
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 00:35, 23 September 2013 by imported>Tina
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Sexabilities. Good looks. Athletic Abilities. Brains. Well, 3 out of 4 ain't bad.

Um, that party last night was awfully crazy I wish we taped it.I danced my ass off and had this one girl completely naked. Drink my beer and smoke my weed but my good friends is all I need. Pass out at 3, wake up at 10, go out to eat then do it again. Man, I love college, ay! And I love drinking, ay! I love women, ay! Man, I love college-Asher Roth

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VAMPIRES: Yeah, they got some hot chicks. Some down right freak a leaks.

MAGES: Yeah, banged a few of them to.

SHIFTERS: Have fun fighting a war you will never win. Father's got my back and has given me the tools to finally bring about the end.

CHANGELINGS: Whats this faerie shit your talking about? You talking about that Walter guy from the Beta Xi's? That fruit cup that likes blowing dudes behind the frat house?

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Kira: Me and you are going places. Stick with me and I'll show you how to be a true killer.

Bayne: Odd little duck. But atleast he is wise.

Shannon: Oh if it weren't for my respect for Bayne I'd love to get to know you a little better.

Mugsy: No more movies of me blowing dudes.

Silvana: We use to be so close. I thought I was just another of your boy toy's but I guess you took it a little more personal. You are missed.

Marion: King or Queen of the weird. Not sure which. Another odd cat and I think it has a bigger dick then I do.

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Nickname: Lord of the Flies

Breed: Hollow Man

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RP Hooks
College: Go to school at the local university? Like to drink and party. Abe's all about the frat party scene. Hit him up.

Intelligence: Need a spy. Someone to get all the little tidbits about someone. He can do that discreetly.

Assassination: Maybe somebody has pissed in your cheerios to frequently. Boyfriend or girlfriend fucking everything that moves behind your back. Troublesome supernatural fucking up all your fun and being a general annoyance. Call in the best to get rid of your troubles for a small fee of course.

General RP: I'm pretty much down for anything if you would like a scene just message me. This is a dark character and I do enjoy darker rp with him. But, he is also not above having a normal vanilla scene

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Notable Stats


STAMINA: *****

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