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Alissa moved in to town several years back, coming here with a woman named Kathryn who is no longer around. Alissa purchased a piece of property in town that was more of a rundown eyesore than anything, but it was the perfect place for her to set up her wax museum of horrors. She is there most evenings, happy to give tours or offer tea and conversation. She is often working on some new gruesome scene for her museum.


Horror: Alissa is very fascinated by all things horror. Scary stories, movies, haunted attractions? She loves it all. Being scared gives her life.

Crafts: She loves to create, whether it's the outfits she wears or the figures in her museum, Alissa makes many things. She is a very creative person.

Medium: She's been able to see and hear things since she was a child.

Sister: Her identical twin sister died at the age of 9, but she is still around as a wraith. Alissa is happy to have her sister about.

Wraiths: Alissa loves them. She is happy to help.


Guivre He is the chill up my spine, the voice in the darkness, the shadow caught in the corner of my eye. My love, he watches over me. The second time will last. Mistakes will not be made again.

Vera It's been so long. Perhaps time for a visit.

Paige So strong. I understand you have to be, but you don't always need to.

Lochlan He reminds me of Ekatarina. I never understood where she went, but she was so fascinating and inspirational. I hope Lochlan is the same.

Berch Such an interesting man. So tormented. I am curious to see where he will end up.

Noa This is the longest game of hide and seek I've ever played.

Flavien What a kind friend. He's a good listener and even better at telling you what you wish to hear!