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* [https://static.wixstatic.com/media/84c113_d9931dd8c1a04ab78925d89fb1ee9ebb~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_1000,h_646,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/84c113_d9931dd8c1a04ab78925d89fb1ee9ebb~mv2.jpg Parts of a boot]
* [https://static.wixstatic.com/media/84c113_d9931dd8c1a04ab78925d89fb1ee9ebb~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_1000,h_646,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/84c113_d9931dd8c1a04ab78925d89fb1ee9ebb~mv2.jpg Parts of a boot]
* [[:File:Parts-of-a-Spider.jpg|Parts of a spider]]
* [[:File:Parts-of-a-Spider.jpg|Parts of a spider]]
=== Important Rules Pages ===
* [[Creating Magical Items]]
* [[Garou Creating Magical Items]]
* [[Mage Charts]]
=== Useful Utilities ===
=== Useful Utilities ===

Revision as of 04:43, 30 November 2020


Characters that I play are:

Helpful Links



Important Rules Pages

Useful Utilities

Useful Pages

Utility Images

On MUSH Code

As I code things I'll include them here if they are minor, if they are major I'll make separate pages for them.

LATTR commands

I have uploaded commands based on the lattr function that people with large examine results may find useful. They can be read here.

Modified @adesc

The following code makes it so that you do not trigger your own Adesc when you look at yourself (overriding the default Player @adesc) and displays the looker's name with their @moniker.

@adesc me=@break strmatch(%#,%!);think [moniker(%#)] just looked at you.

Personal Descer

I have uploaded my own descer code. There's enough to it that I've made a separate page for it here.

Short Desc Visible via +glance Only

This code is not entirely mine, got it from Xiu's player.

On Wiki Code

Non-breaking spaces

If you want to tab in you can use a few non-breaking spaces ( ). Wikipedia has a whole article on them here if you want to read more about them.

Text Messaging Format

When a text message or messaging thread is important for a scene it is good to include it but I'd prefer for it to look right, so I came up with a nested table-in-table format that lets me do just that. Read about it here, feel free to borrow it!