Conrad/Logs/Midsummer Festival

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Midsummer's Night Festival
The Fae of Prospect revel during the Summer Solstice.
IC Date 23 July, 2014
IC Time 8 P.M. to Sunrise
Players Ambrosine, Alandra, Billy, Caerwyn, Cig, Chernobog, Erin, Ernst, Galen, Grace, Melody, Roxie, Seline, Slaine, Sterling
Location Hidden Glen - Grotto
Spheres Changeling

Hidden Glen - Grotto Area

The edge of the glen is lined with sturdy old growth trees that stand almost like guardians between the grotto and the rest of the Dreaming at one end of the area there is a break in the trees with a large gate that leads to the old farm house.

Once inside the tree there is a scene of nature's wonder only magnified by being in the dreaming there's is a lush meadow with flowers and bushes sprinkled through it. In the center of the meadow there is a naturally according spring that feed a small pool. This pool almost glows with the glamour of the spring.

There are many chimera here mostly of the small land harmless variety but all seem to be mimicking creatures of nature but with a dreaming twist. There is a sign posted that names this area as the Wilderness Grotto and also names Sir Galen Ap Fiona as it's protector. The sign also contains the two rules of the freehold. 1. All are welcome here. And 2. All quarrels should be left outside.

OOC info, this is a one point freehold meaning it can give glamour to one changeling or other a night. If anyone ICly stays here an extended period aka more than three nights please contact Galen, you are more than welcome to but it is the sort of thing he would ICly notice.

Contents: Rhygal's Fire Pit(#13798) Dollard's Brews and Ales(#13797) Midsummer Description Here!(#13730) Billy Caerwyn Ambrosine Roxie Galen Hidden Glen Parent Obvious Exits: Eastern Woods <EW> Old Homestead House <OHH>

<OOC> Lord Chernobog will set for folks.

<OOC> Galen nods Cool. Tis your show.

Midsummer's eve is a time of rejoicing. It marks the beginning of the decline of the Seelie's half of the year and the Summer Solstice is the longest night of the year. After nightfall is when people started heading toward Galen's glade, which had been prepared for hours in advance to cater to the swell of people who might wish to revel for the sunrise. Bonfires are lit and are the only sources of light available to give this place visibility as the shadows cling to the sidelines demanding their time in the spotlight, some shadows dancing as if celebrating of their own accord. Satyrs are playing festive music while food and drinks are served with endless delight by the two food and drink stalls build and prepared for just this evening. Eshu dancers dance around the stage where the Satyrs play their music, their movements giving phantasmal sparks showcasing their grace in grandiose prestidigitation.

The only figure not revelling is Lord Chernobog, Lord of Night and patron of the Moon who sits on his throne tucked in shadows that subtly mask his features. His head is tilted resting on a lazily closed hand while his other hand swirls a glass of lillypetal wine. People come by his throne and present themselves, a few words from the Night Lord and they depart to celebrate.

Childlings offer floral wreaths to newcomers chanting "Happy Midsummer! The Lord Chernobog welcomes you to his Court!" and skip and prance the night away. Some fae are seen jumping the bonfires, contests of grace and creativity causing some to long-jump while others attempt to backflip over it.

<OOC> Lord Chernobog says, "The three colored items are descriptions of things if you need them."

<OOC> Billy says, "spiffy"

Tonight the pale elven features of Amber are dressed for a summer celebration. She's wearing a delicate white domino mask decorated quite prettily and showing off the two dark violet stars that sit in feilds of vibrant purple galaxies. Her hair is in a muss o loose waves and curls and pulled back with a crown of white roses with violet along the petals edges. She's wearing a pretty peasent dress, light and flowy but far from elegant. It looks easy to move and dance in. She's walking with Caerwyn.

<OOC> Roxie says, "Need to idle briefly before posing in"

Billy will arrives to the festivities, neither particularly early nor particularly late. He'll look around curiously. "Where's the festivus pole?"

Caerwyn walks slowly alongside of Amber, gone was his usual attire of plate and chain, instead dressed down for an evening in simple robes and leathers, though the colors were a contrast to Amber as he wore dark greys and blacks as was the style of most from his House, one thing that didn't change from his usual attire though were the paired bastard swords on his hip, keeping the securely fastioned unless upon entering the party they were asked to be checked

Galen is already present. He is going with a simple outfit this evening. He is wearing the clothes of a simple woodsman and has a half mask over his face. He smiles as he see the other Sidhe arrive and walks voer to the an gretts them, "Good evening. I hope you are both well." He then looks over to Billy and says, "I had to chop it down, adly my axe was ruined in the process." hee explains the lack of woodsman tools in his costume.

Slaine has arrived.

<OOC> Lord Chernobog says, "If people are waiting for my posts, don't. :)"

Billy has voted for you.

Ambrosine nods towards Galen and smiles to him, "Sir Galen, it's good to see you." The masked Sidhe greets in a cheerful if raspy murmur. She seems not to stray too far from Caerwyn though keeping her starry eyes on the people around her. She spots the Lord and then quickly looks back to Galen. If she doesn't see him she doesn't have to say hi.

Melody has arrived.

Caerwyn flickers that softly glowing yellow gaze of his about, the mask on his face doing very little to disguise him with such a feature, he smiled and gave a dip of his head in greeting "Sir Galen." his thumbs would hook onto his swordbelt as he wandered near Amber

Galen smiles proudly, "This is the Hidden Grotto." he is obviously proud of his 'hold and he adds, "I hope you both enjoy the party." he then moves on ot greet others.

~AMBIANCE~: Two childlings are running after each other with sticks, pretending to be knights of different bonfires. An Eshu and a Nocker specifically and make their way around near the dais of Chernobog who eyes them with a dispassionate interest. They are making swords one would think should be for lightsabers rather than swords but the Nocker hits the Eshu too hard and sends the Eshu down to his butt. The Nocker covers his mouth. "Holy fuck! Are you okay!?" He goes over to help the Boggan to his feet, the Nocker looking up at the shadow-touched Lord and bows. "Sorry, my lord, umm...King sir." Chernobog waves a hand issuing forgiveness, his soft word crawling out of the shadows far too eloquent to be real. "Such anger, young nocker knight. Be mindful your sword. A righteous hand is only as true as the person who wields it." The Nocker nodded his head several times and they both ran off looking relieved Chernobog only scolded the Nocker.

"Bards." Chernobog's voice softly echoed from his throne, catching the attention of three Satyrs on the stage who stop and look at him across the way. "I desire a ballad, if you be kind to indulge." The Satyrs look at each other and nod, playing a soothing ballad of stringed instruments.

Melody walks into the party wearing an off the shoulder glittering purple evening dress that elegantly falls to the floor, currently walking in at 5'6" since a pair of matching high heels upon her feet. The matching mask upon her face only covers half of her face, revealing her olive green eyes to the world through the eyes slits, her lips are revealed and painted a lovely soft purple color. Her hair is in loose curls and cascading down to a little bit past her shoulders. Her gaze looks about the Grotto as she stands nervously, trying to recognize any voices that are familiar to her.

Erin has arrived.

Slaine arrives to the gathering, alone, save a pygmy from the mountain carrying a few instruments, her bodhran, and a small harp. Tonight, there is far more green upon the Satyr blending with the tattoos on her flesh, a delicate beaded ivy half mask, with flowers adorns her face, clearly more of an accent piece than intending to hide her features. Her skirt, shorter than usual, greener, her halter as well, more akin to green leaves mold around her chest and up around her shoulders. Horns and hooves in the rich mahogany have been shined up for the occasion.

<OOC> Slaine says, ""

Galen is near the entrance greeting those that arrive., he is dressed as a simple woodsman with a balck halfmask. He msiles to bothe Melody and Slaine, "Welcome to the Grotto fair ladies." he gives them a bow.

~AMBIANCE~: A childing near Galen at the entrance, a Sluagh girl hands Melody and Slaine a flowery wreath small enough to be worn on the head. It's not the best wreaths, made of half-dead flowers but it seems the Sluagh takes pride in showing off her skills. "Happy Midsummer." She whispers to them, looking away from them as she holds the wreath up for them to take and the faintest inch of color comes to the girl's cheeks.

Amber smiles at Galen, "Thank you, Sir Galen, it's beautiful. And thank you for hosting." She steps away turning to look around the party. She moves lightly, almost silently, on the grass. Her feet are bare and the light peasent dress allows her to move. "Will you be jumping the Bonfire tonight, Caerwyn?" She asks him curiously as they walk along. "I hear it's quite exciting. I think I'll be trying one of the smaller ones or if they have a fire pit to walk I'll do that instead." Melody is given a wave as she and the Knight pass. It's Slaine's arrival that has Amber suddenly beaming and she heads the saturs direction, the white rose crown on her had glittering slightly. She does wait for the Sluagh girl to finish though an expression of 'that's too adorable' all over her fece even through her mask.

Melody smiles as she recognizes Galen's voice and moves toward him, curtesying to him as she kindly muses "Happy Midsummer Galen." Her attention is then distracted by the childling Sluagh who hands her a wreath, she smiles happily as she places it upon her head. Her gaze the looks to Amber as she goes wide-eyed and looks back to Galen "Jumping through a bonfire?" she asks nervously.

<OOC> Ambrosine says, "face, not fece"

Caerwyn chuckles softly settling his gaze onto Amber "Ah my Lady I'm afraid my age hasn't left me too spry." he was such a bad liar. He holds up two fingers closely together "Maybe just a tiny one tonight." he smiles and flickers that glowing gaze over to Melody "It is tradition of course."

Grace has arrived.

Cig has arrived.

Slaine looks down to the sluagh childling, as she comes to offer her that lovely wreath that any sluagh would be proud of. A most warming smile is offered down to her, the satyr lowering down so the childling may place it upon her head. "I could not be graced with a finer crown than what you have given me, little sweet." Speaks the satyr in her lyrical voice, reaching in her own hair to draw out a cluster of heavily worn out ribbon, and rough feather, she slips it behind to tie into the sluagh's hair, a kiss to her brow before rising once more to her cloven feet proper. Turning now to see Ambrosine approach, a smile from the satyr, fond in all respects, offering a deep curtsey.

<OOC> Caerwyn says, "darn brb 2 seconds"

Galen nods to Melody and agree with Caerwyn, "It is all part of the celebration.' he grins, "After all what is Mid Summer without getting to show off our courage."

Ambrosine snorts and smacks lightly at Cearwyn's arm, "Nonsense. There are rumors you know." She teases the older Knight warmly before her gaze turns back to the others. "Oh stop." She chastizes Slaine before moving in to get a light hug from the Satyress, "I'm glad to see you here. How have you been?" Amber seems to be pleased with being out but she does have Caerwyn trailing her.

~AMBIANCE~: The Sluagh gets a ribbon tied to her head, she looks askance as Slaine puts it on her. "Ummm..." having lost her words for a moment. "...thank you..." She whispers to Slaine in appreciation for the ribbon. She does however get to Ambrosine and Caerwyn, also giving them some not-so-fresh floral wreaths. "H-happy Midsummer." She says to the both of them.

Way behind the line of people coming in is Erin dressed as the good old Jester. Some has to be one right and besides she had no idea what to wear and this just seem fitting. She smiles and crutsies to Galen when it finally becomes her turn to come in. There is a look to see if she can notice any familier face.

Melody looks to Caerwyn and goes wide-eyed once more as she is told it is tradition, all of this is still so new to her. Her gaze then looks back to Galen "Well I suppose I should be a bit more courageous" she murmurs sweetly. Her blushing cheeks peeking out from under her mask as she nervously smiles, her hands resting in front of her and minorly fidgetting as she takes a step closer to Galen's side, her timidness getting the better of her at the moment.

Billy will find a nice inconspicuous spot to settle down in, lowering himself to the ground to take a seat and peoplewatch.

Galen smiles to Mellody, 'I am sure you have plenty of courage.' he then smiles to Erin, "Well I think that outfit is very appropriate.' he teases Erin just a bit then he says, "Welcome to the grotto, nice to see you rememebred the way."

Slaine does offer up the light hug to Ambrosine, "If you think I would miss any celebration, that would be foolish, let alone one that gives me opportunity to perform, seeing how I only do so on special and rare occassions.. Or for my little mistress at her command." She smiles, and further adds, "I have been busy with other affairs, which I shall speak no business, as I have already done so with Ser Audron."

"...should be... here," Cig tells Grace as the two of them walk into view. He stops to take a gander at the area when they reach the scene of the festival. He's got a backpack slung over his right shoulder that looks as though it's been filled to maximum capacity with something.

Ernst has arrived.

Yes Erin sticks her tongue out at Galen "I got fucking lost but found my way after a bit. " she makes a face at him "Don't be fucking hating cuz my outfit rocks" she giggles and shakes her toes so the bells on them kind of jingle "I had to fucking add the bells"

<OOC> Ambrosine says, "Eef, last saw Slaine"

<OOC> Caerwyn says, "i'll catch you up"

Grace is with Cig, letting him find the way. She beams up at him as they come into view of the gathering. "I knew you would be so much better at it than me," she tells him. She's not laden the same way as Cig, so is pretty much dancing beside him on her nimble hooves.

Melody smiles to Galen and relaxes some, her gaze then looks to Erin in sheer awe "Happy Midsummer, I'm Melody" she says kindly to her and curtesys(sp?), a giggle escapes her lips as she hears how she cusses like a sailor "I like the bells?" she muses sweetly.

Caerwyn turned his gaze to settle upon Slaine "It is good to see you again Seeress." his brow lifts a bit and he turns his attention back to Amber "Rumors? Oh my what have I gotten myself into now?"

~AMBIANCE~: The party is in full swing, a few childlings are found wandering between bonfires doing things only Childlings could do. Brave soul leap through the flames of the bonfire to cleanse themselves and be revitalized by the experience in preparation for Summer. Drinks and Food are plenty with the Satyrs finishing a ballad played on strings and harps before turning to a festive tune of pipes and strings.

Chernobog still lounges on his midnight throne, some stopping by his throne to pay their respects to the Night Lord while some Unseelie childlings tend to play near his throne believing him to the 'cool guy'. For all that is going on, the Night Lord looks with a disinterested gaze, twirling a goblet of lillypetal wine that he casually sips from time to time resting his head on a half-closed hand.

Ambrosine takes the wreath pleased and granting the Sluagh girl a radiant smile, "Thank you." She rasps softly in her own ruined seeming voice. "It's beautiful." She lifts it to tangle it in with her violet edged roses. She glances towards Slaine and looks mildly embaressed but she laughs it off. "I see. Well I look forward to it." She blinks a few times and inclines her head, "I see. Well no doubt I'll hear of it at some point. Though, I will be going to New Orleans in a Month, I was wondering if there's anything special you'd like me to pick up for you." She glances at Caerwyn and smirks, "Rites of Spring, good Knight." She teases. She grants a wave to Erin and smiles before her attention turns back to Slaine.

Billy will look over in Erin's direction and offer the woman a friendly wave.

At the jungling of the bells and smile,s "I do like the bells." he then gives introduction, Erin this is Melody, Melody this is Erin." he looks around as the party grows and he smiles.

Ernst thumps into the grotto, the huge figure ducking under the entrance as he makes his way inside, a low hum coming from deep within his throat. Not quite noticeable over the goings-on at the celebration, though might give a bit of an underlying bass to anyone right near him. His gaze sweeps this way and that, recognizing some familiar faces, and carefully studying whatever new ones he can find.

Cig grins down at Grace, then nods towards the bonfire. "Want to do a cleansing?" he asks her as he continues to check to scene out. He notes Slaine and the lounging Chernobog, gives the latter a polite nod before turning his attention back to Grace. Slaine looks to Caerwyn offering him a bow of her horned head, "Lord of his Finest Hour, you seem to have become far more settled these days. I have been told your presence missed but understood for your true duties have come to call." She smiles, then looks to Ambrosine, "Ah, I do not know what it is I would wish, perhaps, simply if you see something that might be a fun curiosity or usable, I would be most gracious. Truly though, I did not think for you to travel to Willows. It should be most exciting I am certain." Offering a dip of her head, "I shall not take up all your time, and leave you both to mingle.. Fair evening to you both, may your feet be light and swift as you jump the flames." And like it or not, there is a showy curtsey before the Satyr makes her way with a grumbling pygmy bearing instruments in her wake.

A smile comes to Erin's face and she waves to Ambrosine and Billy when she notices them waving at her, she did look behind her though just in case there was someone behind her or something. At the introduction to Melody, Erin sticks her hand out to her "Nice to fucking meet you!" She looks at Galen with a smile "It looks fucking awesome here"

~AMBIANCE~: The Sluagh Childling has so many wreaths to give and so many people! The young childling is nervous, and as Ambrosine takes her wreath and the Sidhe compliments it, it gies the young Sluagh courage. She haunts off next to Erin, who gets a floral wreath of half-dead flowers. "Happy Midsummer." holding it out for her to take, and if and when she does she sees Ernst. Oh dear. Ernst is huge. She haunts towards the Troll and looks weak in the knees as she holds up yet another floral wreath. "H-happy Midsummer." She closes her eyes hoping she doesn't get squished!

Grace grins back to Cig. "Isn't that what we came for?" she asks teasingly. She follows his glance towards Chernobog, and she catches sight of Slaine herself. She appears busy, but Grace tries a wave anyway. Then, she's got a brow arched back at Cig again.

Ambrosine smiles as Ernst arrives and she lifts a hand to wave him. The delicate Baroness is in a white peasents dress, flowy and easy to move in. She has a crown of white roses laced with violet edges which has now been woven with sluagh childling's wreath. She glances to Caerwyn and then looks to Slaine, "Hopefully only for a short time now." She then nods, "I've been called back for a breif time by the heads of my House. They've something to discuss with me for a few days. It's horrid timing but when duty calls." She rolls her eyes a little in mock exsasperation before smiling at Slaine. "Please don't think you're unwelcome. I hope to talk to you again soon and hear you perform." She watches after the Satyr and looks up towards Caerwyn.

Melody takes Erin's hand with a gentle and polite handshake "Its a pleasure to meet you as well" she muses sweetly to her then sweetly asks "Mind if I tag along with you for a bit?"

Ernst's face is craggy and scarred, like a weathered statue that has suffered at both the hands of roaring winds, years of rain and hooligans on top of that. Nonetheless, the elder troll's face sports a sharp grin for the sluagh childling, bending at the waist slightly to reach down, a huge hand gingerly grabbing the wreath as it is offered. His beard sways with the movement, "Thank you, little one." His voice is a deep rumble, standing back up after a moment. The arm not holding the wreath waves over in Ambrosine's direction politely, returning her own.

Caerwyn chuckles as he flicks his gaze between Amber and Slaine "Ah ganging up on me I see." his smiles warmly and dips his head to Slaine "I do miss my time there, though I am sure the guards are grateful for the reprieve." he nods his thanks to Slaine "Ah do not be a stranger though yes. I believe it has been quite a while since I last heard you perform." the thumping gathers his attention and he shifts his gaze again to look up over to the Troll. Lifting a hand in a wave "Ah glad you found the place dear friend!"

There is a soft awww coming from Erin when she ges her wreath and she takes it putting it on her head "Happy Midsummer!" she tells the childling Slaugh. She proudly adjust the wreath on her head before looking at Melody "Don't mind" she waves to her before looking behind her and up at Ernst as he arrives and grins wwaving to him, she's dressed like a Jester for the party, bells and all. It was only a matter of time before Slaine caught her attention and Erin waves Melody to come along before she skips over to Slaine jingling along "Slaine!"

Ambrosine sighs and murmurs to Caerwyn, "Shall we make our quick introductions to the Lord of the Party?" She tilts her head at Caerwyn. "Then I can find a place to settle and you may go drink and arm wrestle your friend or..whatever it is old men do at these things."

Cig takes Grace's hand in his and starts walking towards the fire. He shifts the pack on his back slightly to lodge it more firmly against his back. His gaze skims over the faces of the other people gathered here, and he takes note of the ones in costume as well. His own demeanor is relaxed and carefree; he looks as though he's just coming from a day at the beach. He glances at Grace again, takes her hand more firmly in his. "Ready?" he asks her as he gets ready to jump through the flames.

Galen smiles to Erin, 'thanks, most ofthe work was the Lord's." he gestures to the throne. "I just provided the space." he then says, "If oyu two lovely ladies will excuse me I shoudl say hello to some ofthe other new arrivals.

~AMBIANCE~: The Sluagh survived! She opened one eye to look up at the Troll and beamed a smile at him with a toothless smile. The troll is wearing her wreath for everybody to see!! "...Your welcome..." She tells him, returning elsewhere handing out wreaths feeling like the best Sluagh this side of under the bed. This leads her next to Melody which by the time she has arrived, the flame of inner strength has long since died. She offers Melody a half-dead floral wreath. "H-happpy midsummer." Said in a soft whisper.

Grace nods to Cig, her fingers laced with his, then shifted as he takes a different grip on her hand. She gives him a grin, wink, and a thumbs up with her free hand.

Caerwyn's lips quirk up as he looks over to Amber "We shall." he laughs a bit waving a dismissive hand "Old man stays with his charge until dismissed my Lady. Arm wrestling with him would be a fruitless effort." he tap at his stubbled chin in thought "Though maybe after a few rounds of mead that may need to happen anyway."

Slaine was making her way over toward's the lord's throne before considering the veer over to the performance stage, when she heard her name shouted out behind her. Turning slowly, the satyr smiles broadly now finally seeing Erin, infact arms open up to hug the kinain. "Erin! A joy to see you, and I can see you have clearly found someone to take care of my mistress?" A smile offered over to Melody, "Misty.. It has been a long time since I've seen you."

Melody blushes brightly as Galen refers to herself and Erin as lovely ladies, she then follows behind the jester with a warm smile curling her lips, her movements graceful. She smiles to Slaine "Its Melody now, actually found my older brother... seems word got out while I was traveling but.. I'm happy about it" she says brightly "Its wonderful to see you though!" she says happily and offers a hug to Slaine.

Ambrosine nods to Caerwyn and moves over with him to approach Lord Lord Chernobog. Her greeting is quick, a courtsey and a pleasent, "My Lord." In way of greeting then allowing Caerwyn to make his obligatory greeting so that they can flee.

See Slaine has done it she open the arms and looks ready for it so Erin sure enough connects hugging Slaine rather tightly and close before kissing her cheek "Yup, wasn't too fucking sure she do well, so Mrs Pots has her" she sagely nods with a smile "Oh hey you fucking know Melody, cool.. You look rather fucking lovely just saying" She notices Caerwyn and he gets a wave now.

Galen smiles as Melody and Erin mingle with folks as he moves over to Grace and her companion. He bows to themp , "Welcome to the Grotto." he then adds, "Happy Midsummer."

Caerwyn would offer a bow alongside of Amber, making his greeting as well "Lord." he would make his escape with Amber and lift his hand in a wave to Erin offering her a smile

Cig's sky blue eyes sparkle as Grace gives him the thumbs up. He impusively grabs her by the waist, pulls her close, then dips her for a deep and lasting kiss. Then he pulls her back into a full stand and rushes forwards, towards the fire. He times it just right, jumps, then sails over the lick of the flames, trusting that Grace will time her jump with his so that they fly over it in a perfect, tandem leap.

Ernst haphazardly hangs the wreath from one of his horns after the Sluagh departs. His long strides take him over to where the throne is, careful to look about at his feet, as there seems to be childlings scurrying around. He's dressed in his typical fashion, somewhat warlike though his facial features are relaxed. Moving over to Lord Chernobog after a moment, he'd press a fist to his chest. "My lord." He greets as well, before rising and turning once it was acknowledged.

Chernobog looks down toward Ambrosine as she gives her greeting, Caerwyn giving his as well. He simply nodded. "May the Night embrace you both." His soft words laced together to tell them. "Be free and cleansed this night, Lady and Sir."

Ambrosine smiles, pleased that that went quickly and she ushers her courtiers off before making wiggling fingers, "Go. I'll be alright, Caerwyn, over by the stage to listen." She sets the Knight loose before moving off to do just as she said. Find a place to sit.

Roxie arrives near the outskirts of the grove riding a great, silver wolf-hound the size of a horse, side-saddle. Minus the actual saddle part, anyway. Fingers dug into her ride's fur, the satyr whispers something in one red-tipped ears as she slides off near the ground, patting his ramp with a smile as the creature departs. Leaning a bit on her cane, the hook-horned girl makes her way to the party proper, picking up a glass of pink wine as she regards the rest of the party with a considering smile.

Clara has arrived.

Chernobog didn't need to budge from his lazy sitting as Ernst approached to give his introductions and greetings. The Troll matched his eyesight where the Lord was sitting. He nodded to Ernst respectively at his greeting. "Greetings, wizened Troll. May the Night embrace you. Be free and cleansed this night with my blessing."

If Grace is surprised by Cig's impulsive kiss, she doesn't seem to show it, and giving as good as she gets, arms wrapped around his neck, keeping him in the kiss for a beat or two longer. Then, stand, turn, face that fire with Cig, hand and hand, and full tilt rushes the flames. She leaps as he does, sails up and across, and they land at the other side, as though they'd practiced it for ages.

Slaine is hugged tightly, the kiss to Erin's cheek is returned. "Well, this is far from a night to have her here.. Especially seeing I am quite prepared for the evening." She winks, then is gaining a hug from Melody as well, "Thank you, Melody. Do enjoy yourselves tonight. And sample many of the brews, I hear there are quite some fun ones out there. I should make my greeting." She winks to them both, glancing to catch some of the others, Grace, and Cig.. Galen.. Oh so many to see. But first, Chernobog! Clara steps into the area with a touch of shyness, perhaps rethinking her dress as she hovers at the edge of the gathering a moment then she smiles and takes a deep breath, stepping in with a smile and looking for familiar faces

Caerwyn lets his lips slide into a smile again, offering a small bow to Amber as she wanders off, turning to make his own way towards the bar to scoop up a flagon of mead

~AMBIANCE~: Melody didn't seem to hear the whispers of the Sluagh, and her starlit eyes welled up. It's okay though, because she saw Ernst greet her Lord and was wearing her wreath! Uplighted, she haunted toward Roxie and rather than simply trying to speak, tugged daintily at Roxie's lower clothes before presenting her wreath. "....Happy Midsummer..."

Melody smiles as Slaine hugs her and giggles as she winks at her, her gaze then flits to Slaugh with an apologethic look "I'm sorry sweetie thank you for the wreath" she says sweetly then adds on "Happy Midsummer" she says sweetly and places the wreath atop of the other one resting atop of her head with a warm smile and gently kisses the childing upon the cheek.

A little pout comes to Erin's lips when Slaine let's go. She looks towards Lord Chernobog and leans to say to Slaine before she runs off of course "Are we suppose to fucking say hi to him? who is that?" she looks curious and somewhat unsure

Rodrigo has arrived.

Ernst bows his head gratefully to Lord Chernobog before departing from the throne's immediate area, heading over to the bar to join Lord Caerwyn. Being the night that it was, it was hardly a surprise that an industrial-sized flagon of mead would be placed in the troll's meaty hand soon after, dipping a nod in greeting to Caerwyn before eyeing the others, seeming content to stand near the bar for the time being.

Slaine turns to Erin as she asks her question, "He is Lord Chernobog, Patron of the Moon, King of Darkness.. We have been invited to his domain to celebrate this night, the longest night of the year." The Satyr of course offers her hand to suggest the two step forward as well, before those cloven feet and swaying hips lead her up to the throne.

Clara bites her lip with a smile until she spots Galen and sevreal of her other friends. She winds her way through the crowd to the sidhe's side and whispers a greeting in his ear

Galen smiles at the greeting from Clara, "So do you." he tells her then he says to her, "Welcome to the Grotto and the Midsummer Party."

Caerwyn lifts his own mug in silent salute to the Mountain next to him, tilting the container back to drink the sweet honey wine

A chance to say hello besides someone she knows and not alone yup Erin follows Slaine, jingling along as she walks and looking back to make sure Melody is following too. The closer they get the more shy Erin seems to become and kind of hides behind poor Slaine.

Cig grabs Grace by the waist as they land on the other side of the fire. He spins her around, once, twice, three times, before setting her back down on her feet. He lets the pack slide down his arm, looking pretty pleased with himself, with life in general. Cig gives Galen a friendly smiles. "May the fire of the day glow ever bright within your heart," he replies, having caught the Sidhe's earlier greeting to him. He unzips the backpack that he's holding and reaches inside. He moves his hand around for a couple of seconds before he pulls his hand back out and offers what's in it to Galen.

Melody takes Slaine's hand and begins to walk with her to the throne, her cheeks flushed as she swallows softly, hoping she handles meeting the lord without fainting. A nervous but friendly smile begins to curl her lips as the two wreathes remain atop of her head. Her olive green eyes looking towards the throne as she moves gracefully towards him.

Roxie takes the wrath from the childling with a warm smile, answering in a sweet nightengale voice. "Thank you, dear. Did you make these yourself?" She balances the wrath gingerly around her hook-shaped horns.

Having made her rounds Amber tucks herself in against a tree. She's not sleeping but she is watching seeming content from there in her place out of the way. Too many people seem to take the energy out of her.

Grace is spun! She laughs with delight and merriment as she is, a flush coloring her cheeks as she is set back on her hooves. She keeps the smile as she watches Cig rummage in his pack, and the subsequent offer to Galen.

Slaine glances over her shoulder at Erin, as she makes the motion to hide behind her, "Oh dear girl.." She laughs, and has her hand held by Melody, "Truly I think tonight I shall seek you both a drink for you two to nip this in the rear!" Shaking her head with clear amusment, she steps up with the girls, and well, rather impishly thrusts them both forward, to offer greetings or the like first before she does her own.

Clara grinz and kisses Galen's cheek then looks about with a grin, having never seen a midsummer gathering before "this is wonderful!'

~AMBIANCE~: The Sluagh was nervous at first, thinking that Roxie wouldn't take it. When she did take it she beamed her a toothless smile nodding her head several thousand times. "...I did...I spent two nights making them all....Do you like it?" Her voice straining in it's whisper, a sign of hopefulness.

Chernobog doesn't budge from his throne, one leg draped over the other and indulges in the faintest sip of wine. His eyes are roaming over the party with a look of dispassionate interest until the three ladies make their way to the bottom of the Dias. His gaze suddenly stops and stares down the two ladies Slaine pushes them both forward. He says nothing but stares at them openly with any sign hinting his thoughts not being present.

Galen smiels and looks at hte offering in Cig's hand nad accepts it," 'Well thank you very much good siir." he then notices Roxie and waves to the Satyr he has not met yet. He smiles ot Clara, "Well enjoy the party." he grins, "It is always entertaining."

Melody gasps softly as she is thrusted forward to Lord Chenobog and looks up to him, swallowing softly as she tries to ready herself to speak. She opens her mouth but nothing comes out as he stares at her, her eyes flutter closed as she faints, falling to her side.

Roxie kneels a little, smile warm as she nods to the childling, "I do. It's very beautiful. You did a wonderful job, dear." She spots the wave from Galen, offering a low curtsy towards the man.

Clara smiles at Cig and nods in greeting then looks up as Galen tells her to have fun, "Oh.. I will" she brushes a lock of hair behind her ear "thanks"

Oh that was cruel, so cruel poor Erin is thrusted to come forward from her hiding spot and she eeeps staring at Chernobog with wide violet eyes peeking from behind her mask. She turns to look at Melody faint and swallows, oh great this isn't going well at all. She remembers to at least breath and Lord Chernobog gets a shy little wave at first before she offers a curtsie, no words come out though and she tries to smile, but have you ever seen the smile of someone scared shitless it's not exactly rather pretty.

Ernst idly lifts his oversized flagon to his lips, taking generous gulps of the honeyed mead, forearm occasionally coming up to wipe at his whiskers as the drink got onto it. A loud yawn of contentment came over him, looking in amusement as the two women greeted the Lord Chernobog. Shaking his head briefly, he'd let out a low chuckle.

Caerwyn tips back that flagon again, smirking briefly as he watches the two poor girls "Oh that's just mean. Hilarious though." he glances up to the Mountain at his side "So how have you been my friend. Keeping busy?"

"You're welcome," Cig replies to Galen. His eyes fall on Clara and the corners of his mouth curve up a bit when he sees her press herself against Galen. His hand dips back down into the depths of his backpack, rummages around, then comes back up again. He fans the cream-colored material with his hands to reveal the fine details of the spanish lace shawl that he's pulled out. He reaches out to drape it over Clara's shoulders before drawing back to review how it looks on her. "Happy Midsummer," he wishes to her. A glance to Grace. "You get yours at the end," he promises.

It's to Erin's credit that she doesn't need to say a word, just the /idea/ of her violating the Verbal Morality Statute a couple dozen times is enough to stir Rodrigo out of whatever half-drunken stupor he showed up to the party in. "The fuck's her problem?" he asks no one in particular, gesturing wildly with one arm in the general direction of Melody. "Not like he's gon' eat her. Unless--" But no, he loses track of the thought before it has a chance to finish.

<OOC> Rodrigo says, "RL is interrupting, will be back in maybe 30m"

<OOC> Rodrigo says, "but wanted to get in an intro at least"

<OOC> Galen pouts, But who will bust my chops with out Rodrigo around?"

Clara looks to Cig and blinks with a shy smile as the shawl is placed about her shoulders "Cig its beautiful thank you" she murmers

Slaine can be cruel! Especially when two greenhorn-ish Kinain start hiding behind her as some sorta wall. Courage! They shall learn this lesson tonight! As Melody faints, there is a sigh and a slight wave of her hand and the pygmy carrying her instruments sets them down, almost dropped to go and pull up the kin, shoving and hoisting her up onto her feet ungracefully. A curtsey from Erin at least someone remembers manners!

Slaine does once Erin has stepped away, and Melody is drawn away, step up. Offering a graceful curtsey, "Lord of the Moon, King of Darkness, I offer my hail and welcome, and most gracious thanks for your hospitality. I, Slaine Moon's Silent Song, do come forth, a gift to offer you this night for your revelry.. My gift of song to be called upon this night as you see would please you." With those words she drops once more deeply her horned head tipped down before him.

Galen accetts the gift from Cig nad puts iin his pocket to keep from losing it during the party He grins to Clara, It is very nice." he notices the fainitng Melody and starts to move to her side, "I think she will be alright just needs some air." he motions for people to give her some space.

Chernobog eyes the collapsed Kinain, then sweeps his eyes over to Erin who gives a nervous wave. He gives the faintest of nods of his head to the girl. "Be at peace, kin. May the Night embrace you and be cleansed this night, with my blessing." He then looks to Slaine who then looks back to Melody. He says, with words that echo against the shadows to fill the party. "The first has fallen." The declaration giving people free reign to doodle her and prepare her for a rude awakening as they see fit. Slaine's greeting has him looking down to her and giving a nod. "Your gift warms me, Lady Silent Song. May the Night embrace you and may you be cleansed this night with my blessing."

Clara follows Galen to the ill Melody "Can I help at all?" she murmers with a warm smile for the girl

Melody's eyes flutter open as she begins to awake from her short fainting spell, her eyes looking to Galen as she blushes heavily and quietly murmurs to him then offers an apologethic smile as she cursties to Lord Chernobog and muses kindly "Thank your hospitality Lord of the Moon, King of Darkness" then begins to brush off her dress. She looks to Clara with a sweet smile "A drink... I need to um... calm my nerves."

Be cleansed? A look of puzzlement comes to Erin's face but she does not dare ask what does that mean, hey she's never been to one of these before ever. Erin does bow again and with a rather nervouse tone to her voice offes a somewhat soft "Thanks, M'lord" Though she does cast a look to poor Melody to see what will happen to her. She forgot to move away as she looks just a tad lost now.

Roxie is no good at medicine, but the satyr smiles, kneeling and offering her mostly untouched lilypetal wine to the reviving girl. "Here, love." Rising back to her hooves, the hook-horned girl next approaches the lord of festivities, offering a deep, formal curtsy. "My lord."

Slaine offers another tip of her head as she rises, moving away so that others may offer greeting. Turning to see Galen and Clara now tending to Melody, who now comes to her senses. A smile is given to Clara, "And good evening to you.. Both." A look is shared between the two from behind the Satyr's beaded wire mask of ivy and blooms. Dressed as a woman of the green this night. Her eyes to sweep over to Roxie offering her a smile and tip of her horns, one satyr to another.

Ernst nods over to Caerwyn, his responses slow as he watches the activity at the party. "Aye." His deep voice rumbles, making a bit of room for any of the other patrons that may wish to access the bar by moving his prodigious form to the side a bit. "My work never ends, though I have found some opportunities to relax in recent days." He explains, barrel chest rising and falling as he takes a breath, working slowly at the large flagon of mead in his hand with yet another gulp.

Clara smiles warmly at Roxie as she gives her drink to Melody "That was very kind of you"

Galen smiles as Melody awakens, "Welcome back." he hten looks over to roxie, "Your kindness is appreciated." He then looks aorund again.

Ambrosine remains curled up by the tree. Still watching but seeming content over there away from the others.

Melody smiles sweetly to Roxie as she takes the offered wine "Thank you" she says sweetly and sips upon it. Upon her form is an off the shoulder glittering purple evening dress that elegantly falls to the floor, currently walking in at 5'6" since a pair of matching high heels upon her feet. The matching mask upon her face only covers half of her face, revealing her olive green eyes to the world through the eyes slits, her lips are revealed and painted a lovely soft purple color. Her hair is in loose curls and cascading down to a little bit past her shoulders. Her gaze then shifts back over to Galen with a warm smile.

When Slaine moves away it takes Erin a moment or two before she blinks again at Chernobog as she hasn't quite left, she bows her head to him before she runs off to hide between Ernst and Caerwyn. Apperently hiding behind Slaine was a bad idea so she picks another destination hopefully they will be too busy to even notice her there.

Well. Presumably introductions to the Lord of Darkness go over well, Roxy turns her attention back to the party around Melody with a smile, offering a second, briefer curtsy to Galen and then laughing lightly at Clara's words. "Well, kinder if it were my own booze I was being liberal with." Slaine gets a quieter but very warm smile, leaning slightly on her cane (the way she carries her right leg tends to indicate it's not just for show.) "Good evening, sister."

Galen nods ot Mekody, "Yes you do.' he then smiles to Roxie, "welcome to the Grotto." He smiles, "I am Galen.' He does nto give his title.

Sterling has arrived.

Clara steps back as Melody revives and smiles, looking about for a drink of her own

Seeing Slaine come over Cig reaches into his pack again. He smiles as his hand comes into contact with something. He pulls it out and brings the pack onto his back again. He moves over. "Hey stranger," he greets her when she's not busy speaking with someone else.

Slaine glances over the satyr, offering still her smile, "Good evening, sister." With a glance to the instruments being taken off to the stage now, Slaine turns to Roxie, "I am Slaine, Moon's Silent Song. It is a pleasure to meet another of my kith." turning her eyes to glance around for a few other faces. Maybe keep track of someone in particular. "Now if you do not mind.. I think I shall get myself something to start my night with. Greetings passed earlier to Clara and Galen, the satyr starts to meander off, coming to stop as Cig makes his way to her, "Greetings to you Cig.. It has been some time." She smiles.

<OOC> Lord Chernobog says, "Back"

Clara smiles and waves to Slaine as she finds herself a drink and sips slowly, green eyes taking in the party with quiet curiosity Chernobog does indeed give pleasant greetings to Roxie when she greeted him. "Good eve, Lady Satyr. May the Night embrace you and be cleansed this night with my blessing." He nods to her, taking another sip of his wine. He then sits more upright, letting his words be heard throughout the party.

"I see this party has many Satyrs and while our music is beyond compare, my gracious tidings to our Bards I do believe that dance must follow. Shall anyone rise to the challenge, to see who has the courage to be Summer's Troubador of this gathering? To delight the wind with their song, hearts with their melody and encourage lives stagnant to live and dance free?" It may be poetic, but it's contest of music one can dance to.

Too bad that Erin jingles due to the bells on her shoes, so she can easily be heard as she tries to find cover between Ernst and Caerwyn who happen to be sitting at the bar drinking. She does peek out a little bit but she's hiding for now, grumbling just a little bit too. At least Lord Chernobog didn't make it worse on her.

Sterling makes his way into the grotto, looking around with an appreciative expression. "Graces. Quite the gathering," he says. Looking down (which is to say, dips his chin slightly) as he's offered a floral wreath by the Troll girl. "Why thank you!" he says with a smile. Setting the wreath atop his head over his diadem, he makes his way into the party proper, looking for familiar faces. A glance is given towards Lord Chernobog, and he chuckles softly. "Oh no, not I," he says. "Yowling cats sing better than I do." Hearing jingle-jangles, he spies Erin and breaks into a broad smile, making his way towards her. "Dear Erin," he says. "How goes your day, eh?"

Cig presents her with something that looks like a mechanical medieval clock with a cresent moon and stars pattern on its face. "It's a dream clock," he tells her. "For when you want to sleep in late," he indicates. He opens his arms for a hug. "You been doing okay?" he asks.

"Roxy Brown." The brunet tragos offers Slaine with a smile, considering a refill on libations herself when her attention returns to the lord of festivities, smiling at the challenge. Keeping the flowered wrath carefully balanced between hooked horns as she inclines her head. "I would be honored to participate in song, my lord." She glances over at the other satyrs present. Ernst seems amused as Erin moves behind himself and Caerwyn, but makes no move to oust her, though she seems to do so all on her own, tilting to the side a bit as Sterling approaches so she can speak to him more normally. "Baron." He greets, a huge hand lifting a similarly large flagon over in Sterling's direction, before drinking it, an amiable grin on the weathered troll's features as he eyes the proceedings.

Caerwyn has disconnected.

Caerwyn has connected.

Slaine looks curiously down as she looks to the gift which is presented her, a look of surprise, "Oh, Cig, that is most thoughtful..." She takes the gift, and returns the hug, "I am doing well...." And as the Lord of the Night speaks forth the Satry with the beadwork ivy halfmask, and short conforming 'Green lady' garb does smile "Lord, I came prepared this night to offer up such, and have I feel, a song, most fitting."

After a while Amber stands, brushing her dress off, and she goes to walk for the exit. She slips around, quietly, so as not to disturb anyone

Melody sips upon the wine some more being to slowly relax from her tension. She quietly makes her way to somewhere she is able to sit down. Once she is seated she crosses her feet at her ankles with a barely peeking out from underneathe her dress. Clara smiles upon seeing Sterling arrive and nods to him wandering over to get her own floral wreath, not quite sure where she belongs tonight

Well so much for hiding as Sterling comes to talk to Erin. She blushes up at him still finding refuge between Ernst and Caerwyn "Good I think, I didn't at least fucking faint but that was so fucking embarrassing!" she takes a deep breath, she's dressed like a Jester for the event, though Sterling does get a much warmer smile than Lord Chernobog did.

Chernobog nods to Slaine and Roxy. "Then test your skills against the other and let us see who is fit to bear such mantles." With a wave of his hand, the Satyrs who have been playing music and watching the Night Lord quickly disperse towards the back giving the stage open floor for the two of them and any others who dare challenge for the title.

"Roxy Brown, Silent Song. Let your skills be matched on this ancestral ground." He gestures toward the stage for the contenders to prepare and begin at their leisure.

Galen watches the party swil around him for the moment then he heads to that bar ot get a drink. He smiles, "well it sounds like we are all in for a good show."

Caerwyn flicks his gaze over the top of his mug, eyeing Amber he chuckles. "Well seems my charge intends to flee." he sets the mug down on the bar and begins to make his way over to follow a distance behind Amber, though of course he doesn't forget tradition and bounds easily over the bon fire, twisting a quick flip about in mid air before landing neatly on the other side, striding to keep his Charge in view. Seems the old bones don't forget their tricks

Sterling presses his fist to his heart, giving both Ernst and Caerwyn a deep nod of the head. "Master Heidrik. Ser Caerwyn. Glad I am to see you again. I hope the evening finds you well?" He then turns to Erin, laughing softly. "Graces, my dear, what on Gaia's earth are you doing in motley?" he asks. "Just being festive, or are you actually here to entertain us?" Clara is spied as well and given a wave and a fond smile, before his attention gets drawn to the stage. "Ahh... a competition. Capital!" he says. He finds himself a spot by the bar, leaning over to the boggan to order a mug of the honey mead.

Cig smiles as Slaine tells him that she's doing well, watches her as she turns to address the lord of the night to tell him that she has a song prepared. He glances at Grace to see how she's doing, she's been awfully quiet for the past few minutes. There she is, off meeting and greeting people. He watches her for a while then looks around until his eyes come to rest on Erin. He heads over towards her, half-watching the two Satyresses prepare for 'battle'.

Rhea has arrived.

Clara smiles as Caerwyn leaps the flames and chuckles "yeah wont be doing that in this dress" she murmers, returning Sterling's wave

Ambrosine pauses and holds up a hand and gestures for Caerwyn to return to the party. "I'll be fine, Sir Caerwyn. Enjoy your party and your time with friends. I need to take a walk." She nods to a few people before she hurries on her way. Melody blushes heavily as she overhears Erin and finishes the rest of her wine rather quickly. Her eyes flit over to the bonfire as she watches the flames dance for now.

Ambrosine goes home. Ambrosine has left.

Ernst bobs his head slowly in response to Sterling's question, the huge troll standing next to the bar, instead of at it, so he will not take up too much room. "It is quite the evening, though I am not sure how suited I am for festivities at my age." He says to the sidhe, before gesturing out towards the others enjoying themselves. "It is good to see everyone in such spirits." When Galen approaches the bar, the troll dips his head to him. "Good evening, Sir Galen. It is generous of you to provide your lands for this occasion."

A look is given down at her clothing and Erin blushes quickly shaking her head "Me oh fuck no!" she didn't even take too long to answer that question. She wiggles her toes a bit as the jingle. She watches Caerwyn head off and wows a bit though she stays near Ernst now and Sterling, look a new wall yay.

Galen smiles to Ernst, "good evenigng, you are most welcome in the Gortto. I was glad it could serve for such an occasion." He smiles and gets a glass of wine which he then sips,"this is the first time I have seen so many people here."

Caerwyn would lift his shoulders in a shrug but bows to Amber as she walks off and instead he turns back to the party and heads right back for the bar, offering a grin for Sterling and Clara "Baron! Clara how are you two?" he picks up his discarded mug and takes another drink of that perfect mead

Quiet? Yes, Grace is being quiet. She has a few words here, a few words there, but mostly she's quiet, not making any particular fuss or bother. She does make her greetings to the Lord, offering a graceful curtsey. (As though she could offer any other kind...)

Having left her cane behind this evening, Cassia (Rhea) is moving carefully, particularly given that she's dressed up (for her, which isn't saying a whole lot compared to others of her kith). She bows her head way down for one of the childlings to place a wreath upon her head, and she straightens up and says a few quiet words to the pair, her smile warm. Staying to chat for a few long moments while she surveys the place, she only moves along when someone else comes up behind her; at that point she drifts further in, continuing to look around those assembled, taking in the decorations.

Clara finds a quiet spot to watch and smiles warmly at Galen, clearly happy he's lent his lands for the party. She sips her drink and adjusts the wreath upon her dark hair

Chernobog eyes Grace as she approaches the dias, giving a lowering of his head. "Greetings to you, sweet Satyr. May the Night embrace you and be cleansed with my blessing."

Sterling steps in to snag Erin in a one-armed hug while Caerwyn is away from the bar, bending down to press a quick kiss to her forehead. "Gotcha," he says with a grin, waggling his brows playfully. Stepping back as Caerwyn returns. A nod is given to Galen as well. "Yes indeed, ser. Your hospitality is deeply appreciated," he says. "Quite a gathering, nay?"

Cig stops next to Erin. "Hi, I'm Stone," he tells her as he reaches into his pack again. "This is for you," he tells her as he offers her at package of chocolates shaped like various tools. Just how much room does he have in that pack of his?

"Thank you," is murmured by the Satyr, who then quickly melts away into the nearest shadow in the direction of the drinks.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Roxie rolls Charisma + Music + 1   vs 4 for 3 successes.
         Result: Roxie can sing with the best of them.

Alexandre has arrived.

<OOC> Alexandre @.@'s. Hi.

<OOC> Melody says, "hi hi"

<OOC> Rhea >.>

Well one thing Erin wasn't expecting was being snagged by Sterling and she eeps at first since he startled her, oh she's entertaining alright. She gives him a face but he gets a hug and a kiss on the cheek before she is set down and then gets a nudge "Meaner" she says somewhat playfully. There is a start when Cig sneaks up on her, ah will that ever end. She doesn't yell of course because he has chocolate and in tools a girls best friend. A smile comes to her lip s"Wow that's fucking awesome!, thanks" she ohs "Erin, nice to fucking meet you Stone"

Clara returns to the bar for a refil

Melody slowly stands from her seat and slides out of her high heels and hikes up her long evening gown as she runs towards the bonfire and leaps over it, landing safely upon the other side like a dancer. She lets her dress fall back to the ground as she looks behind her with a bright and triumphant smile.

Roxie seems to be murmuring with her sister satyr about who should go first, with the hook-horned girl going first, giving Slaine a slight smile as she steps forward. She didn't bring an instrument, so she borrows a wooden bowl from one of the refreshment stands. Turning it over and beginning to drum, the brunette's voice rising in a light, laughing voice. "~/Way out here, they have a name/ For rain and wind and fire/ The rain is Tess, the fire's Joe, and they call the wind Maria/ Maria blows the stars away, and sets the clouds a flying/ Maria makes the mountains sound like folks are out there dying.../~"

Galen smiles to clara as she returns to the bar, "Haveing a good time?" he asks her. he hten smiles to Sterling, "Well thank you for hte kind words. I am happy to be of service to the Lord Chernobog this evening."

Slaine makes her way up towards the stage, selecting her bodhran at least to help provide a beat for Roxie as she performs. The Satyr Seeress herself has something in mind for the night's song, slowly, and softly she taps her hoof.

Clara refills her glass and smiles gently at Galen "sure, its a great time"

Sterling downs a swallow from his mead, enjoying the flavor. Erin given a playful wink before he steps aside, turning his attention to the stage. "WOOHOO, SLAAAINE!" he hollers, whistling sharply through his teeth. He hefts his mug high in her direction, cheering the satyr on.

Two figures enter the clearing, and spend a moment recieving wreaths from the Troll childlings. One is a tall, muscular Redcap with a salt and pepper beard. Alexandre is out of his armor for the evening, and instead is wearing a nice, long tunic with buttons down one side, and breaches with tall boots. He wears the pin of a Knight on one shoulder, to show his rank without his armor and blade. No House symbol is visible, however. The Grump is accompanied by a Kinain. The girl looks about twelve, and her shoulder-length brown hair is woven into beautiful braids, framing the slightly pointed ears of a Sidhe kinain. The girl is dressed in a lovely, flowing dress, which fits her small size perfectly. While the Knight wears no House symbol, the Kinain has a small, colored pin, showing her protection under House Liam. The little girl stays close by the muscles Redcap, and he rests his hand on her shoulder in a fatherly fashion as he scans the fires and crowd.

Clara slips back off into the crowd to find a spot near the edge where she can see Slaine upon the stage

<OOC> Alexandre says, "Er...muscled Redcap. Muscles Redcap sounds...odd."

<OOC> Rodrigo says, "That's his street name."

<OOC> Alexandre grins.

Chernobog listens to the song given to the gathering by Roxie, indulging in the glass of wine that he quietly sips. He adjusts a touch to sit more upright, proper in all his shadowed glory and his attention is focused to the stage. A shimmer of a smile lights his lips as Roxie begins to drum the beat with the bowl. He must give points to inventiveness. One can find an instrument anywhere if one has the mind to do it and gives her song a homebrewed eloquence to it that to him makes it seem personal in nature.

A look is given up to Ernst and then to Sterling smiling at both before Erin peeks out from her hiding spot to be able to look at the stage. She does get on her tip toes when someone rather tall of course steps infront, but give up her hiding spot never!~

Cig gives Erin a wink and a look of apology for startling her. Another glance is given towards Roxie and Slaine, then he looks over at Sterling. A nod is given. As well as something that looks like a coin. "Be well," he tells the two of them. The music is starting. Cig's body respond to it, takes it in. He moves, naturally, towards Grace, taking her up by the hand and shifting into a dance as the music continues.

Ernst seems quite amused as he watches Erin interact with those closest to him, though growing a bit more silent as he watches Slaine get ready for her song. His attention remains on the satyr for a while, though he notices Cassia out of the corner of his eye, a huge arm rising and waving in her direction as she gazes about, hoping that might be enough to snag her attention. His mouth opened for a greeting, though it closed soon after, the troll not wanting to disturb the satyr's song just as it winds up. Sterling looks down at the coin given to him, holding it at arm's length as he squints, reading without the benefit of his reading spectacles. "Hmm." He looks back to Cig, nodding his head. "Thank you," he says, tucking the coin into one of his belt pouches. Seeing Ernst wave at someone, he follows the troll's gaze and sees Rhea. Smiling broadly again, he waves as well.

Caerwyn has disconnected.

Caerwyn has connected.

Slaine truly does enjoy the song that Roxie sings, and does all she can to offer support for her fellow satyr's song. Good competition, yes... Maybe it is not so much the competition as it is simply the joy to be able to perform when one does so infrequently.

Thankfully for her, Ernst is by the bar. Otherwise, she may have had to have made a difficult choice. As it is, Cassia (Rhea) need not be concerned at all; catching sight of the arm waved in her direction, she smiles and lifts a hand back that way. Catching sight of Sterling's wave as well, he gets a lift of her hand, too. It doesn't take her long at all before she's starting towards the grouping around the alcohol and the troll, and while she does watch where she's going, most of her attention is caught by the performance happening up on the stage. It does not take her long to indicate softly that she'll take a glass of that glowing pink wine, and once it's in hand she slips to Ernst's side, offering first him and then the others around a friendly, cheerful sort of smile. Yes, the Grump Fiona is in good cheer today.

Roxie flashes Slaine a smile at the accompaniement, the satyr girl's slender fingers drumming in time as she brings the song to its crescendo, "~/Out here they have a name for rain, and wind and fire only/ And when you're lost and all alone, there ain't no name for lonely/ I'm a lost and lonely man, without a star to guide me/ Maria, blow my love to me, I need my girl beside me/ Maria, Maria/ They call the wind Maria.../~" light-latte colored fingers a blur at the end, a dual-tragic harmony as she cups her impromptu drum under one arm, bowing to the lord of the evening and mouthing a silent thanks to Slaine.

Melody lifts her dress slightly so that she doesn't trip over it as she walks around the firepit to slide her matching high heels back upon her feet. Her olive eyes looking about as she gracefully slides back into her high heels.

Grace smiles to Cig as he takes her hand and turns into the dance he starts to lead her in. Of course, the hand he takes is filled with a glass of mead that she passes off to him - as her other hand holds another glass.

Clara sets her drink asside and begins to clap along with the song being performed, finally a smile finds its way onto her pretty mouth

Caerwyn settles into a comfortable lean at the bar, ordering himself a second mug of mead as he seems to have drained the first. Turning back out to the party he lets his glowing yellow gaze fall about randomly

Alexandre stays close to the young Kinain at his side, leading her slowly through the crowd. The two take everything in quietly, the girl seeming to be lost in wonder, the man wary. Once he catches sight of Rhea he offers her a small nod from afar, but otherwise he seems to be leading her towards the bar.

Slaine helps Roxie provide a lovely finishe with her beating on the Bodhran, Leaving the other satyr's voice to be all her own. Joy in her eyes and as the song comes to an end, there is a tip of her horned head to the other.

<OOC> Slaine says, "3PR?"

Galen smiles to Cassia, "Welcome to the Grotto, Lady Cassia." he is wearing a simple woodsman's outfit with a balck half mask on. He hten smiles over to Melody, "Nice jump." he gives her a thumbs up and says, "See it wasn;t so bad."

Chernobog Slowly rises from his chair, the shadows clinging his figure and clothing him with their darkness revealing the twilight stars that are seen in various spots of his clothes. He still holds his glass, yet he applauds Roxie and dips his head when she bows to him and then returns to his perch to await the sole contender.

<OOC> Galen says, "Oh yes."

Sterling sets his drink aside and offers applause as well, nodding to Roxie with an appreciative smile. A glance is given towards the redcap and ward approaching the bar. His brows furrowing as he notices the blazon of House Liam. He says nothing, just downs a swallow from his mug. Turning his attention back to the stage, leaning forward a bit as he waits for Slaine to perform.

There is quite a bit of clapping coming from Erin. She does retreat to her hiding spot when Lord Chernobog rises. At least she found somewhere safe to be or at least she thinks.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Slaine rolls Charisma + Singing + 1 vs 5 for 4 successes. <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

           Result: Rocking the song monster

Roxie has to readjust her wreath after tilting her own hooked horns in acknowledgement to the seeress, moving over to make room for the competition. "Shall I return the favor, love?" She smiles warmly to Clara, erin, curtsying a little again at the applause but preparing to listen... Grace does get a curious glance though, the other satyr's absence from the stage noted.

<OOC> Slaine says, "Gift of Pan is going to be used. Willpower vs 7 or if you choose to fall into it, then do so :)"

Catching sight of Alexandre and his young charge, Cassia lights up again. She sips from her glass again, then turns to pick out something without alcohol. Once it's in hand, she sets her own glass down and steps forward, reaching to beckon Alexandre over and then offering a hand out in the girl's direction. "Thank you," she offers towards Galen, and then she's looking back to the kinain girl. "Well met, you two," she says quietly to them both, then shifts her focus to the girl. "Sarah will be along shortly, I think." Blazon of House Liam or not, she's making it very clear she's pleased to see the pair.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Alexandre rolls Willpower  vs 7 for 2 successes.
           Result: Rebuffs the Gift of Pan
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Roxie rolls Willpower  vs 7 for 1 successes.
          Result: Rebuffs the Gift of Pan
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Rhea rolls Willpower  vs 7 for 2 successes.
          Result: Rebuffs the Gift of Pan

<OOC> Alexandre has a Charge to protect, or totally would give in ;)

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Rodrigo rolls Willpower  vs 7 for 3 successes.
         Result: Rebuffs the Gift of Pan
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Ernst rolls Willpower  vs 7 for 1 successes.
         Result: Rebuffs the Gift of Pan
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Caerwyn rolls Willpower  vs 7 for 2 successes.
        Result: Rebuffs the Gift of Pan
<OOC> Roxie says, "Oh wait we can choose. Deal."
         ^ = Decides to relent to GoP
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Clara rolls Willpower  vs 7 for 5 successes.
  Result: Clara has no emotional value, thus pwns Gift of Pan like a Boss

<OOC> Clara is a rock!

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Lord Chernobog rolls Willpower vs 7 for 4 successes.
        Result: Rebuffs the Gift of Pan
<OOC> Sterling pffs. A Fiona, resist the Gift of Pan? Surely you jest.
                         ^ = Relenting to Crazytown (GoP)
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Galen rolls Willpower  vs 7 for 1 successes.
       Result: Rebuffs the Gift of Pan

<OOC> Rhea, clearly a poor Fiona.

<OOC> Cig gives in.

<OOC> Alexandre is a Liam, so sucks anyhow.

<OOC> Galen says, "Only resists cause he wants to keep an eye on his place."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Erin rolls Willpower  vs 7 for 0 successes.
       Results: Succumbs to the Gift of Pan

<OOC> Rodrigo says, "You don't want no trouble in it?"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Melody rolls Willpower  vs 7 for 2 successes.
       Results: Rebuffs the Gift of Pan

<OOC> Rodrigo says, "Well, Erin is gonna get drunk and play Threes"

<OOC> Erin says, "Figures"

Cig takes hold of the mug of mead and tips it towards his lips to take a sip. He shifts the mug back into Grace's hand so that it joins them instead of direct contact with their hands. He steps towards Grace, moves a few steps forwards with her in at a staccato rapid pace before extending his hand up and over to spin her. He reverses their positions then continues the dance until it drumming stops.

<OOC> Grace definitely goes with it.

Alexandre looks to Rhea, and he offers a small nod again, while the child beams. "She is? Awesome!," the little girl offers in a southern drawl. The large Redcap clears his throat, glancing briefly at the performance. He seems to be quite enjoying it...but duty comes first. Meanwhile, he places a firm hand on the girls shoulder so she isn't swept off by the passion of the performance. "Can I have a tankard of mead? And...something sweet for the child."

<OOC> Alexandre resists, the Kinain child probably fails, but he has her on lockdown. LOL.

Clara may not be feeling the pull of the music but she is clearly enjoying listening to it. The pretty brunette sways a little in her own private dance as she claps along

Ernst offers Cassia a characteristically sharp grin as she approaches, shifting closer to her just a bit to rumble out a quiet "It is good to see you again." towards the Fiona before rising back to his full height. He sets down his oversized flagon, giving out a hearty applause in Roxie's direction when her song finishes. A large hand reaches out to reclaim his drink soon after, watching intently as the other satyr begins her song in turn. His remains face stern, but quite attentive.

<OOC> Melody says, "what is GoP"

<OOC> Lord Chernobog says, "Gift of Pan"

<OOC> Sterling says, "Gift of Pan."

<OOC> Galen says, "Gift of Pan,"

<OOC> Galen says, "If you failed or went wit hit without resisting you have no inhibitions."

<OOC> Sterling says, "And your Banality drops by 1."

<OOC> Lord Chernobog says, "You rolled with 2 suxx, so you can resist but you can choose to relent if you wish."

Slaine steps forward to the stage, her bodhran resting to her hip, she begins to beat against the skin, the sound coming from it reminicent of the fire growing and falling in flames. Something to dance around the bonfires to as the satyr's lyrical voice lifts up into the air, it is merriment, with the twist of a full imp in her tone, suggestive as she sings The Mad Merry Pranks of Robin Goodfellow.

"From Oberon in fairyland, /the king of ghosts and shadows there, Mad Robbin, I, at his command, /am sent to view the night sports here: What revel rout /Is kept about, In every corner where I go,I’ll o'er see, /And merry be,And make good sport with ho, ho, ho!"

Smiling about, "More swift than lightening can I fly, /and round this airy welkin heaven soon, And, in a minute's space, espy /each thing that's done beneath the moon; There's not a hag /Nor ghost shall wag, Nor cry "goblin!" where I go, But Robin, I, /Their feats will spy, and fear them home with ho, ho, ho! "

<OOC> Slaine says, ""

Alandra has arrived.

<OOC> Slaine says, "This is the song, it is a LONG ballad, so I am Not going to post all of it, but I will fill in parts but this is it in entiretey"

<OOC> Alandra says, "wow party"

Caerwyn taps his foot to the music, his eyes half closing and he almost lets himself go, almost. He shakes his head clear and downs some more mead..because surely that will help keep inhibitions in check

"Here," Cassia hands over the drink she collected for the girl, and then she's turning back to snag some mead and hand that over, as well. "She is," she confirms. "Hopefully soon." Once drinks are offered, she steps back to Ernst, not invading his personal space but certainly easily beneath the umbrella of his protection. And, well. Slaine is playing, and the music certainly brings her to attention. Oh. Her glass is reclaimed, her free arm wrapping in around her middle as she stands a little straighter, tension winding her shoulders up. Control, she has it, yo.

<OOC> Sterling says, "Link's borked Slaine."

<OOC> Rodrigo says, "Replace the 0s with spaces, probably"

Melody walks back over to the bar and grabs a glass of the honey mead, sipping upon it decently as she watches the room with her olive green eyes peeking through the eye slits of the mask.

<OOC> Slaine says, ""

<OOC> Slaine says, "Gift of Pan - Dionysian revelry is high ritual to these fae. Singing, music, and dance can be used to stir fae and mortals alike to the height of carnal passion. Anyone who fails a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) is swept away by hidden desires and the activity of the evening. After an hour or two, the Banality of those in the area slowly drops. Everyone involved, mortal or not, has his permanent Banality lowered by one for as long as the Satyrs continue to perform. Tragos can combine their efforts to lower Banality even further. Each Satyr fueling the fire can lower the revelers' temporary Banality by one more, to a minimum of 2. These effects last only for as long as the Satyrs continue to entertain. Lost Banality returns at the rate of one point per hour."

Grace has a sip of her own as Cig drinks, then there's the steps and spins and then the end of one, and start of another. Oh, and how Slaine can play. She grins madly, her hooves nimbly keeping time with music.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Alandra rolls Willpower  vs 7 for 1 successes.
      Result: Rebuffs the Gift of Pan

Alexandre takes the drink from Rhea, as does the child. "Thank you," he offers in his deep voice with a southern drawl matching the twelve year olds. The girl is wiggling and dancing to the music in the way only a child with unlimited energy can, but he's holding on tightly so she doesn't take off on him. The Redcap turns to watch the others, taking in the crowd and the fires curiously.

Galen even though he maintains self control. he does getup and dance to the song. he sinds a spot by himself nad moves to the music with the kind a grace that all sidhe have.

Sterling looks around Ernst's hugeness to nod to Rhea. "Sweet cousin," he says. "Glad I am to see you again. I trust the night finds you well?" He looks around at the goings on, starting to tap his foot in time to Slaine's music. A broad smile on his face, as Pan's Gift starts working its magic on him. "Quite the revel, nay?" he asks Rhea. "Graces, but it has been far too long since I heard satyr-song."

Rodrigo is half-sitting, half-leaning against something (or is that someone?), too sloshed to give much serious thought to dancing. It's all he can manage to reach a leg out and act like he's trying to trip Galen up.

Cig slips the backback from his shoulder and sets it down just before the music starts up again. The mead gets chugged and the mug set on the ground beside the pack. "Alright red, let's see what you can do," he teases Grace. They dance. Oh how they dance. Free. Uninhibited. Joyous.

Alandra has retained some control over herself, but it's music and dancing, there's only so much one can resist! While she isn't as nimble as she would like to be, she does start to dance at least some and a smile forms over her face as she twirls herself around.

Well so much for shyness this evening Erin comes out of her hiding spot and begins to dance to Slaine's singing without a care in the world, she then grins and runs back and tries to get Ernst, Sterling and yes even Caerwyn to come dance with her as she says with a big old smile.

<OOC> Erin says, "more"

~AMBIANCE~: A few of the changelings who linger get entranced by the song and begin dancing. Some are pounding feet to the music, lost in the miasma of something inside them wanting to rock out, others, couples, are eyeing the surrounds as they slowly step into the shadows until the darkness of the woods enshrouds them. Others are singing along with Slaine the party raises a few decibles higher in passion and emotion.

Already having escaped her guardian, the Childling Tabby Cat Pooka stops upon entering long enough to get herself a crown of flowers, and then she's beelining for a cluster of dancers to promptly join in the fun. It's not too long after that the Wilder Eshu that some have seen accompanying Cassia makes her appearance, and it doesn't take her long to spot the Pooka. Laughing, she follows along after to dance as well. And also keep an eye on her. Of course.

Erin grins "Come on dance! please" She even will pull on a sleave, arm or a hand whatever she can get her hands on to pull them along.

Clara sweet form sways as she dances, smiling to hersel and enjoying the music. Once Galen begins to dance her green eyes are caught by the sidhe for a moment and her smile warms

Melody is sitting at the bar in an off the shoulder glittering purple evening dress that elegantly falls to the floor, currently walking in at 5'6" since a pair of matching high heels upon her feet. The matching mask upon her face only covers half of her face, revealing her olive green eyes to the world through the eyes slits, her lips are revealed and painted a lovely soft purple color. Her hair is in loose curls and cascading down to a little bit past her shoulders. Her gaze looks around the room as she finishes a glass of honey mead.

Ernst's shoulders seem to square themselves as the song picks up, watching Galen move off to dance with some amusement, though the troll remains standing where he is. He seems more than content to have Rhea stand close to him, giving an agreeable bob of his head as he listens to Sterling's comments. "It is quite impressive. How she roused everyone up." He rumbles, not bothering to lower his voice with how the party seems to grow in volume, the elder troll's ice-blue eyes watching those dancing and drinking as his own flagon rises once more. "You seem like you are in good spirits." He comments, to Cassia, with an amiable smile. It's clear that he is, as well.

Grace's mug is also drained, and set with Cig's stuff. And yes, they dance. They dance as though they'd been dancing together forever (and maybe if the rumors are true, they have), and with the inhibitions gone, the dance is indeed joyous, and free, and truly a sight to see.

Chernobog has no reaction to the Gift of Pan. None. He doesn't even flinch nor does his mind think of doing anything other than what he is doing. He focuses his eyes to the stage, observing the Satyrs-song with a relaxed posture and focused eyes. Slaine's eyes shine as she sings with the delight, even dancing around upon her cloven feet on the stage as she truly performs, as she has done in the past so long abandoned.. Saucy, raunchy at times her voice goes depending on the verse. "When lads and lasses merry be /With possets and with banquetsfine, Unseen of all the company, /I eat their cakes and sip their wine; And to make sport, /I fart and snort,And out the candles I do blow; The maids I kiss, /They shriek, "Who's this?" I answer nought, but ho, ho, ho!"

"Yet now and then, the maids to please, /I card at midnightup their wool:And while they sleep, snort, fart and fease,/with wheel to threads their flax I pull: I grind at mill /Their malt up still, I dress their hemp, I spin their tow;If any wake, /And would me take,I wend me, laughing, ho, ho, ho! "

Her voice still singing out, with now heavy seductive tones a rock of her hips with a shimmy and shake "When house or hearth doth dirty lie, /I pinch the maids there black and blue;And, from the bed, the bed-clothes I /pull off, and lay themnak’d to view:twixt sleep and wake /I do them take,And on the key-cold floor them throw;If out they cry,/Then forth fly I,And loudly laugh I, ho, ho, ho! "

Roxie listens with a grin to the distinctly Unseelie balad, brushing her hair back and sitting for a long moment, enjoying the song. Before Slaine reaches the end, however, the brunette has grabbed a drink, lips curling softly as she slips over towards where Cig and Grace dance, murmuring to the redheaded tragos with a light laugh. "Don't you sing, sister?"

"I see Sarah," Cassia tells Alexandre and the girl, gesturing towards the Tabby Pooka. "You should let her go; Deryn will keep an eye on them, keep them out of trouble." The suggestion is at least spoken gently. Of course, when Erin comes to steal Ernst away to dance, the Fiona steps back and makes the attempt at sliding her arm around the Troll's, settling herself at his side. "The night finds me well," she agrees with Sterling. "And yes, it is quite the revel." He gets a smile, and then she's looking up-up-up to Ernst. "I am; I've missed things like this." Some of the verses of Slaine's song, well, she cannot help but laugh. Caerwyn would hold up his hand and set aside his flagon "Afraid this is not the dance I know, I must decline." he steps a few paces from the bar before lifting his hand up to wave his farewell "Good evening, and may it last far into the night!" he grins and turns on his heel moving into the shadows at the edges of the party

Caerwyn goes home.

Caerwyn has left.

Clara laughs with a warm blush at the naughty words of the song but still she sways her hips beneath her sheer gown and claps along

As the song continues Cig spins Grace around, and spins around her. Hand up, Grace under, then he slips in behind. Around and around and around they go. There's a moment of potential danger when Cig decides to hop over the bonfire and arcs Grace up to follow him. It lands Grace next to Roxie and gives her a chance to join in the singing if she wants to.

Grace grins to Roxie's question, "Don't we all?" she asks in turn. Not that she has anything at all prepared...

Melody taps her feet upon the floor as she listens to the music, tapping along perfectly. She takes another full glass of honey mead and sips it a bit more, too nervous to dance by herself.

Sterling laughs softly at Erin as she tugs at him. "All right, sweetest, all right," he says. He drains his mug and sets it aside, letting Erin lead him out onto the dance floor. "I'll warn you, I have two left feet when it comes to dancing," he says with a grin. That said, he starts to lead her in a sprightly jig. Moving far more carefully than he seemed to think he could. Perhaps it's the Gift of Pan loosening the burly sidhe up. Laughing uproariously at some of the saucier verses of the tune.

Slaine after singing for a good long while, truly wanting to revel in the night that is is. A song most unseelie in spirit, she comes to the final verses, dancing and hoping about on the stage as she moves, a few motions of goring with her horns and spinning as she sings.

By wells and gils rivulets in meadows green, /we nightly dance our hedegies, And to our fairy King and Queen /we chant our moon-light harmonies.When larks 'gain sing, /Away we fling;And babes new born steal as we go; An elf in bed /We leave instead,And wend us, laughing, ho, ho, ho! From hag-bred Merlin's time have I /thus nightly revel’d to and fro:And, for my pranks, men call me by the name of Robin Good-fellow:Fiends, ghosts, and sprites /That haunt the nights, The hags and goblins do me know,And beldames old, /My feats have told,So Vale, Vale, ho, ho, ho! "

Coming to the end of the song, her Bodhran beats wildly in the air, and she offers a deep bow, her chest heaving, skin glistening, eyes wild and her smile, well.. radiating.

Alandra is felt inspired to say the least but for now she just continues to dance, and dance again. While she's not a natural at it she seems to enjoy it while others tap their feet she twirls them and attempts not to fall flat on her face.

Well with Ernst not noticing Erin's tugging and Caerwyn not only declining but running off Sterling gets a hopeful look. At his agreeing of dancing she jumps for joy and leads him or he leads her someone leads to the dance floor, it's not like she knows how to dance this either she's just moving to the song and laughing. The shy person that came in seems to have left the building. She looks around and smiles at Lord Chernobog and waves him over to dance with them. Oh boy now she's done it Roxie almost falls at the fire-leap from Cig and Grace, the hook-horned girl leaning on her cane a bit and smiling, laughing at Grace's question, "Well, every family has its odd duck." She's quiet half a moment, still listening to Slaine attentively and then applauding, before speaking up with a wicked grin, "We have one more, your darkest grace." She calls to the lord of the evening, lifting the redheaded satyr's hand, volunteering her.

Chernobog eyes the offer from Erin, but the Night Lord raises a gentle hand politely declining the offer. His eyes loom over to Grace who is getting her hand held up by Roxie and he nods, acknowledging her as a contender before returning to pay attention to the song provided by Slaine.

<OOC> Galen eeps went othte bathroom and wowo I have catching up to do.

Ernst happily offers his arm to Rhea as she reaches out to take it, the Troll seeming to relax just a bit as he observes the dancers and merrymakers, a laugh escaping him as Erin convinces Sterling to go out and dance with her. He must admit - he really did not notice the tugging. Perhaps it wasn't hard enough. He takes another generous gulp from his flagon as the song continues, glancing up towards Slaine in rapt attention as her song comes to a close. His free hand rises, fingers entering his mouth as he lets out a loud, cheery whistle in Slaine's direction, as the applause starts.

Galen smiles as he sees Erin out there dancing and gives her a thumbs up then he dances over to greet alandra, "Lady Alnadr, welcome.' he then attempt to hug her in greeting, maybe the music is getting to him.

The pounding of the Bodhran drum is like the pounding of a wild heart. Alive. Vital. Full of dark energy. That energy is still inside Cig when the song ends. He watches as Grace's hand is taken and raised. He exchanges a look with her. Slaine having finished the song, her most proud enthusiastic bow to those whom she performed for finally ends, smile beaming, the satyr rights herself so she may jump off of the stage to land with a solid thump, and stride over to the 'Tavern' for a drink.

Sterling lifts his hands high, clapping loudly for Slaine and whistling sharply through his teeth. "BRAVA, SLAINE, BRAVA!" he thunders over the crowd. "WELL SUNG!" He looks down at Erin with a laugh, scooping her up in a big hug and twirling her around before setting her down. "A fine dance, sweetest," he says to her as he bends down to plant a kiss on her forehead. "Thank you. Perhaps we shall dance again ere the night is done." Giving her shoulder a firm pat, he turns and heads back to the bar. "Another mead!" he orders, sliding his empty mug over to the boggan behind said bar.

Grace's hand is lifted, she blinks several times, her gaze meets Cig's, and she grins back to him. She steps aside to bow to the Lord of the Night, then turns to regard the stage. Oh boy.

Finishing off that pale glowing wine, Cassia sets the glass down. Alexandre gets a Look, probably to drive home her suggestion that he should let the girl go have fun, and then she's looking up to Ernst, and now _she_ is moving, tugging on him by the arm out towards where the dancing is happening. She does actually whistle for Slaine as well, adding her cheer to the others, and then she's giving Ernst an angelic smile. "Dance with me? I think there will be more music." However the limp-y Sidhe thinks she's going to actually dance.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Grace rolls Charisma + Music + 1   vs 4 for 5 successes.
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Grace rolls 1   vs 4 for 1 successes.
        Result: Grace sings a song that touches hearts (GoP)
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Slaine rolls Stamina  vs 7 for 2 successes.
       Result: Slaine's attempt at getting mystified from booze fails.

Cheering, clapping and all kinds of noice comes from Erin when the song comes to and end. She laughs and hugs Sterling back though he gets a kiss on the lips this time than on the cheek smiling rather brightly at him, and laughs as he twirls her "I fucking better" she skips towards the bar with Sterling jingling along. Well see she got the right costume on she's entertaining, she just didn't know it.

Clara has reconnected.

Clara smiles and applauds as the song ends then she downs the rest of her drink. Setting the glass aside she gives several faces a long look then smiles and lifts a hand before slipping off into the dark

<OOC> Clara says, "thanks all! night!!"

Roxie gives the (in this case) not-so-silent song a thumbs up on her way down the stage, and then the latte-colored satyr is silent, listening to Grace's coming performance with rapt enjoyment.

<OOC> Cig says, "Goodnight. :)"

Slaine orders herself the Nytlife, and is turning to look now to the stage. As Grace.. Graces it. She cries out, "KNOCK THEIR KNICKERS OFF!" Heaving as she just is high from the moment, a glint in her eye as she looks to the many faces around. The drink slid over the satyr knocks it back.

Clara goes home.

Clara has left.

Cig goes to get drinks while Grace hops onto the stage. He settles in to watch. And drink. And watch. He grins as he sees Grace's fellow Satyrines encourage her performance. And he'll be there until she's done, even though his player needs to head for bed now.

<OOC> Cig says, "Thanks for the scene. Have a great night."

<OOC> Slaine says, "Night!"

<OOC> Alandra says, "almost falling asleep at the keyboard"

Alandra has disconnected.

Cig goes home.

Cig enters Orange Food Truck.

Cig has left.

Ernst chuckles heartily as the Fiona tugs him by the arm towards the other dancers. The troll's huge form seems to relent, one stride then another taking him out with Rhea out towards the others, his shoulders seeming to relax a bit more as he looks out towards Grace as the other satyr takes her turn. "I think you're quite right. I doubt the music will end anytime soon, on a night like this." His deep voice utters, in response to her statement. His gaze shifts in front of himself quite often, to make sure he does not bump into any childlings or similarly short kithain or kin before finding a spot for himself and the Fiona, taking her by the hand as he readies himself, making sure to keep his squeeze on her smaller hand gentle.

<OOC> Galen says, "See I attempt to hug someone and they disappear. :("

Chernobog applauds Slaine as the song ends, only to be greeted by the third contender Grace. He remains at apt attention, listening to the music provided by Grace, his foot gently swaying along with the beat with a light smile on his face.

Did I mention that Erin can be rather childish? Well she sticks her tongue out at Ernst when he is looking too before she stands near Sterling looking up at him "You want to fucking dance again?" she smiles at him. "I think he wants to fuck again!" Rodrigo calls out, still laying there on the sidelines. With his eyes half-lidded like that, he may or may not actually realize whose mouth he's putting words in. Probably doesn't much care, really

Sterling downs a long pull from his mug, his face starting to flush a bit from the dancing and from the alcohol. He looks down at Erin with a laugh. "Perhaps in a moment, sweetest," he says. He looks up at the stage, a grin creasing his features. "Seems hardly fair that only satyrs are up there, nay?" he says. He glances down at Erin with a conspiratorial grin, then turns to address Chernobog. "Lord Chernobog!" he calls. "I shall perform next, an' it please you!"

Grace approaches the stage, thinking through what she knows, that would be suitable for the evening's festivities. She is joined by her chimerical whatsis, the spidery bagpipy thing that plays music. Not that she can't, but Twink is so much better with doing that accompanying music. Music starts, and Grace joins in, her voice clear, smooth, and ringing out to the crowd.

Feel like a superhero, what type of dreams are these I’m as high as a eagle, I’m taller than the trees And I can’t turn back, I tell my heart relax Late at night, in the dark, I close my eyes And suddenly everything is gone

Melody blushes brightly as she watches the on-going escapades and continues to sip upon her honey mead. Her eyes going wide as she hears the words leave Rodrigo's mouth, swallowing a large gulp of the honey mead before she covers her mouth and coughs softly for a moment. So much to get use to still, her fingers raise up to gently touch the flower wreaths upon her head/

<OOC> Rhea says, "Hey Grace, are you using GoP? :)"

<OOC> Grace says, "Yes, I'd say so ... just carrying on with what Slaine started. :)"

<OOC> Rhea says, "Ok!"

<OOC> Slaine says, "Wooot!"

<OOC> Roxie says, "Does it compound?"

<OOC> Lord Chernobog says, "YEs"

<OOC> Galen says, "Yup. Still the same diff to resist though."

<OOC> Grace says, "Yeah, each performer lowers everyone's banality by another point per hour."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Melody rolls Willpower vs 7 for 2 successes. <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

           Result: Rebuffs the Gift of Pan

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Rhea rolls Willpower vs 7 for 2 successes. <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

           Result: Rebuffs the Gift of Pan

Thoroughly pleased when Ernst follows her out to dance, Cassia is smiling. When he takes her hand she settles in in front of him, half-stepping back to curtsey full on to him. And then Grace is setting into her song, and she's moving to follow Ernst in a dance. For the dancing, she doesn't seem to be injured at all, moving reasonably easily, the skirt of her dress swishing and spinning appropriately. While she's certainly not losing herself to it all, she may be getting carried away a little bit, currently uncaring as to who might be watching. High energy, and a great deal of focus is spent up on Ernst.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Galen rolls Willpower  vs 7 for 0 successes.
          Result: Succumbs to the Gift of Pan
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Rodrigo rolls Willpower  vs 7 for 1 successes.
          Result: Rebuffs the Gift of Pan
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Lord Chernobog rolls Willpower vs 7 for 1 successes.
         Result: Rebuffed the Gift of Pan

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Ernst rolls Willpower  vs 7 for 3 successes.
         Result: Rebuffed the Gift of Pan

Galen starts to dance with abandon as Graces song gets going. He moves amongst the crowd takes a moment to dance with any who are willing to dance with him before moving on he is at home in this environment, among his people.

Slaine lifts here drink up, looking at it, then back to the boggan. She makes a rap of the mug and turns again calling for another as she finishes it. Watching her sister up on the stage perform. Head bobbing to the tune, clearly the satyr is pleased. Eyes slip over to Sterling offering him and Erin a glance over, yeaaah that is one nice long look that way smiling at his call to perform, then around to others.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Slaine rolls Stamina  vs 7 for 1 successes.
         Result: Her body defied the booze with Satyr Staminaz
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Erin rolls Willpower  vs 7 for 1 successes.
         Result: Rebuffed the Gift of Pan 

Grace continues with the singing, Twink, versatile in any sort of music plays on.

I’ll be lifted, lifted, lifted Reach up for the light I’ll be lifted, lifted, lifted Devil can’t catch me tonight I’m not afraid, and I’m not alone Even if I’m dancing on my own I’ll be lifted, lifted, lifted

Chernobog nods, acknowledging Sterling's desire to sing. He eyes the party and looks to the few childlings remaining, nodding to them as they all smile and pull out timepieces. He then returns to listening to Grace's song with rapt interest.

Grace smiles brightly as her voice rings out. The next verse seems to describe some of what seems to be happening around her.

All I hear is music, I’m losing all control I have no excuses, can’t say I wasn’t told If the sky turns black, I’ll tell my heart relax Late at night, in the dark, I close my eyes And suddenly everything is gone

I’ll be lifted, lifted, lifted Reach up for the light I’ll be lifted, lifted, lifted Devil can’t catch me tonight I’m not afraid, and I’m not alone Even if I’m dancing on my own I’ll be lifted, lifted, lifted

Roxie spots Galen wheeling about, offering her own hand as the young Sidhe seeks a dance partner, setting her cane aside and murmuring, "Gently, love." Not that she wants to follow her own advice, bad leg or not, the urge to dance and leap strong in the satyr's veins as Grace sings.

More singing yay Erin isn't still dances closing her eyes as she listens to the music as she smiles. She even does a little twirling as she stands near Sterling.

The drink while it is good, is not doing what the trick is, so when the satyr asks the barkeep for a third he gives her an arch of his brow, then laughs at the satyr. Giving into the drink, the celebration.. Oh yes. her mind is already weaving stories and her hips are rolling and swaying. Oh, look.. Erin within grasp, she pulls the Kinain close to her to dance with now, well that is if she lets her, pressing her front to the other's backside with a swirling sway, her arm firmly wrapped about her waist. Ernst's dancing is slow, but there is some energy to be found in it as he leads Rhea in a dance, his gaze mostly focused on her as she moves with him. Grace's singing seems to raise his spirits quite a bit, though the troll retains most of his composure. His gaze occasionally flits this way and that, a cautious measure more than anything as smaller kithain dance around him, not wanting to bump anybody over as the decidedly un-graceful elder troll dances about with Rhea. A smile comes to his rough lips as the song picks up, Grace's voice seeming to be as wondrous as her sister satyrs' to his ears, his attention focused on Rhea as the song continues.

Chernobog eyes the childlings as he pulls out his own timepiece, checking the time in coordination to the massive clock above. About an hour left until sunrise. He settles back in his throne to enjoy the rest of Grace's song.

And, there's another verse and chorus, this one winding things up. Grace has been turning her attention throughout to Cig, but she does so more through the last of the song.

Feels like I finally finally found it More than I, than I could have ever imagined After all this waiting and this holding on Suddenly everything was gone

I’ll be lifted, lifted, lifted Reach up for the light I’ll be lifted, lifted, lifted Devil can’t catch me tonight I’m not afraid, and I’m not alone Even if I’m dancing on my own I’ll be lifted, lifted, lifted

And, the song ends, Twink emits the last fading notes, and Grace takes a bow.

Galen takes Roxy's hand and begins to dance with the Satyr and he grins, "Well I will try." He then says, "It is nice to meet you."

Sterling watches Erin and Slaine dance with a fond smile creasing his features. Drinking heartily from his mug, he makes short work of the mead inside. As Grace brings her song to a close, he sets the empty mug aside so he can applaud. "Brava!" he calls. "Well sung!" Not quite as boisterous as his appreciation for Slaine's song, but the elder sidhe isn't one to skimp when it comes to cheering on his fellow Kithain.

"You too, my lord." Roxy inclines her head to Galen. She's not as wild or free in her movements as she might like, but is quite graceful enough. And sad when it ends, although she applauds Grace quite cheerfully, giving her- and Twink- a thumbs up. Cassia is not particularly graceful (she's going to get kicked out of the Sidhe club), but she does appear to be enjoying herself and dancing with her partner, the bright smile not moderated at all. She lets Ernst watch out for others, following his lead, continuing to move to the music and soak up the song. She's starting to edge towards something wild when the song ends and she slows, then stops, letting go of Ernst only long enough to clap before she's reaching to take hold of him again.

Erin opens her eyes when the song comes to and end and looks towards the stage and claps for Grace. It's probably a good idea that she can't see all that well towards the stage.

Seline has arrived.

Melody continues to gently tap her feet along to the music from where she sits at the bar and sips upon the honey mead, finish off another glass. Her eyes watching everyone with curiousity as her head scans the room once more, looking to see if she might recognize another voice or not.

Grace smiles in pleasure as she makes her way off the stage, Twink disappearing off somewhere to play with the other chimera, apparently. She beams to her fellow Satyr grrls, hooves tripping gaily across the ground. Slaine makes a tight hug around Erin's waist and howls out a boisterous cheer for Grace, her third round grabbed now to lift up, "My beatuiful lovely Grace! A come back of come backs... And oh how I shall be Cu...." She winks and is tossing back another heavy gulping swig, some of it dribbling down now afrom the corner of her mouth along her neck. A growl escaping her lips as she does so, tightening of her fingers around Erin's waist.

Chernobog eyes Grace as she finishes her song, standing from his throne as the shadows swep along her feet. "Our final contender." He sits back down in his chair, crossing a leg over the other in idle wait.

Galen applauds Grac's song as it ends and cheers, he then smiles to Roxie, "You were an excellent dance partner." he offers the Satyr a hug., he is now offically in a huggy mood.

A grin comes to Erin's lips when Slaine comes over and wraps her arm around her waiste. She leans against her and laughs when Slaine dribbles. She reaches out and cleans out the corner of her mouth. She watches the next person to take the stage.

Seline makes her way into the area, looking around at the party goers as she walks slowly along. Her fur cloak fastened around her shoulders, the patchwork colors blending slightly with the trees until she steps out of them and silently towards a drink. Ernst pauses with Cassia as the song ends, pausing with the Fiona to add some applause of his own, pausing once she takes his arm again and finishing it off with a whistle for Grace as the satyr hops off the stage, grinning over in her direction before looking down at the Fiona accompanying him. With a bit of a grin, he says to her, "So?" He begins, in a slightly playful rumble, the mood seeming to get to him at least a little. "Feeling spirited enough for another, or shall we go get another pair of drinks?" He asks, tone turning curious as he voices the question. There is apparent warmth with how he looks at her in the stern troll's features.

Roxie is officially in more than a huggy mood. Blame the other satyrs, the brunette's fingers tugging Galen's shirt close and kissing the sidhe's lips with a smirk and laugh. Half-looking to the stage now for the final performance.

Galen is caught off guard by the kiss and blinks a coupleof times then he spots Seline enter and smile,'You will have to excuse me for a moment I do have to be a good host."

Sterling looks up. "I suppose that's my cue!" he says. He straightens his vest and inhales a deep breath, making his way up onto the stage. "Good eve, lords and ladies, friends and family!" he hollers as he steps upon to the stage. "I feel I must apologize, comrades," he calls out to the crowd. "I'm nowhere near the songsmith that the fine ladies who just performed for you are. But I do hope that you enjoy what I have to offer. 'Tis an old song from my mortal father's kin, in the faraway Kingdom of Caledonia. I hope I can count on you all to help me with the chorus, it's quite simple!" He clears his throat as he gathers himself for a moment. Then he starts clapping a sprightly rhythm, belting out a verse that might be familiar to some. His smooth baritone affecting a Scottish accent as he sings. Clearly no match for the satyrs, but he's having fun with it!

"Well a Scotsman clad in kilt left a bar one evenin' fair And one could tell by how he walked that he'd drunk more than his share He wandered 'round until he could no longer keep his feet And he stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the street! Ring-ding diddle-iddle eigh-dee-oh! Ring-di-diddley eigh-oh! He stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the street!"

Rhea has reconnected.

<OOC> Rhea says, "I missed anything after Galen applauding Grace, if someone could page me what I missed."

Grace rejoins Cig, his arms wrapping around her. She leans back against him to watch and listen to the next contender. Laughing as the song starts up, she claps along, and does indeed join in on the chorus. There's some high color on her cheeks - surely she's just full of the delight of the night, and that's not a /blush/?

Slaine's eyes steer over to Sterling murmuring something into Erin's ear, with a rather dark smile on her lips. Eyes watching others now with a hungry intent even as her fingers tighten aorund Erin's hip firmly.

Seline collects herself a drink, nodding to Slaine as she spots her and Erin before she finds herself a spot at the edge of the crowd to claim. She looks to the stage as Sterling lays claim, watching his performance over the rim of her cup as she takes a drink.

Well, Rodrigo may have been pretty out of it up to this point, but hey, he knows /that/ song when he hears it! Staggering back up to his feet, he wanders up to and onto the other side of the stage, then promptly lays down again and lolls his head to one side. Presumably this is his idea of contributing to the performance.

When Sterling starts to sing Erin sways with Slaine and smiles at her giving her a kiss on the cheek, at the whisper she leans in to listen and blushes before she whispers back to her.

Ernst says, “Well a Scotsman clad in kilt left a bar one evenin' fair”

Rhea has partially disconnected.

Melody continues to tap her feet to the music as she listen quietly, finishing another glass of the honey mead. While others are letting their inhibitions go she continues to hold onto hers for now still. Her eyes carefully watching everyone as her shyness causes her to rest her back against the bartop.

Sterling grins broadly at Grace as she joins him in the chorus, nodding his head in time to the beat. He looks around the floor, starting to stomp his foot in time, doing his part to urge the dancers to continue. Belting out the next verse with gusto!

"Well about that time two young an' pretty girls came wanderin' by An' one says to the other with a twinkle in her eye 'See yon sleeping Scostman, so strong an' handsome built? I wonder if it's true what they don't wear beneath the kilt!' Ring-ding diddle-iddle eigh-dee-oh! Ring-di-diddley eigh-oh! I wonder if it's true what they don't wear beneath the kilt!"

Slaine is sly, for as she sees to her whispered attentions, there is a look over to the boggan. Her hand lifts up to indicate two, Love potions. Then with a flick of her hand she indicates to Melody and Erin to be the lucky winners of said drinks!

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Slaine rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge  vs 6 for 3 successes.
  Result: Slaine gets people to drink Love Potion No. 8.5. Slick skillz follow

<OOC> Erin says, "that's just mean, mean mean mean"

<OOC> Slaine grins

<OOC> Rodrigo says, "And by 'mean' you mean 'get your camera'."

<OOC> Melody says, "what does the drink do?"

<OOC> Slaine says, "*Love Potion Number 8.5 - Fancy someone and need a bit of liquid courage? Look no further! (Chimerical, appears as a clear liquid with light, dull blue foam that is sweet. Stamina vs 8. Failure makes the drinker suffer the effects of Aphrodisia 2 - Yearn on a target of their choice. If your drinking it, there's probably someone here that's why)"

<OOC> Melody says, "shit.."

"Dancing first, drinking after," Cassia declares cheerfully, a laugh escaping as she picks up on what song it is that's being sung. Oh. She flashes a grin up towards where Sterling is singing, and then she's letting go of Ernst to spin herself into the music, twirling away to the quick-paced beat before she spins back to Ernst, turning to lean her back against him briefly before she circles around him. Dancing, with a good light step. Yeah, somebody's definitely on painkillers or something! But she's having a good time, clearly. Eventually she does take hold of him again, to dance dance dance.

Melody is becoming just a little tipsy as the love potion arrives, still new to the whole fae world she assumes its just a shot of some sort and downs it. After she swallows the effect kicks in and her eyes look towards Galen, she slides off of the stool and gracefully makes her way towards him. Roxie inclines her head to Galen with another little curtsy, letting the man away as she laughs a bit, recognizing the current song. Regrabbing her cane and heading to the refreshments table herself.

Galen starts to head over to the bar to grett Seline but hten he notices Melody coming toards him and he smile,s "Hey there. are you having a good time, I saw your fire jump, good job." He tells the Kinian.

The drink arrives and Erin takes it looking unsure at what she just got. She looks to Slaine who is still I think holding onto her hip "What's this?" she looks at her as she sways a little to the song that Sterling is singing. She raises a brow at Slaine's whisper and just shakes her head.

Ernst seems quite taken aback at how sprightly the Fiona seems all of a sudden, though his amusement is clear as she dances this way and that, a sharp grin on the elder troll's rough features. He can't help but move himself, though not so quickly as she does, as he watches her dance and twirl about his larger form. Eventually, he takes hold of her, trying to keep up with her pace, though warily so, taking hold of her hand to twirl her every once in a while, the troll quite enjoying the Baron's song, a look of recognition on his own features as it rolls along, his own voice adding to it every once in a while. He was in high spirits, and the Fiona with him was drawing more and more out of him as her energy grew.

Slaine smiles down to Erin as she questions the drink, swaying with the kinain, "A drink! Free at that, Be merry be light and enjoy the night!" She says to Erin, grinning as she slides her tankard down to the barkeep. There is a wildness in her eyes.

Melody smiles sweetly to Galen "Thank you" she murmus sweetly as she takes his arm and walks along with him now. Her eyes resting upon his face as she watches him in awe for a moment "So.. how long are you under Lord Chernobog?" she asks with hints of lust in her tone.

Seline looks towards Galen as he starts to head her way, her head tilting as she watches the interception with an amused light in her eyes. She smiles a little, takes another drink before looking back to the crowd as dancing breaks out here and there amongst those watching the performance.

A brow rises but Erin shrugs and begins to drink the drink that has been offered to her. She giggles and sways with Slaine smiling and even jingling too Galen walks with Melody to Sleine and he bows to her, "Welcome to the Grotto." He then says, "I hope you enjoy your visit." he hten smiles ot Seline, "Well until the night passes, after all the darkness is his domain."

Sterling hunkers down a bit, his clapping quieting and his voice hushing, bringing to mind those two naughty girls as they creep up to satisfy their curiosity. Slowly building the tension bit by bit, until the final reveal when he's once again clapping lustily, belting out the chorus as loud as ever.

"They crept up on that sleepin' Scotsman quiet as could be An' lifted up his kilt about an inch so they could see An' there, behold! Fer them to see beneath his Scottish skirt 'Twas nothin' more than God had graced him with upon his birth! Ring-ding diddle-iddle eigh-dee-oh! Ring-di-diddley eigh-oh! 'Twas nothin' more than God had graced him with upon his birth!"

She can at least dance, even if she's not fantastic at it. Competent, at least. Cassia doesn't protest being taken hold of, and she slows down just a bit to make it not _quite_ so difficult for him to keep up with her. She's twirled and she moves, laughing again at final bits of the song. Yes, she's thoroughly enjoying herself, moving in closer to Ernst and then back away, never so far that she has to let go of him, though. Melody pouts softly for a moment and whispers into Galen's ear as a blush gently crosses her cheeks, as she remains close to him.

<OOC> Slaine says, "LOL Cassia, I read that as TWERKED not twirled"

Seline smiles and inclines her head to Galen, "Thank you, and thank you for hosting the event. The turn out is very impressive, it's good to see so many out and enjoying themselves." Her eyes flicker towards Melody, her smile growing amused as she asks, "Having fun?" her cup coming up for a sip of mead.

<OOC> Rhea is having fun, but not THAT much fun. Cass has SOME dignity! ;)

Slaine leans down to peer at Erin, watching her as she drinks. A smile upon the satyr's lips and that grip which is tight, releases. With a firm pat to her side.

A drinking here comes Erin. She takes a good bit then looks at Slaine when she releases her and gives her a kiss on the lips before she giggles softly at her as she looks to the stage at Sterling.

Galen blushes at he whisper he hears and then sighs, "Sorry i don't think that is destined to be this evening." he then bends down and kisses Melody's cheek. he then notices Cassia dancing and grins, and gives a most undignified sout out to his fellow San Franciscan, "Go Lady Cassia, show them how we do it in the Bay Area."

Sterling lets loose a bark of laughter, grinning wide at the crowd as they move in time to his song. Rhea and Ernst in particular get a hearty smile and a nod of approval, clearly enjoying the sight of his fellow Fiona dancing alongside the troll. He lifts his voice to belt out the next verse, his voice bright and merry.

"They marveled for a moment, then one said 'We must be gone Let's leave a present for our friend before we move along!' As a gift they left a blue silk ribbon tied into a bow Around the bonny start the Scot's kilt did lift an' show! Ring-ding diddle-iddle eigh-dee-oh! Ring-di-diddley eigh-oh! Around the bonny star the Scot's kilt did lift and show!"

Melody's gaze flits to Seline and she nods softly "I think so yes... just still... adjusting to me still newly discovered bloodlines" she murmurs sweetly. She then looks to Galen and pouts a bit for just a moment, a soft sigh escaping her lips as her cheeks is kiss upon. Her gaze then looks towards the door almost seeming draw to it before it looks back to the dancefloor.

Chernobog isn't from Scotland it seems, but Sterling's jig catches his attention. His foot taps the dias in compensation with the beat, a finger tapping his wine glass to match as he continues to listen with an amused look. It's homey, something you would expect villagers to sing rather than noble halls. Such songs carry their own weight, so his ears remained perk with a thin smile on his lips.

Kisseson the lips are freely taken by Slaine. A growl is had and she returns the kiss firmly. Drawing back her head to look over towards Sterling she claps and yells out, "Show us yer Ribbon!" A hard smack to Erin's side and the satyr is looking wild eyed towards the fire. Heart pounding as she looks to the biggest one. Ernst lets out a hearty laugh as he hears Galen's exclamation towards Cassia, the elder troll seems to be putting in some effort to keep up with his sidhe partner as they move and dance together. Even though, she dances in a far more energetic way than his large body does, though he helps her spin and pulls her back in time with the beat of the song. He smiles as he looks up to how energetically Sterling is singing his tune, a commoner like Ernst unable to help but feel that this song is close to his heart, and it shows on his stony features.

Rodrigo rolls over onto his side, peeking one eye open at Slaine. "That's my line!" he calls out. Well, actually it isn't, but hey, at least he's /trying/ to take part in the party.

Sterling takes it on home now, reaching the final verse and the lynchpin of the folksy old tune. It is indeed something more suited to a humble taproom than the loft halls of the Shining Host, but the sidhe's paternal warmth and regal presence makes it seem to suit him just right. He launches into the verse, his eyes going wide as he sings the Scotsman's lines, feigning a look of astonishment for a moment before once again beaming a huge smile. Bringing the song to a close on a high note, he turns his clapping to applause, cheering for the crowd.

"Well the Scotsman woke to nature's call an' stumbled towards the trees And in the bush, he lifts his kilt an' gawks at what he sees And in a startled voice he says to what's before his eyes 'Och, lad I don't know where ye been but I see ye won first prize!' Ring-ding diddle-iddle eigh-dee-oh! Ring-di-diddley eigh-oh! Och, lad I don't know where ye been but I see ye won first priiiiiiize!"

Leaning against Slaine a bit Erin smiles then jumps when her side gets smacked. She laughs then looks towards the fires and at Slaine with a raised brow though when Sterling finishes that draws her attention and she claps, cheers and even screams god only knows what.

Laughing herself and flashing a grin over towards Galen, Cassia spins several times in a row before the dizzy has her catching hold of Ernst again and stepping in a little closer. Balance, see. She does not sing along, though she's certainly laughing at the song, her smile so very pleased. Yeah, the Fiona Grump is practically radiating happiness and pleasure right now. Then there's the finish and she's twirling one last time to end up leaning on the Troll, laughing and turning to bring both of her hands up to applaud quite heartily. There it is; she leans against Ernst, her left leg lifting enough to get her foot off of the ground.

Chernobog applauds Sterling as he stands once more from his throne. A delightful applause for a home medley, to his ears, was well sung with heart and passion in it's depths. "Well done, well done contenders." Pause. "It is now my privilege to bestow upon a skilled songstress the honor of being Summer's Troubadour." He snaps his fingers and beside his throne is a pedestal that bleeds out from the shadows with an ornate black box on top of it, which he turns and opens. He pulls out a small item, far too difficult to see where he stands and descends the dias in a way that makes one think he is floating rather than walking. The light touches him and brings out all the flawless features the Night Lord possess, his eyes colored in midnight swirls of deep blue and violet. It is to Grace the Night Lord approaches, lowering his head and raising his hands to her showing off a silver necklace that at it's center is adorned with a deep opal jewel that reflects all the colors of light and summer. Flanked by two flowers that enclose the gem in it's setting, the inside of the gem shows an etching of Pan's panpipes. "Lady Troubadour." His soft voice offers to Grace.

Melody decides to let the door call her more than the dance floor and begins to make her way to the exit. Slaine looks over to Rodrigo as he pipes in after her, "Well.. Show us /your/ Ribbon" A grin is had by the far too into this satyr, and there is a push of Erin forward, "Give him the best well wishes..." A nudge forward to the kin, with an applaude to be offered to Grace, and a howling hoot "That's our GRACE!" The Satyr cannot resist it any more.. That need to jump the fire is building and she is going to go for the big one.

Grace stands straighter as she is approaches, Cig's arms unwrapping from around her, but staying close. She stares at the necklace, and then up to the Lord. "Oh my, how beautiful," she breathes. She inclines her head once more, "Thank you, you do me great honor." She gives a sideways glance and semigrin as Slaine hoots out.

Galen aapluads Grace as she is named troubador then he smiles and he scans the party and sees all the people having a good time in his Grotto. He igves both Melody and Seline hugs if they allow it since they are close by.

There she goes again pushing Erin again this time there isn't much of a hesitating or a nervouse look. She runs towards Sterling jingling the entire time and well hopefully can can catch or that might not go overly well for her at least.

Seline slides her cup under her arm, applauding with the rest as the song ends, then again as the Troubadour is named. The offer of a hug is met with a soft look of surprise, but she slides her arm around Galen in return to hug him with a smile.

Galen's hugs stops Melody in her tracks, she cuddles close to him, letting her eyes shut as she is hugged and then reluctantly leaves his embrace to continue her way out of the party.

Ernst supports Cassia easily as the song dies down, the Troll letting out a pleased whistle in Sterling's direction, though he quiets down when Lord Chernobog stands, moving off to the side with Cassia just a bit to watch the Night Lord descend and name Grace the Lady Troubador. He grins broadly and gives her a cheery whistle of her own, his other hand supporting Cassia as he turns to her after a moment. "Shall we go sit down?" He asks her, a warm smile on his rocky features.

Roxie whistles and applauds loudly for Grace, the darker-toned satyr taking entirely too much advantage of the free flowing drinks. So much so that she takes a seat to rest, cane leaning nearby as she watches the dance.

Rodrigo sits up, more or less, and offers a shit-eating grin to Slaine. Or maybe Erin. "Sure thing! Come gimme a hand with it?" They'd better hurry, though, because... yeah, no, he just passed out again. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is-- something.

Sterling applauds as well, cheering boisterously. "Huzzah!" he hollers. "Well done, Grace, well -done-!" He makes his way back over to the bar. "Master Dollard! I've heard tell of a brew called Rocky Mountain Bear Fucker! Give us a pint!" he hollers, thumping the bar with his fist. When the brew is set before him, he turns and hefts it in Grace's direction. "Your health!" he calls before downing a long swallow. Smacking his lips, he examines the mug with a critical eye. "Mmh... not bad. Tastes like... root beer. With a dash of..." His eyes widen and his cheeks flush as the brew hits his stomach. "-Ohh-... -now- I get it," he says with a grin.

<OOC> Roxie says, "Going to slip out. Thanks for the lovely scene. Especially Mr. Chernobog."

Chernobog releases the item to Grace, turning and walking/floating back toward his throne in which he takes his wine glass up once more and settles into his throne. "I look around and I see so many faces, many beautiful, many lustrous. The Night has blessed you well." He lightly sips his wine glass. "Thus it is my not so humble opinion, that the Night shall take you all with it. Let the Sun burn in my darkness, and may it be banished from this world for all time." At the snap of Chernobog's fingers, the childings with the timepieces smash them with light wooden hammers, breaking them into bits and tossing the timepieces into the bonfires. Chernobog pulls out his own, a pocketwatch shaped akin to a golden sun. "The Night shall rule again." His hand grips the timepiece and a feeling of sudden stillness looms over the gathering. The shadow that have been lingering around the edges of the party begin to slide forward claiming more land for it's dominion. "And this time, I shall not be denied my pittance." A dark promise as he smiles, settling on his throne as shadows descend toward the bonfires, seeking to claim them.

<OOC> Lord Chernobog says, "I'm glad you had fun :)"

<OOC> Rodrigo googles Sterling's drink, does not grok how the name maps to the ingredients

<OOC> Lord Chernobog says, "Chimerically, it smashes your face. Google is for wimps :D"

Taking the time to applaud for Grace when she is awarded with the necklace, Cassia looks up to Ernst -- and then she's distracted from answering him by Sterling. Oh. One of her hands come up to cover her mouth as she laughs, shaking her head and grinning. Then she clears her throat, looking up to the Troll beside her, and she nods. "Sitting would be good, yes," she agrees. "I think I would like..." She quiets down as the timepieces are produced and broken, the bit of ceremony. The lengthening of shadows has her edging a little closer to Ernst, and she just nods again. Yes. Sitting. Also, alcohol.

And suddenly, running Kinain. Sterling oofs as he catches Erin barrelling at him, sweeping an arm around her and laughing. "Easy there, sweetest!" he says. "I'm an old man, you'll like as not break something jumping at me like that! And -then- where would I be, eh?" He gives her a fond squeeze, still chuckling as he looks down at her. "Quite a fine party, nay?" he asks her.

Galen jumps onto the stage, "No that cannot be." he then says, "With out the sun there is no plants, not tree , no life." he moves aross the stage, 'But who can stop one such as you? We need a hero a champion, would that it could be me, but I am a simple woodsman." he starts to moves back across the stage scanning the crowd, "Look. what is that." he points out a sword with flames all around it and he says, "That is the weapon our champion needs, but who shall that champion be. who can be our Thane of Summer." He then points at Ernst, "There, he is stout of limb and I am sure noble of heart. Take the sowrd be our Thane."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Galen rolls Charisma + Acting  vs 5 for 8 successes.
        Result: He may be a ham, but he's a DAMN good ham.

<OOC> Lord Chernobog rolfcopters.

<OOC> Galen grins, "He may be a bit of a ham but he is good at it.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Slaine rolls Dexterity + Athletics  vs 7 for 0 successes.
        Result: Slaine oopsied on her fire hopping

<OOC> Slaine says, "YES!"

<OOC> Rhea laughs and laughs and laughs.

<OOC> Sterling says, "Doh."

<OOC> Rhea says, "Galen stole your successes."

Almost didn't get caught but Erin seems all too happy and kisses Sterling rather fondly on the lips before she giggles "But you fucking caught me" she quiets down looking towards Lord Chernobog when he speaks then towards Galen. She keeps her arms around Sterling though even leaning her head against him.

Slaine glances back to Rodrigo, a flash in her eyes with that call.. Oh.. He's passed out.. Well, nothing she cannot claim later willing flesh or not.. But first.. Fire Jumping, and well certainly she sees to the big fire.. Sometimes they say karma is a bitch, all those tricks pulled tonight on others. Big fire overzealous drunken satyr.. Right up into the air and down into the fire she drops.. An explostion of sparks and she is rolling out of the flames with her fur smouldering. Letting out a roaring laugh, or is that cry out. Does that stop her? Nope.. She just was far from graceful in this... And up she gets staggering over now towards Rodrigo.

Melody goes home.

Melody has left.

Seline watches the goings on at the stage, taking a drink as she smiles at Galen's response to the Lord's proclimation. She moves from her spot, turning to head towards the refreshement table again, catching the...landing that Slaine makes. She pauses, blinking, turning towards the Satyr as she rights herself and keeps on going. A breath taken and slowly released and she turns to finish her quest for another drink.

Ernst walks Cassia over and helps her settle down on a seat as Chernobog announces the rule of Night, feeling the area around him darken, the troll's face wearing a frown after watching for a moment. Soon after, he sees Galen jumping up on stage, moving back and forth. Something about a champion! Ernst's attention is rapt onto the sidhe, his words seeming to find purchase within the stern-looking troll's breast, a firm nod sending his horns falling and rising up again. "I shall be your Thane." The troll echoes, his voice rising to carry across the room, not bothering to add many more words than that as his long strides take him to the bonfire, and the huge sword within. A meaty hand wraps around the hilt, Ernst seeming not burned by touching it. A huge arm flexes, and the sword is pulled free - and with that, all the fires go out in a dramatic fashion, but for the glow of the massive blade itself. The troll holds it high in the air, its radiant glow casting outwards from where he stands.

Concern crossing her face as the events continue to unfold, Cassia settles herself into her seat, smoothes her skirt out just so. She doesn't protest the call to battle, nor Ernst's answer of it, though she does gesture for another drink. It might be some of what Sterling just had. Maybe. But she's only sipping! Little sips. She saw what it did to him. And one can bet that she didn't actually name it, or if she did, she did so Very. Quietly. Her attention follows the Troll as he moves to take the sword, a startle making a brief appearance when the fires go out. She chuckles under her breath a beat later, watching and sipping. Sterling leans down to kiss Erin back, laughing softly. As the fires start to dim, his brows knot, and he looks towards Chernobog. The thought of the sun going out forever certainly not sitting well with the elder sidhe. But then, Galen is atop the stage, calling for a champion. He squares his shoulders, looking around the area. When Ernst is called out and the troll goes to claim the flaming sword, he lets loose a thunderous cheer. "AYE! THE THANE OF SUMMER!" he bellows, lifting his mug high. His cheeks pretty rosy by now. He's gonna have one -hell- of a hangover tomorrow at this rate. But right now, it would seem that not a single fuck is to be given.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Rodrigo rolls Dexterity + Athletics  vs 7 for 1 successes.
         Result: Rodrigo dogs the fire...this time.

All this is kind of confusing to Erin and she climbs to sit on Sterling's lap and snuggles close against him looking at the stage and then to Ernst as the fires go out she wows softly looking rather intently at them as she stays close to Sterling. Rodrigo winces at the sight of Slaine doing that fire dive, because geez, isn't she flammable or something? That looks like bad news to him, and when a tinkergnome thinks something is dangerous, it /probably/ is. Then he squints, having heard about half of what Erin just said-- "I'm on it!" he calls out, half-standing, half-rolling, and throwing his arms out in the right general direction to offer Slaine a soft target. Wouldn't want her to get into a head-on collision with a tree on top of her other troubles.

Grace has Cig help her put on the necklace, her fingers lightly touching the smooth opal. She turns to smile up at him once the clasp is closed and offers a kiss. Accepted, he then whispers something to her, and she nods, Looking around, personal belongings are collected, then the declaration of night, the call of a Thane, and the fires go out. Ooh, and a glowing sword.

Chernobog takes a drink of his wine, and his face sours at the proclamation of Galen and when Ernst pulls the sword, seeing it's glowing hue that envelops the area in darkness he tosses his wine glass aside filling the area with the sound of breaking glass. "And what will the Sun for you?? It is time to end this cherade!" The Night Lord begins to glow a midnight blue, power and glamour beginning to radiate around him as he doesn't stand from his throne, he outright floats into the air and out of nowhere reveals a sword of starlight. "I will end Summer's farce once and for all!" The Satyrs who have been parked behind the stage begin to beat a tune. An epic of drums, tympanis and trumpets. Chernabog suddenly wraps in himself, a whirlwind of shadow and vanished. "Die in my shadow, Thane!"

Slaine, thanks to Rodrigo at least has something soft to crash into.. And Crash into the nocker the satyr does. Feeling a little flushed, warm, smelling heavily of smoke and a little singed fur. Carefully twisting back to lean in against the Nocker, glancing up at him with a small grin.

Galen leaps off the stage his part over to let the principles go at it. He heads back ot the bar his job for the evening done.

Gasping Erin watches Chernobog vanishes and she looks around as she stays against Sterling he will protect her right. She bites her lip though she catches Slaine and Rodrigo but well she missed the epic fail since her attention was on someone else wich is totally Slaine's fault mind you. She leans to whisper to Sterling, maybe he knows what is suppose to happen.

Rodrigo's arms wander their way casually around Slaine's waist in turn, his posture and tone of voice entirely at odds with the next words that actually make it out of his mouth. "The fuck'd you do /that/ for?" Afterward, he manages to lift his head and tilt it in the direction of the flaming hoop. Is it a hoop? It looks like a hoop from where he's sitting.

The troll lets out a growl in response, a low crouch tensing the muscles in the troll's legs, and he leaps from the ground. "Be gone, Lord of the Night!" He shouts as his arms raise the blade high in the air, bringing it sailing down across the cool dark in a glowing arc, sending it crashing into Chernobog - if he were still there, the Night Lord seeming to meld into the shadow and disappear, reappearing out of another to strike at the turned Thane, with some shouts, the thane turns in the nick of time, deflecting a perilous thrust from the starlight sword with the wide blade of his own, glowing blade. And when the sun meets the night - lights burst all around as the blades sing upon contact. An aurora arcs across the air above them as he steps back, the trollish thane stepping forward to close in on the Chernobog.

Slaine's eyes go to the display of the battle between sun and night, the Lord vanishing. Brows loft upward with a small smile, rolling her head back to murmur to Rodrigo, "Why? Because it was calling to me. I needed to jump it." Forgetting how much she really dues suck at things like that. Staring now at the battle taking place.

Chernabog dodge the blazing arc of the Troll, and as the two come to blows the truth of their play is the massive light show that begins to erupt above the party. Who needs fireworks when you have glamour? Ernst blocked his sneak attack, the Night Lord hard to see in the darkness and the fireworks only bring out the darkness that make up his clothes. He leans into the block only to get pushed away and as Ernst approaches, he swoops in to strike at him again. However the Troll still blocks true, sending another awe-like brilliance of lights around them that float in the sky in an elaborate dance of sparks, radiant yellows and oranges crashing against starlit whites and dim blues. "Damn you!" Chernobog hisses, floating away until he once more folds in himself, the blue aura of power vanishing with him in time to dodge another arc of the troll's sword that sends orange hues to join the cascading shades of colors dancing above them.

<OOC> Rodrigo says, ""

There are soft wows and gasps from Erin, obviously she has never seen this before. She caresses Sterling's chest as she sticks really close to him whispering back and forth with him.

Galen lets out a yell when Earnt triumphs, "Three cheers for our Thane." he then starts to cheer. Oh. It might be a show, but Cassia is most certainly caught up in it. The Grump Fiona cannot quite help but stand up again, her free hand curling into a fist and settling against her chest as she watches darkness and light go at it. She continues to sip from her glass, and then takes an actual swallow. There's a flinch a couple of times when it looks like Ernst might get hit, but she does at least stay quiet. Staring, wide-eyed. The flecks of gold are all the more visible in her eyes right now, dark as they are.

Sterling watches the exchange between Ernst and Chernobog, a look of rapturous awe on his face as he settles both arms around Erin, tugging her back against him. Ooh'ing and aah'ing every time the two blades meet and clash. ILM, eat your heart out. When Ernst emerges triumphant, he throws a fist into the air. "Huzzah! Three cheers!" he calls, echoing Galen. "Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!" His cheering fading into laughter as he bends down to press a tender kiss to Erin's cheek. "There, you see? What did I tell you?"

The show seems to start in earnest at this point, as both of the troll's hands grip the hilt of the massive blade in his hands, arcing the sword this way and that, only to be deflected by the Night Lord's starry blade. The two engage in a series of blindingly fast parries, cuts, thrusts and ripostes that would make some of the most practiced of swordsmen green with envy. Each time Chernabog's blade meets his, light fires across the sky in brilliant arcs, sailing across the darkened sky in every color imaginable as light bled out, the song of the swords clashing punctuating the near blinding glow as the dance of swords neared its crescendo. The massive troll's body twists this way and that to block and parry the more nimble Night Lord, the embodiment of the Night blending into the shadows themselves as his dark clothing flutters through the blackness, though each clash of swords illuminates their display.

"Remind me," Rodrigo answers Slaine, "not to call you unless I got a couple hours free." He leaves it at that, rubbing his eyes and staring at the World's Second Biggest Knife Fight in progress. Okay, it's a big fancy show, he gets that, but as far as the point of it? Man, is he the wrong guy to ask.

It took Erin a moment to realize that Ernst had one but when there is cheering she joins in and giggles when Sterling kisses her cheek. She returns the kiss as she keeps caressing his chest, watching to see what comes next though she seems rather content in Sterling's arms.

Chernabog is the nimbler of the two, not being as massive as the Troll but he has the darkness on his side. As the swords sing lights across the sky, the drums banging with the trumpets increasing their intensity the Night Lord reappears, strike Ernst across the back that sends a booming yellow brillance joining the foray above them. "Yeees." The Night Lord hisses in delight, dodging another strike from Ernst until he feints, bringing his sword up and gets him in the arm. A howl of dark rage looms as the arm melts away into the darkness that joins the others creating a cascading rainbow of night vs day.

Seline collects her refill and finds a tree to lean against, her eyes going to the battle at hand. Her eyes narrow a hair, focusing on each swing of the blades, fingers tight around the cup though she doesn't lift it to drink.

Slaine laughs as she hears Rodrigo's response, "Okay.. Don't call unless you got a couple hours free." Reclining completely relaxed, her eyes half close just being lulled to sleep by the lightshow, sword fight. And then there is a turn of the Satyr, hooking her leg around Rodrigo's as she starts to fall asleep right there. Staying on her feet, Cassia continues to watch the two fighting, totally caught up by it. If she's even vaguely aware of anything else around her, there's no sign of it on the Sidhe's face, her shoulders straight.

Ernst gives a sharp grin towards the Night Lord as his blade strikes true, the troll pressing his advantage after Chernabog's arm melds away into the dark, the rainbow of gilttering light above them taking some time to fully dissipate before blades collide again. The troll's blade arcs through the air, seeming to be slowly gaining the upper hand over the Lord of the Night, his face turning back to its stern concentrated appearance as he battles his one-armed, dark foe. More lights fire out of the clashing blades in a glamorous display, Chernabog seeming to be having a harder time deflecting the powerful troll's strikes. "Your time.." Breathes the massive warrior, as he lowers himself, bringing his blade up with his charge, "Is over!" He snarls, sending his glowing blade in Chernabog's direction.

Galen is focused on those fighting notreally paying attnetion to anything else as the fight continues.

Sterling holds Erin close, watching the fight unfold. Cheering every time Ernst strikes a blow against Chernabog. "One more for the White Rose!" he calls. "Show him how the Seelie defends their comrades, Master Heidrek!"

Chernobog is on the ropes. He continues the dance brought on by Ernst's skill, only one strike against him but he will get the Summer's Thane yet! Light continues to dance until another vanishing act happens but Ernst is ready for it, turning himself where he reappears and is met head on by Ernst's blade. It slices through his midsection and hits true, his body bleeding shadow and dissipating as Chernabog lets out a dark scream of pain. "You...Haven't....seen the last of me...THANNNE! the Night will rull you all!" The Night Lord dissipates into the dark sending a 'finale' of booming fireworks that ignite all other sparks of light in the sky. The cascading rainbow descends to the ground, booming the bonfires to light once more and the throne of Chernabog is banished, pushed away as if fading back into the night from the light's brilliance. A rush of renewal falls over the landscape, a second breath as if life is renewed for everyone at the party and a warmth not felt in years descends over the party, ensuring comfort and rebirth as the first light of the sun is seen far off on the horizon.

A gasps escapes Erin's lips at the last words said then looks up at the sun and smiles up at Sterling leaning to get another kiss from his lips as she leans close to him it's about celebrating right and what's wrong with kisses in celebration, nothing I tell you

Rodrigo hasn't quite passed out completely, still, but he's drowsy enough that he doesn't even think to shout something rude at Erin and Sterling over there. Someone may have to carry the two of them back out to the fields when this is all over and done with.

Exhaling a soft breath of air, when all is over and the lights flare, life returning as the sun dawns, Cassia...takes another swallow from her glass. She turns to set it down beside her, giving a little shake of her head as if to stave off some of what the alcohol is doing to her. At least she's still steady on her feet. The Sidhe draws herself up and moves to cross in Ernst's direction quite promptly, moving reasonably swiftly given her limp.

And ... Out for the count. Well, at least Slaine is, with her fingers tightly curled up in Rodrigo's shirt, singed leg wrapped about in a firm cling. The world has gone from her mind, night to pass.. Where or how she ends up afterwards is hard to say. But, it has been a grand night.

<OOC> Slaine has work at 8am

<OOC> Slaine says, "Its late!"

<OOC> Rhea says, "Night!"

<OOC> Lord Chernobog says, "Well, the entertainment is over so now it's just party until people leave. Thankfully I got the ending in before you left!"

Sterling holds his breath as the final blow is struck. As the bonfires explode back into life, he throws his fist in the air again. "HUZZAH! THE THANE OF SUMMER!" he bellows, laughing deeply. Erin's kiss is returned, the elder sidhe tipping her back with a lip-lock that puts Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara to shame. He smiles down at her, eyes shining when he finally comes back up for air. "Good morning," he says to her with a broad smile.

<OOC> Sterling says, "Nanite! <#"

<OOC> Ernst says, "Goodnight!"

<OOC> Sterling says, "<3 even"

<OOC> Erin says, "night Slaine <3"

<OOC> Erin snuggles Slaine.

<OOC> Lord Chernobog says, "But, that is the main events, hopefully everyone had a good time and enjoyed themselves. Conrad has a date with a river to wash out the massive amount of make-up and prosthetics he's wearing."

<OOC> Rhea giggles.

<OOC> Sterling grins. It was great, thanks for having us! :)

<OOC> Galen grins, "thanks Conrad for running the party.

<OOC> Rhea says, "Yes! Thank you very much."

<OOC> Slaine says, "Grand show, grand party. Thanks for it."

<OOC> Galen says, "And thanks for everyone for showing up nad being fun."

<OOC> Conrad says, "You are all very welcome. Wait until next holiday! :D"

<OOC> Erin says, "It rocked Conrad thank you!!!"

Ernst pauses a little, taken aback himself at the display Night Lord's departure before his shoulders relax, bowing his head deeply in Sir Galen's direction. "The Sun returns." He states cheerily towards the sidhe as light slowly spills over the horizon, walking over to plant his sword back where he pulled it from. Turning after a while, he'd notice Cassia striding over towards him, giving her a sharp grin. "Hope you enjoyed that." He states, as he moves a few steps closer to the Fiona.

<OOC> Slaine says, "Highsummer/pranksgiving?"

<OOC> Ernst says, "Conrad was awesome, thanks a lot for letting me help out!"

<OOC> Slaine says, "Thats in a few weeks"

<OOC> Conrad says, "It is. Busy busy :D"

<OOC> Sterling says, "It'll be Samhain before we know it. XD"

<OOC> Conrad says, "No probs, Ernst. You were awesome. :)"

<OOC> Erin says, "I have a feeling i'm in trouble lol"

Rhea has disconnected.

<OOC> Galen says, "Then we is all unseelie."

Rhea has connected.

<OOC> Slaine bounces home

Slaine goes home.

Slaine has left.

<OOC> Rodrigo waves and fades out

Rodrigo goes home.

Rodrigo has left.

There is a swoonful breath taken after the kiss by Sterling and she looks at him with a smile and leans for another kiss, oh boy

Rhea has reconnected.

<OOC> Rhea siigihs.

<OOC> Rhea says, "Last I saw was Erin's ooc that she has a feeling she's in trouble."

<OOC> Rhea says, "Did I miss anything? ^^"

<OOC> Galen says, "Nope. A few people left but that was it."

Conrad is tired. Being flung around with Legerdemain and getting doped on Chicanery can do that even to the best of Sidhe. Once away enough to where the known illusion won't be broken he bathes his face in a nearby stream. God that feels good! Pulling the pieces of fake skin off his face and then washing off the pale make-up and pulling out the colored lenses in his eyes and washing out the dyes he used in his hair and taking the extensions out and changing clothes and getting out of those damn restraints that kept his body looking slim and several other arrangements until he tucks the outfit of Chernabog into a backpack and changed clothes to his usual dress-down blacks and golds. So! When he returns, he looks refreshed, if not a bit worn out.

She can get away with it on Midsummer, right? Cassia laughs at the Troll's statement and dips her head, stepping right in to him and reaching up to curl her fingers at the cloth at his shoulders and doing her best to try and pull him down for a kiss. It's the proper way to reward the man that just saved the sun, and all. There's no self-consciousness there, either, no; provided he goes along with it, he's getting an entirely thorough kiss. Yes. She certainly enjoyed that. Not that she _says_ as much, of course.

Galen smiles and takes oof his mask and says, "thank you all for attending, please feel free to stay as long as you like. If any of you need ot crash here for a bit I hcan hanve mys staff bring across some sleeping bags."

Grace has disconnected.

Grace has connected.

Sterling tucks Erin's head under his chin, rocking her lovingly, rumbling a deep laugh. "A fine revel indeed. A -fine- revel." He looks over to Rhea and Ernst, his grin broadening. "And a fitting reward for our Thane," he says. "Lucky devil that he is." He leans back to look down at Erin. "Seeing my lovely cousin and her Thane is starting to give me... ideas, sweetest," he says, giving her a wink. He looks to Galen and nods his head. "You are too kind, ser," he says. "Although if things are going the way I -think- they are, many of us will likely be seeking out less... ahem... public accommodations." Erin is given another wink.

There is a blush on Erin's cheeks as she looks to Ernst and Cassia. She smiles before looking at Galen nodding her thanks though she leans to whisper to Sterling with a big smile.

Galen grins, "Yes noo orgies in the gorttoe. I think thatis hte unwritten rule number 3." Ernst seems to show a bit of surprise on his features as he's pulled down by Cassia, but smiles and goes along with it, more than happy to recieve the reward the sidhe decided to grace him with, pressing his lips to hers and returning her kiss, a hand coming up to curl its fingers about her shoulder. It was most certainly unexpected, considering their suroundings but he did not at all seem to regret it at all. The Summer's Thane kissed her back thoroughly before their lips part, pulling her to his side as he visibly relaxes, a light smile on his face. He doesn't bother to say anything more for the time being. He'll take that as a yes to his question.

Rhea has partially disconnected.

Conrad's first order of business is the bar. He needs a drink. "Fetch me some of that fancy meade, pwease." He tells Dollard, who eyes him, not the least bit tired and pours him a glass of mead which he takes in thanks. Chug. Chug. Chug.

Sterling leans down to press a kiss to Erin's cheek, nuzzling at her ear briefly as he rumbles something back to her, grinning at her.

Laughing quietly as the kiss is broken off, Cassia offers up a brief little impish smile. Pleased, clearly. That single kiss seems to have been enough, though; the Fiona settles herself in against his side as he pulls her in, her smile fading to something more pleasant. She does chuckle at Sterling's words, shaking her head at him. She stays quiet for the time being as well, looking over those still assembled quite happily.

There is a giggle coming from Erin at the ar nuzzling and she grins right back at him nodding a bit at Sterling. Sterling slugs back the last of his drink and rises. Wobbling unsteadily as the alcohol rushes to his head. "Graces, I seem to have gotten myself drunk," he says with a laugh. Taking a moment to steady himself, he offers a hand to Erin. "Shall we, sweetest?" he says.

Galen watches Sterling and Erin for a moment, "Well have a good night you two. be safe." he tells them. Hehten loosk ot the rest of the party and grins, "I see the Thane of Summer is getting a heros reward." He smirks just a bit.

Sagely nodding Erin takes Sterling's hand and waves to the others smiling at Galen "Thanks for the rocking fucking party!" she give a little wave to Ernst and Cassia as she jingles along besides Sterling probably having to steady him

Ernst smiles down at Cassia for a moment, the troll seeming quite relaxed, though a light droop of his eyelids show that the night, and the previous performance had taken a bit out of him. His free hand waves over in Conrad's direction when if he'd look his way, shouting a "The festival went quite well, Ser Audron. I'm convinced you were the man for the job after that." He grins, and nods to Galen as well, "You were a fantastic host, as well." Finally, turning back to the Fiona at his side, the troll scratched at his cheek as he spoke, "As for me, I feel like I should slowly make my way home. I am quite tired, and I do not trust some of the guests to not draw on me, should I fall asleep here. Despite being the Summer's Thane and all.." His thought would be interrupted by some laughter, "Are you planning to stay?" He'd ask Cassia, curiously.

Lifting her hand to first Conrad and then Galen to indicate she agrees with Ernst's words for all that she's not going to holler, Cassia swings her attention back up to Ernst when he looks to her, offering up another smile. "I have not stayed up all night in some time," she answers him quietly. "I should have been asleep ages ago. I'm not going to stay, no. I'll make my way out with you." For all that she's holding herself well and seems alert, there's hints of fatigue to her demeanor, as well. And she's certainly favoring her leg, now.

Sterling takes Erin's hand, pressing the other to his heart and managing a bow without toppling over. "Comrades, I bid you farewell," he says. "Ser Audron, you are to be commended. The revel was even more magnificent than I had anticipated. My hat's off to you, ser." Leading Erin, he starts making his way to the exit, pausing by Ernst and Cassia. A hand reaching up to clap the troll on the shoulder. "You be gentle with my cousin, Master Heidrek," he says, offering a nudge with the elbow and a conspiratorial wink. He looks then to Cassia. "Have a wonderful rest of your evening, sweet cousin. Try not to weary your Thane -too- badly, hm?" With that, he turns and makes his way out with Erin alongside.

Conrad raises his glass to everyone. "Bah. It was all for you guys, gotta put on the best you know what I mean?" Midsummer was a high holiday for the Varich which meant that no stops could taken in revering light and darkness, as his House encompassed both in a truer extent than others. "I am glad you all enjoyed it." He kicks his meade back, draining it in three gulps and sets the glass down, his stomach getting butterflies. He looks to the bartender. "...Hey, is Rotgut as bad as you say?" The boggan pours him a shot of it and hands it to him, in which Conrad downs. He actually doesnt, instead he spits it out turning his head away from everyone else. "Fuck that's gross!" He laps his mouth with his tongue giving a very disgruntled look. Eww.

<OOC> Galen waves to all going to crash now. Rp as long as you like don't burn hte place down.

<OOC> Erin says, "Night Galen"

<OOC> Conrad says, "Night sir! Thanks for letting us crash your pad :D"

<OOC> Rhea says, "Night!"

<OOC> Ernst says, "Was lots of fun, goodnight!"

<OOC> Sterling says, "Night! :)"

Galen has disconnected.

Ernst laughs heartily at Sterling's words and waves as he departs, careful to have Cassia lean on him as he makes his way out as well after the others along with the Fiona. He waves to those still making merry before his hand comes down, to cover a wide-mouthed yawn of his. The troll seems rather relieved to head over and rest for the eve, his strides matching hers in speed as they slowly make their way from the grotto.

<OOC> Ernst says, "I'm crazy-beat as well, so I'm going to head to bed myself. Thanks for the RP, everyone. Was worth staying up for!"

Laughing at Sterling's words, Cassia shakes her head at him again. "I will do my best," she answers him, and then it's time to go. She does indeed lean against Ernst as they take their leave. Time to go!

<OOC> Rhea says, "Yeaaaah. Sleeeeepy."

<OOC> Conrad says, "Nini guys"

<OOC> Rhea says, "Night folks!"

<OOC> Erin waves and homes

<OOC> Sterling says, "Night!"

Erin goes home.

Erin has left.

<OOC> Sterling heads out as well. Thanks for the great scene guys!

Sterling has left.

<OOC> Conrad poofs as well as it seems the scene is over. "Take care yall!"