking guess. And not me, I ain't /that/ short compared to some." Then Solara is marching and thumping to the bar, Grinch returning the smile with a nod. "What's good?"

xxxxxEllie turns to the stranger as she looks her up and down. She does not recognise her in the slightest, and is still adapting to the ease of conversation made between strangers in the States -- betrayed by a fleeting expression on her face. "Uh, Ellie." she says in response, as her eyes return to Solara's face "And you are?". Turning back to Grinch, she lowers the volume of her voice to say "I'm not here to compete. I welcome the distraction from me, if that is to be the case.". Another sip of her shitty, instant coffee as she wishes it away quickly.

xxxxxSolara nods to Grinch and offers him a hand to shake, eyes slip back to Ellie. "Solara." then a big smirk to Grinch's remark about fancy bikes. "Iiii've got a lightcycle I was recently able to acquire." she muses, "Which might be cooler than a sports bike, especially if you know where they come from."

xxxxxGrinch didn't seem to expect the hand being offered, but takes it eitherway with a squint. "Grinch," he voices out his moniker. As the three by the bar are busy conversating, an addition of four leather-clad men, the bikers from the back, march to join them- and not necessarily in a good way. Two of them scoot and squeeze in to have a chat and a better look at Ellie there- they seem to have remembered her from the first time she came to the Styx, grinning widely at her. "Heeyy, how you doing, babygirl?" One of them speaks up, and the other joins in. "Lonely now, aren't you? You need someone for the night?" Solara appears to be ignored, kinda, until another pair of bikers approach. "What's happenin, good-lookin?" His other friend tries to squeeze in from Grinch's direction, the greasy bikerguy barking at him. "Move outta the way, son. I'm talking to the pretty lady over here."

xxxxxEllie seems to wince as she is approached and spoken to, but she doesn't turn around just yet. Up-ending the cup of coffee to finish what remains ('YUCK'), she takes the helmet she placed on the bar top and places it back on her head -- covering her hair and giving potential attackers less to grab. This unfortunately isn't her first rodeo. "Hei!" she says, as she turns around to face them. Her voice is muffled by the helmet, but she leaves her tinted visor up. "I'm well! How are you?" she asks, as she keeps her posture neutral and open.

xxxxxSolara gives a shake, then eases up. Company comes around and Solara needs to make a choice while she notes Ellie changing into the helmet. She has an inkling that's inviting a brawl but, damnit she has no clever ideas to get through this one with all friends. "Hopefully everyone here has a gameplan and won't step on our toes." she chimes almost lyrically.

xxxxxEllie's immediate transformation into a self-defense mode as she puts the helmet on her head isn't taken well by the bikers. "The fuck? We're talking here, and you're just gonna put that stupid thing on you like that?," one says, the other following suit then. "Yeah, you had no fucking problem at all talking to pretty boy over there," he jerks a thumb to Grinch. On Solara's side of things, the dude trying to squeeze in is given a hard stare by Grinch. Nope, he's not taking any shit for the evening. Rising up, he shoves the guy off of him and throws a haymaker right to the face, sending him sprawling to the floor though far from being KOed. Danny immediately sees this and goes to take the shots. "Hey, cut the shit and bring it outside!," he yells. Seeing this, his friends there who're just starting to mingle with the two girls back down and scowl at the man who just sent their buddy to the floor. "Punk! Who the fuck do you think you are?" One of them angrily shouts to Grinch.

xxxxxHardy heads inside with his gymbag over his shoulder offering a nod to Danny and Grinch smiling to Ellie and offers a wave. Frowning as he sees the fighting throwing his bag behind the bar "TAKE IT OUTSIDE" he yells at the top of his lungs. Trying to look large and menacing.

xxxxxRiva shows up tonight, once again in a dress that isn't exactly dive-biker-bar attire, in fact it's likely more suited for a club. Yet, still, she's here and wearing it, and has arrived in time for some entertainment maybe? This might be a fun night.

xxxxxEllie visible flinches through the visor as she watches Grinch imprint his fist onto the biker's face. She stands, hoping her rather ridiculous 6'6" height in her leather boots offers a second thought as she says, with hands raised "I was getting ready to leave..." It's at this point that the door opens as she turns to see the behemoth that is Hardy enter the joint. It's obvious the girl is less than comfortable with violence, and she looks from Hardy, to the bikers and then to Grinch with her hands awkwardly raised in passivity.

xxxxxSolara's impressed with Grinch's shot, and with new people coming in and one yelling and the group beginning to retreat. She's got her right hand coming to the back of her head and scritching a little, "I mean, maybe all as a group, it was a bit intimidating for most. Single file works best." she murmurs, though if this was meant as advisory for the blokes that just got told to Roadhouse or a mental note is unclear.

xxxxx"Ay, back up and don't get all tangled up with this. My only business is with your buddy over here, guy doesn't know what private space is, not all of y'all," Grinch speaks out. Still, it'd be wrong to assume that they're just gonna take lightly to having one of their own roughed up like that. Hardy's unexpected arrival and Danny's barking do compel them to at least submit and bring the trouble outside. They shift to help their friend up from the floor, guy stammering to his feet as blood leaks from his nostrils, teeth gritting at his attacker. The other bikers in the back just watch- these four aren't probably of their lot. "Fine. You're probably safe in here, but you're a dead fucking man if we ever see you outside, got me?" He stomps the ground in frustration and beckons his bunch to march outside and leave the establishment. That could've gotten worse.

xxxxxHardy certainly keeps an eye on them leaving and to the man threatening "If we ever see you outside, you would wish you would not have been so stupid to threaten us. We have crushed far greater men then you could ever inspire to be." if they file out and leave Hardy would head to the bar with a frown on his face though it would shift into a smile looking to Grinch Solara and Ellie "You are alright we hope" nodding to himself looking to the entrance again then back to them.

xxxxxRiva watches as the situation de-escalates, then gives a sigh. There goes the first chance for the night's entratainment, but she's the type who likes to watch a little impromptu no-holds barred fighting. And now that things seem to be simmering down she looks around, as if she expects to find someone here, but frowns slightly when they aren't.

xxxxxEllie lowers her hands with a soft sigh as the bikers withdraw. She offers a small smile to Grinch, visible only in her eyes thanks to her helmet. "Thank you." she says quietly and directed to him. Turning to Hardy, she nods as she gestures towards Grinch with a thumb. "It would have ended a lot more badly if this guy wasn't here." she explains.