
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 01:29, 5 August 2016 by imported>WhoopingCrane
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PUBLIC INFO: Kell Patsakos is a local society lady, an heiress. She endorses political candidates who support marijuana legalization and sponsors the local farmers' market.

Shaherazaad's Kell founded an unlikely group of culinary friends in Prospect. Hailing from different places in the Middle East and the U.S., they bring together cuisine from Algiers, Iraq, Israel, Turkey, Greece, and other places. They pooled their skills to create the progressive restaurant Shaherazaad's.


  • Kell has been seen on the arm of a mysterious gentleman with piercing eyes, wearing a fine business suit. Update: The Shaherazaad's crew have seen him with Kell in the kitchen, baking.
  • The farmers' market is drawing a good Thursday crowd. Your choice of free greenbeans or dinosaur kale if you buy a cantaloupe. By night, a particle-masked street painter is doing those paintings of planets.
  • The nearby urban garden has been completed and is producing artichokes and early strawberries. Most of the extra vegetables are going to a mission kitchen. A portion are being traded to a Gypsy Kumpania in exchange for manure. Kell has been speaking in the garden with a beautiful man with long black hair and strange whiteface makeup. Is he some sort of spiritual advisor...? The trees in the garden are growing with remarkable vigor.


  • Every year, tickets to her birthday party are sold for charity. The soiree is held all night at a Middle Eastern restaurant called "Shaherazaad". Perhaps you've attended that gathering?
  • Sometimes Kell spends time in the desert, on an electric motorcycle, with a small white horse galloping alongside. Maybe you might see her there?
  • The garden is a place where someone could come in off the street and explore. You might run into her while she's pulling caterpillars off the chard?
  • Kell personally works diligently at Shaherazaad's. Maybe you ran into Kell at the restaurant early in the morning?
  • Kell has distant ties to the Gypsy community of Prospect. Maybe a friend in common sent you to meet Kell?

    Played by: Charlize Theron Kell.png

    PRPs (Kell as ST)

  • "Take Two Tablets" Lady Mondragon is a busy woman- and that's why she's asked Silvana to bring her a very rare book. This 'book' is so old, it's written on clay with a little reed. It was last in the keeping of an antiquarian in Dorsetshire. All Silvana has to go on is a street address last contacted by mail in 1921. Is it still there? Has it been lost, stolen, sold on Ebay U.K...?
  • After a year of secretly working with electric cycle technology, Kell is putting together some sort of handy sea-going motorcycle. She's had a very nice (though exquisitely shy) inventor for dinner. The prototype is ready and delivered. Now it just needs testing... but what ever happened to Dr. Silvio? (STATUS: This is an investigative plot. Possible IC lead-in: Kell's looking for a new tech person to take Silvio's place.)
  • A young lady of the Kumpania Leopolo is ready for a marriage that would cement good relations with another Kumpania- but her lack of ability to conceive is a serious obstacle. Who wants a girl that can't have an heir to bear the honor of two age-old families? It may be that Mirela has the answer!

    Resolved PRPs

  • "Summertime Blues" Something had cast a pall over Kell's spirit. An evening with a new acquaintance, watching a slideshow of kids playing at the 2012 Winterfest downtown with Jack Frost put her to rights.
  • "Israel P.Q." The purchase of fruit labelled "Israel P.Q." re-opened some wounds, and there was a night of strife. One Shaherazaad staffer saw the Jaffa oranges and broke into tears. The prized oranges were an Arab innovation, originally raised in lands labelled 'Palestine'. Since World War II, the orchards had been taken over by Israelis, with severely impoverished Palestinian laborers doing the harvesting. Fortunately, the arguing played itself out, and friendships were reaffirmed. The ensuing Passover celebration was a heartwarming occasion.
  • "Weed" One reason this neighborhood was chosen is because there's a medical marijuana dispensary. Through a proxy, Kell is one of the owners. She's heard a rumor in the Market that they're selling marijuana to minors. The Federal government wants all the dispensaries shut down as they violate national laws. California law says they're legal, and state authorities won't cooperate by issuing warrants unless the relevant California law is also being broken. Selling to children would be such a violation. Then again, the clinic already rakes in three million a year- why would a doctor risk upsetting that? Is the rumor true? If not, who is spreading it, and why? (STATUS: Gwydion's investigation revealed pharmacist Mark Gautier was stealing cannabis to appease a blackmailer and street dealer named Impala. By a freak happenstance, Impala was picked up for unrelated crimes the same night. Thanks to Gwydion, Gautier's life is back in order again.)
  • "Ships in the Night" Off the coast of Prospect's downtown peninsula, an archaic 'tall ship' has been sighted. It flies a black flag with white crossed swords, and moves through the mists with sails slack. Is it a ghost ship? Is it a really cool movie prop? Or is it just a side-effect of the time Kell's friend got royally baked on the beach? Updates: 1) The ship is linked to gasoline thefts along the Prospect shore. Drake Marshall found out the raid put a Detective by the name of David Kiasta in the hospital. The tall ship's crew is hostile! 2) The mysterious vessel has been located and is now being tracked. 3) A dinghy with a freakish crew of mutineers has been secretly intercepted. The interview of its most peculiar passenger has shed much light on the situation. (STATUS: The ship has disappeared. Perhaps one night it may return.)
  • "Momma" Shipments of Interferon to Dr. Bacino, Jax's doctor, were vanishing en route. Who is stealing it? Where will they try to sell it and can it be recovered? With extreme rarity and limited "shelf life", time is running out for Dr. Bacino's patients. Where was this substance, normally produced by a huge bacterial fermentation system, coming from? (STATUS: Completed by Jess. The highly unusual "Momma" is now available as a possible Contact or Ally to Jess and any Camarilla.)
  • "Coyotes" Kell thought being a bigwig in Prospect was going to be a cakewalk. The more she's learned about her neighborhood, the less sure of this she's become. Each square mile holds an average of 3500 people. 1 in 10 workers is an undocumented immigrant from Mexico. When bad things happen, they aren't willing to go to the police. Now, some desperate folks are asking Kell for help. Something about "Sinaloas" and "their coyotes" coming after them. Immigrants at a farm are disappearing. Is this some kind of voodoo werewolf thing?! (STATUS: Put to rights by Varges.)
  • "Horse" The intractable white pony that Kell acquired from a Ravnos turned out to be possessed. After much effort, the wraith was restored to a semblance of sanity. Then, his spirit was brought to a peaceful resting place by Marcus. The only loose end is the matter of payment for that task. (STATUS: Kell has fulfilled her obligation here.)

    My OOC RP Preferences

  • You'll probably have noticed this page doesn't use the templates, which normally give you a rundown of a character's attitudes towards various types of supernatural. I prefer to observe "The OOC Masquerade". If you want to know what Kell is, please use an IC ability when it isn't "sniping" and is therefore allowed on the MUSH. If you want to know what Kell thinks of Garou, Changelings, Demons, whatever, find out IC. At least on the surface, Kell tends towards the "heroic" and not the "villainous" side of things. I think that's enough of a clue to start. I came here to roleplay. :)
  • I'd rather that someone I RP with wasn't playing any alts. Why not? First, because it severely impedes the quality of play. It destroys natural curiosity the character ought to have. Suppressing personality-leak from one scene to the other causes the character to be wooden. Multi-worlders have difficulty remembering what went on in previous scenes. They don't pick up on clues-- and this is a game about conspiracies and subtleties. Second, it's unfair to me to have to wait while somebody else writes two posts. I don't mind slow RP if I've had the option to opt-in to it. I want to give you my best, and that means not opening another window. So if you're slow, I'm staring at dead air for six minutes at a time. If (for whatever reason) you're going to be slow, please let me know in advance. Depending on my mood, I might be totally cool with playing eight games of Bejewelled while you type of a twelve-liner.
  • I prefer to not be pressured OOC to participate in someone else's doings if their character has taken no serious action to earn my character's cooperation, respect, trust, etc. I'd like it if there was some kind of IC communication because how it's phrased is my opportunity for insight into your character, and because your character could royally blow it. Hand-waving it isn't fair to me.
  • Off-MUSH Scenes. I may roleplay Kell through some other medium, so that those of you who can see where characters are on the MUSH will get no unfair clues as to what Kell is up to. I wish I didn't have to do this, but it's become too apparent that this OOC info, and the contents of my character sheet, are being used IC. Rather than get butthurt over it and make drama, I'm taking measures to spare anyone the temptation.