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|summary  = The annual Bealtaine festival for the Changeling sphere
|summary  = The annual Bealtaine festival for the Changeling sphere
|ictime    = 4 PM-???
|ictime    = 4 PM-???
|players  = [[Kai]] [[Kyri]] [[Tabin]] [[Yarden]] [[Sterling]] [[Conn]] [[Wick]] [[Hop]] [[Ethan]] [[clara]]
|players  = [[Kai Dunne]] [[Kyri]] [[Tabin]] [[Yarden]] [[Sterling]] [[Conn]] [[Wick]] [[Hop]] [[Ethan Sienna]] [[clara]]
|location  = [[Murder of Crows]]
|location  = [[Overgrown Victorian]]
|prptp    = N/A
|prptp    = N/A
|themesong = N/A
|themesong = N/A
[[Category:Kai Dunne]] [[Category:Kyri]] [[Category:Tabin]] [[Category:Yarden]] [[Category:Sterling]] [[Category:Conn]] [[Category:Wick]] [[Category:Hop]] [[Category:Ethan Sienna]] [[Category:Clara]]
''The Bealtaine Festival Committee spared no effort making the place suitable for any fae that might want to join in the Bealtaine festivities. Small chimerical lights float among the trees and shrubs, winking in and out of existence giving the seeming of stars in the hedges and trees. Two chimerical bonfires glow merrily in a cleared off area of the yard, tradition claiming that passing through them brings luck and health for the year.''
''The Bealtaine Festival Committee spared no effort making the place suitable for any fae that might want to join in the Bealtaine festivities. Small chimerical lights float among the trees and shrubs, winking in and out of existence giving the seeming of stars in the hedges and trees. Two chimerical bonfires glow merrily in a cleared off area of the yard, tradition claiming that passing through them brings luck and health for the year.''
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The Summer Queen lifts her hand, as if to forstall the Unseelie King's departure. Her expression is one of concern but bears the unmistakeable tinge of sadness to it as she speaks. "You do not need to go!" She calls to him, a foot sliding forward as if to pursue. "YOu have given your ember for others! You are welcome at my table and my fires, Unseelie King." Her steps halting after a few brings her closer to the figure.
The Summer Queen lifts her hand, as if to forstall the Unseelie King's departure. Her expression is one of concern but bears the unmistakeable tinge of sadness to it as she speaks. "You do not need to go!" She calls to him, a foot sliding forward as if to pursue. "YOu have given your ember for others! You are welcome at my table and my fires, Unseelie King." Her steps halting after a few brings her closer to the figure.
Clara had actually started to call for the Unseelie King, her heart is far too soft for this world. Seeing the Queen do so, she smiles and leans gently against her Lord's arm
Clara had actually started to call for the Unseelie King, her heart is far too soft for this world. Seeing the Queen do so, she smiles and leans gently against her Lord's arm.
The Unseelie King stops, turns to the Seelie Queen, the cowl lowered and says. ".....No. My place is not here." He takes one more ember and puts it in his lantern. "It is there. Where your fires do not reach. I shall guide them to you, so that they may know our trust."
"And so." Tabin concludes. "The Unseelie King left." The cloaked figure departs. "And there you have it. The Unseelie Tale of the Lantern and the Beltaine Fires. As you enjoy your spring nights to come, with loved one and friends always remember. No matter how bleak things seem...we will bring you back. We always do."
And all at once, every illusion bursts into chimerical fireworks that last long after Tabin pulls off the cloak, sweatier than if he had spend 10 hours at the gym and the story concludes.
Clara gasps again, eyes wide but she is smiling this time. Setting down the lantern carefully she bursts into applause
Hop smiles and visibly relaxes once the darkness is gone. Then he sees Tabin sweaty and chuckles, "Hose and bucket of water over by the greenhouse dude." he says with a nod.
Wick squints a bit with the sudden dazzle of light. With a wreath of flowers on his head, the Satyr can't help but get swept up in the revelry. He hugs the illusions back and spins them around with an exuberant laughter. But as the Summer Queen speaks, he grows still to listen. He catches his lower lip as the Unseelie King left. But as the illusions burst into fireworks, he laughs with the brilliance of them. He joins the cheers and applause, whistling shrill with delight.
Sterling gasps with wonder and delight as the beautiful display. "Wonderful!" he calls, bringing his hands together in vigorous applause. He looks down to Clara with a warm smile. "You see, my lady? The spring -always- returns to us, no matter how dreadful the winter before it."
Clara touches the flowers upon her head and smiles up at Sterling, lifting a hand to his bearded cheek before she calls "Thank you Tabin, that was remarkable!" - and yes he scared her but that just means he was doing it right
Kyri smiles again as she returns to just being herself, moving quietly back over to retake her seat as Tabin gets his due praise.
Wick all but dances over to Tabin where he catches him up in a hug and spins him around, just as he'd done with the illusions a moment ago. "That was amazing! Absolutely brilliant! Thank you /so/ much Tabin."
Tabin is assaulted with a hug! Gah! And he is spun! Satyr hug-strength! "Gah!" He is spun! He laughs at the spin, wrapping one arm around Wick. "You asked for a performance, man...you thought I was just going to play -violin-?" He pffts. "Don't forget to thank your Summer Queen." He points to Kyri, while he uses the opportunity to bundle up the cloak, in which the inner pockets contained the book and paintbrush, two flower wreaths, a small chimerical container of oil and a lighter.
Clara applauds for Kyri also. She hasn't met the woman but gives her a bright smile "That was wonderful"
Sterling laughs deeply, nodding his head. "I say. Far better than any Beltaine celebration -I- ever managed. Usually we just go with the singing, dancing, feasting, and then the wandering off to roll about in the woods atop one another."
Wick sets Tabin down with gentle care and nods with a laugh. "I know, I know. But that. /That/. It was amazing." He shakes his head in wonder. Then smiling to Kyri with a shy warmth, he offers a deep bow. "Thank you. You played the part of the summer queen well." Lifting his head, he grins up at her. "Hope you enjoyed this land-dweller celebration..." With a slight glance of Sterling, his cheeks turn someone pink - bashful for a Satyr.
Hop gives Tabin a nod and then gets up to go get another drink. The chimerical bunnies hop around in the fireworks trying to eat the color bits till they fade away, and then they settle back down to nap. "Oh, there's plenty of places hidden around the garden for rolling around if people want to go do that part of the celebration." he chuckles as he fills his wine glass again.
Clara laughs, blushing and turns to lift her head and kiss Sterling with a grin "later love"
Kyri smiles with open delight, "Thank you." She says to both Wick and Clara, "I was worried, I didn't want to be presumputious in taking on such a role." Sterling's comment makes her laugh and she looks back to Tabin, with a rosy-cheeked smile.
Tabin pats Wick's shoulder a few times. "You're welcome." He gives a nod to Hop, with his bundle of stuff, and heads over to Kyri and he digs out one of the flower wreaths and puts it on her head. "There you go. You get one too." She also gets the sensation that the others did, like being wrapped up in warmth that heats the cheeks for all the right (and perhaps wrong) reasons. He looks over at Sterling and laughs. "THAT type of performance I can do...just with more time. This was a three day build. I need at least a week if you want a story that revs up the band." That is of course when he looks at Kyri, who is blushing, and his face goes red.
Wick's eyes shine with a delighted warmth as the bunnies hop about after the colorful traces of fireworks before returning to their naps in the grass. But then he shakes his head at Kyri. "Mm. No, you played a beautiful part in the story. It's wonderful you could come join us." He nods. But, glancing from her to Tabin, he can't help but laugh as the Eshu's face grows red. But he says nothing, just drifting off over towards Hop - as if in a silent reminder of the pooka's words.
Everyone settles into drinking and eating and small talking happily throughout the night. The Beltaine fires burning bright and cheerily till the morning sun rises.

Latest revision as of 14:24, 25 June 2023

Changeling Bealtaine Event 2020
The annual Bealtaine festival for the Changeling sphere
IC Date May 02 2020
IC Time 4 PM-???
Players Kai Dunne Kyri Tabin Yarden Sterling Conn Wick Hop Ethan Sienna clara
Location Overgrown Victorian
Prp/Tp N/A
Theme Song N/A

Sceneset: The Bealtaine Festival Committee spared no effort making the place suitable for any fae that might want to join in the Bealtaine festivities. Small chimerical lights float among the trees and shrubs, winking in and out of existence giving the seeming of stars in the hedges and trees. Two chimerical bonfires glow merrily in a cleared off area of the yard, tradition claiming that passing through them brings luck and health for the year.

A table has been set with dozens of varieties of cooked and baked goods, savory veggie options and sweet dessert options both present, provided courtesy of Hop (7 successes). Guests have been informed to please not bring any Meat inside the property. Beverages from the Dreaming have been laid on one side of the drinks table and beverages from the Autumn world on the other.

Wick helps sets down a last tray of food from the kitche, full of skewers of roasted vegetables. The aroma of the cooking has been tempting the poor Satyr since he first arrived. And now that the preparation work is over, he immediately snags a skewer and starts eating. He winces with a laugh. "Ah! Too hot, too hot." But that doesn't seem to be stopping him.

Hop is sitting on the grass somewhere, white chimerical bunny rabbits all around him, as he feeds them grilled veggies with a smile.

Conn greets each guest as they arrive, bidding them welcome and suggesting earnestly that they walk through the bonfires at least once.

Yarden's never been to Hop's place before so she enters the premises with a look of pleased curiosity. "Good evening," she replies to the amicable greeting offered by Conn. It's lovely to see you again." She holds out a small potted orchid. "I brought this for the host. If one has a garden then you can never have too many flowers!"

Tabin arrives, with a gentlemanly arm with Kyri's dressed in the garb of a bard. Silks and attire of a good day's travel without losing the sparkle of flash if he needs to make either a grand entrance or an impromptu performance. He steps inside with Kyri to meet Conn. He greets. "Hey Conn." He looks to Kyri. "Kyri, this is Conn, friend and bandmate. Conn, this is...." He takes a moment, and then says. "Lady...Kyri, of House Syrinx." He does an internal count and the nods. He thinks he got it.

Into the garden comes ambling the burly figure of Lord Sterling. The elder sidhe looking sharp in his brand new great-coat. To Dreaming eyes, it takes on the appearance of a snappy officer's greatcoat made from red-dyed wool, a double row of silver buttons running down the front, and a half-cloak tossed rakishly over one shoulder. His sword is peace-bonded in its scabbard. He carries with him a basket laden with exotic Dream-fruits. "What ho, friends!" he booms cheerfully. "A blessed Beltaine to you all!"

Kai saunters into Hop's home with a smile. With Hop being one of his best friends he feels very comfortable here heading over to where Conn is greeting people. "Sup bro?" He says to Conn then looks to Tabin. "Oh hey dude. How's my ex love rival turned friend?"

Hop looks over to Kai and Tabin and smirks, calling over, "Tabin and you are exlovers Kai?" then feeds his chimerical bunny friends another piece of veggies, nomming on some himself.

Conn proffers a polite bow to Lady Kyri "Lady Kyri, pleasure to meet you. I am ...just Conn. No fae house", an equally polite bow to Lord Sterling "Lord Sterling, a pleasure as always, I bought some seeds to grow some Summerberries for young Master Sterling. I will keep you informed as to my progress in their growth ... as soon as I find somewhere suitable in the Dreaming to grow them. I still have not managed to source snozzberry seeds."

Kyri smiles and lifts her hand as she's introduced, her other arm curled around Tabin's and she seems to be sticking pretty close to his side. Uncertain, not necessarily shy. As people start to speak to the Eshu at her side she looks up at him, "Is that the other that you spoke of when talking about your date?"

Sterling smiles broadly at Conn. "Have you now? Oh, that's simply wonderful! Little Robbie will be delighted! Please, friend Conn, you -must- feel free to use any land in my barony you like. My doors are open to you. There's ample space on the Dancing Lawn, or if you require a bit of shelter, there's the Whispering Wood. I'll inform the Ent Guard to be at your disposal."

Tabin laughs at Kai. "Oh is that our history now?" He chuckles. He looks over at Hop. "Noooo." He teases Hop. "I'm doin' good ex love-rival turned friend Kai." He looks to Kyri when she asks her question and nods to Kai. "The one that everyone wanted to shoot me? Yeah that's him. He's cool." He chuckles. The water seems to have gone under the bridge. "Kai, this is Kyri. Kyri, this is Kai...and mr. mischief man shouting at us is Hop." He waves to Hop in hello!

Wick can't help but laugh as he drifts over, walking barefoot across the grass. "We weren't /actually/ trying to get you to shoot each other. Figured Erin would make you both guns that would blow bubbles or something." His eyes shine with mirth.

Kyri nods politely to those she's introduced to, "It's very nice to meet you. I'm quite excited to attend. It's the furthest I've been inland so far." A grin and she squeezes Tabin's arm. "I'm told that it's quite the festival, and very important to the land fae."

Kai laughs. "Well neither of us is going to win her heart fully so there is no reason to stay rivals." He looks to Kyri and nods. "Nice to meet you dude." He simply sats turning to Wick. "Well that would have been quite humiliating if I prepared for a jest disguised as a duel." He winks to Wick heading to sit by Hop.

"You could always just have agreed to the Scarlett Trip or the Dragon's Dance. No need to rush straight to the Dance Macabre," Conn says about the hyperbolic duel, "Duels are a healthy way for us to vent the frustrations that our Fae natures give rise to." He nods to Kyri "This will be my first fae Bealtaine this lifetime. I confess to knowing nothing at all about the traditions of the sea fae."

Ethan shows up, covered dish in hand.

Wick winces at Kai with a soft laugh. "Guess it might have been. But we weren't going to let it get that far even. I mean... it didn't, right?" As the Satyr lingers at Conn's side, his head tilts a bit at Kyri's words. "Beltaine is something that only happens on land?" He glances from her to Kai for confirmation. "What about Seelie and Unseelie... Those are universal, right?"

Yarden looks around until she spots Hop and then heads that direction. "Hello, Hop! It's very gracious of you to open your home to all of us." She holds out the potted orchid. "I brought this as a small token of my appreciation."

Tabin looks behind him to Wick. "Hey man!" He says, looking at Kyri. "Kyri. This is bandmate number 2, Wick. Also the brains of the operation. Wick, this is Kyri. And I was still going to get shot man!" He laughs. "Give me a squirt gun I'll hit space." He can't fight, or shoot, period.

Kyri gives a quizical look to Tabin. "Dude?" She quietly whispers to him before looking to Wick waving lightly before answering his question. "There aren't really a changing of seasons at the bottom of the ocean, nor a change of rule. Our...darker cousins are a different species...well a different branch. We're all born the same, but once they have been chosen by their Aspara they become something much different and we very seldom interact. Best not to be eaten."

Ethan chimes in "Words to live by. Where's Hop, I gotta hand this to him."

Conn points Ethan to Hop with a friendly smile. "Hey bossman. Blessings of the season."

Sterling chuckles. "Oh, duels are such -tedious- things," he says. "I think a jolly good round of Smash is a far more entertaining way of settling one's differences, eh? And thanks to my boy's masterful tutelage, why, I'm actually able to give him a run for his money, these days! My Pikachu skills are off the -chain-, yo." Did the distinguished elder sidhe just try to sound like a millenial hipster? Why yes. Yes he did. As Ethan arrives, he offers the redcap a smile. "My lord Ethan, what joy to see you again. Blessed Beltaine to you."

Wick's eyes shine with fascination as Kyri explains how different it is for the deep-sea fae. He gives a small nod. Even now, the Satyr can't quite help but tense at Ethan's TEETH. But with a bright smile, he says, "Hi Ethan! Hop's over there." He points along with Conn. Returning his attention to Tabin and Kyri, he offers a nod of greeting. "It's a pleasure to meet you. And... I don't know if I'd call me the brains or anything. But yes. We're in a band. Gonna perform tonight!"

Kai shakes his head and shrugs "I don't know I'm not fully either Wick, but I haven't personally been to one but I can't speak for all of us. I move around quite a bit whenever I get bored." He goes and sits down near Hop and asks "People still play that Wii game that came out?" talking of Sterling's comment.

Conn tilts his head and considers "Lord Sterling, could Smash not be the weapon of choice of a Scarlet Trip? I knew a pair of Seelie back in Paris during the 1800s who fought a duel with pillows. And much as you may laugh, the duel was quite successful"

Ethan says to Conn, "Gesundheit right back at you," with a nod, and then says towards Sterling, "And a comes-out-loose to you too, Lord Baron," but he cannot be turned from going directly to Hop and fairly forcing the dish into the pooka's hands. "Here, take this. Housewarming gift, since you're set for food."

Hop says "Thanks!" with a warm smile as he takes the plant from Yarden and then sets it on the ground and says "No nomming!" to the bunnies around him. "Nah, no big thing. Thought that with the stone wall, and the tall ass bush wall, and the faerie ring, it would be a good place to have a party is all." then he blinks as a dish gets shoved into his hands, "Thanks man, is it an awesome dish to keep or something tasty inside I can eat, or both?" he asks Ethan.

Clara is a little late but arrives looking stunning with a bright smile as she searches the gathering for someone

Ethan says towards Hop, "Both, although in my case it would be all three. Tofurky pot pie, got word from Rick that a chicken one might not go over well. Anyway, appreciate the use of your home for hosting. There, now I am done with like 4/5ths of the pleasantries I have to get completed before sundown," with a huge grin.

Tabin snorts to Wick, watching as Ethan comes in and Conn, he and Sterling begin discussing duels. And then Pokemon. A Sidhe talking about Pokemon....he can die complete now. "O course you are. If it wasn't for you we never would have become a band! So your the brains of the whole outfit. Conn's the jammer, I'm just there to make you both look better." He waves a hand with a smile. At Kyri's question of 'dude' he clarifies. "Dude is slang. It's like saying 'yeah man' or 'yeah girl' but instead of the latter you just say dude."

"Good to see you again as well, Ethan," Yarden smiles at the redcap. "Quite a few familar faces this time - when I last attended an event with the folk of the Dreaming, the only person I knew was Ferdinand."

Wick laughs with Tabin's insistence. "If anyone's the brains, it was Emrick. Suggested it in the first place. But sure. Doing my best to bring us together from that." He nods. He drifts off across the grass towards the gathering around Hop. He offers Yarden a soft smile. "It's good to see you again." Glancing up at Ethan, his head tilts. "Before sundown?"

Ethan says "Yeah, last year we hosted Beltaine at the college, but only officially until sundown, because, you know," And then upon hearing his name, turns from Hop to see Yarden, "Oh, yeah. Hey-- Yarden. Haven't seen you since the, um, thing," he says eloquently. And yes, he did remember to wave over at Wick who said hello earlier.

Clara steps in a bit more, the butterfly dress fluttering as she moves and smiles, lifting a hand in greeting to so many friends, green eyes seeking one particular face first however

"Hi Wick," Yarden mirrors the satyr's smile. Then, looking at Ethan again she replies, "Yeah, I know. I don't get out enough. That's one reason I made the effort to come tonight." A beat. "And I'm glad I did."

Kyri hears a name that makes her excited, her expression perking up as she asks. "Is Emrick here? He made me the most amazing violin, and I really would like to thank him for it."

Tabin follows Wick to join the gathering around Hop. When Kyri gets excited Tabin looks around. He knows Wick just referenced him but he started to look and see if he was around. "...He might show up later maybe." He tells her. "You can thank him then?"

Sterling brightens up as Clara arrives. "My lady!" he booms. He sets the fruits basket down on a table and steps over to her, sweeping her up in his arms and twirling her around with a rumble of laughter. "I was beginning to think the studio would never let you free of its clutches. How lovely to see you!"

Hop smiles at Ethan, "Awesome man, I love eating shit I didnt have to cook, all the noms none of the work. Plus, can taste meat without the murder? Totally down for that!" he says with a nod.

Wick blinks a bit at Ethan. "I thought that Beltaine was supposed to happen at night. Isn't it? How come just until sundown?" His gaze flits to Kyri as she asks about Emrick. He smiles with much warmth as she voices her desire to thank him. With a slight bow of his head, he shakes it. "No. He said he was going to work at the college forge... Had some delicate work he wanted to do in the peace and quiet." At Sterling's boom of a voice, he blinks and glances over. "Clara!" He smiles with delight.

Claras entire being brightens and she slips over to her husband then laughs as he spins her around, butterflies seeming to flutter in her gown before she kisses him soundly "I am sorry dear love" then, smiling happily she looks around and waves to Hop "your home is lovely Hop, thank you"

Kai nods with Wick. "Yeah he said something about balefire making better items or something. I don't really get nocker crafting so I don't know how to explain it." He gives a wave to Ethan. "Hey man how are you?"

Ethan nods at Hop, picks up a drink from those assembled and would answer Wick, but he got distracted. Eh, shrug. So he goes around saying hello to everyone by name. Except for he replies to Kai with "What up, beach bum?" and a heft of his drink, and Kyri gets a 'hello' before he filters back through the crowd to find a spot to hang.

Kyri ahs and tamps down her brief burst of excitement. She nods, looking momentarily disappointed, but it doesn't last for long. Content to follow Tabin around, her arm hooked through his, hand gently holding onto his upper arm. She looks to him and asks, "Will there be dancing? I have to learn still but I love watching it."

Conn nods to Tabin and Wick at the question. "Should we provide music gents?"

Tabin looks to Kyri and smiles. "Of -course- there will be dancing. You kidding? Besides, I bet you're already better than me and I've had these things all my life." He dangles his legs. He greets everyone as they come to the gathering, a lot of faces he doesn't know. A few he does in passing. And Ethan, who gets a respective nod and wave.

Sterling chuckles, stepping back. "Look, my lady, Master Emrick finished my coat. Isn't it fine?" He holds out his arms, showing off his brand new greatcoat for Clara.

Clara steps back enough to see the coat and smiles "oh its wonderful" then turns to find Emrick "You are far more talented than you will admit Emrick!"

Hop eats his veggies and chills on the grass, smiling as he watches everyone mingle and eat and such, just enjoying the night.

Wick smiles bright with Kyri's question. He parts his lips to respond, but Conn his faster. With a laugh, he nods. "Sure. Let's get the music started." He smiles up at Conn with warmth. "You ready? Want to kick things off?"

Kyri shakes her head quickly and laughs, "Oh I can't dance." She assures Tabin. "So by default you're going to be better than I at it. I was excited when I figured out how to run without eating a mouthful of sand." grinning at him.

Hop hops up and heads to the table to get a chimerical fruity drink, "Anyone want one?" he asks cheerily as he pours himself a tall glass of bubbly alcohol.

Hop hops up and heads to the table to get a chimerical fruity drink, "Anyone want one?" he asks cheerily as he pours himself a tall glass of bubbly alcohol.

Clara takes Sterling's hand with a grin and draws him over "We do!"

Wick turns and all but dances off to where the microphone has been set up with a couple of speakers. Leaning into it, his joyous voice lifts over the gathering. "It's time for the music! Time for dancing. Me, Conn, and Tabin have just started up a band together. We've each got something of our own to share, but we're going to start off together. With /dancing/." His eyes shine with impish mirth. He hefts that magnificent guitar of his and glances from Conn with his own magnificent guitar, and then to Tabin with a truly remarkable violin. "Ready?"

Sterling takes ahold of Clara's hand with a broad smile as the players begin readying the music. "May I have this dance, my lady?" he asks, sweeping a low, courly bow.

Yarden decides the idea to sample the refreshments before the dancing is in full swing is a good one so she likewise directs her steps to the tables full of food and drink. "You've prepared a tantalizing spread, Hop. My compliments to the chef!"

Hop chuckles to Yarden and nods, "Thanks, its my hobby and stuff." he says as he pours and then drinks his drink down in one go. "Time to dance I suppose." he says with a smile and then heads out onto the grass, barefoot to dance around to the music once it starts.

Clara ooh's drink forgotten as she turns back with a bright smile to Sterling. She laughs and sinks into a curtsey that is so lovely it could bring tears to the eye then rishes with a smile and steps into his arms "Always"

Wick taps out a cheerful, quick little beat against the side of his guitar. Starting off with a bit of fun. And leaning into that microphone, he begins to sing a traditional fae song for dancing. Lord of the Dance. His eyes shine with mirth as he dances there at the microphone. He can't stray far, but those hooves of his move with fancy footwork all the same.

Conn sings harmony to Wick's melody, slapping the soundbox of his guitar in place of a drum; smiling gleefully as he plays, generally glad to be included in things.

Hop dances around on the grass, white chimerical bunnies join him and hop around to the beat.

Ethan keeps his seat but nods and taps his foot to the best, the expression around his drink one of being impressed.

Kai gets up and begins dance with joy at th music keeping a decent time with the step.

Damn those sidhe. No matter what they do, they -always- manage to look stately. Even now, as Lord Sterling leads Clara out onto the floor and begins dancing a merry jig. He's no Michael Flatley, but he does have some Celtic ancestry in there somewhere to help him out. "Hey hey!" he calls with a laugh, leading Clara and anyone else who cares to follow in the dance.

Wick laughs with delight as all but a few handful of fae take to dancing across the grass. The dancing bun buns are truly a sight. A cheerful violin interweaves with the two guitars. The song ends all too soon. The Satyr steps into a deep swoop of a bow for the applause.

But the music doesn't end there. The musicians have a number of other songs to offer. A traditional drinking song. It's time to break out the glasses. Still dancing - but with more drinking.

Clara gathers her skirts up in one hand and dances happily along with Sterling, keeping time to the beat though she certainly isn't trained as a dancer, this is just done for joy

Kyri is quite content in her seat, her eyes open wide with delight as she takes in the sight of the land Fae enjoying their celebration. She watches the group play and even claps along to the beat as they move into another song.

Hop as the drinking song starts Hop will dance to the table to get himself an ale, but none for the bunnies! Said bunnies do a pout.

Wick can't help but laugh even as he sings, catching the pout that those bun buns do. And when the song ends at last, he calls out through the microphone. "Not even a sip for them Hop? It's /Beltaine/!" His eyes shine with mirth.

The next song comes softer. Starting just with Wick and Conn harmonizing at the microphone. But then Tabin's violin lifts to join them. And before long, all instruments have joined in. It's a chance for some to rest, and for others to sway and twirl in that slow song.

Clara sighs happily as she dances more slowly in Sterling's arms, the pair seem made for this kind of dancing. Her green eyes remain fixed on his face as she mouth's the words "and i'll be your true love forever - but my love is fairer than any"

Conn continues to play and sing apace with Wick, his skill with the guitar and his vocals have come a long way in the weeks since his Chrysalis.

Hop laughs, "Fine, fine" and pours some chimerical booze into a dish to set on the ground for the chimerical bunnies to swarm and drink. He steps away, "You're all lazy freeloaders." he tells the bunnies with a chuckle.

Hop laughs, "Fine, fine" and pours some chimerical booze into a dish to set on the ground for the chimerical bunnies to swarm and drink. He steps away, "You're all lazy freeloaders." he tells the bunnies with a chuckle.

Wick glances from Conn to Tabin as they bring that song to a close. He offers another bow at the applause. But this time, instead of launching right into the next song, he leans into the microphone to speak. "Thank you so much. This has been our first performance as a group. But we have also each prepared something. Our gifts to you all on this Beltaine." He pauses. "I've written a song. My first song. Doesn't have a name... but... I hope you'll enjoy it."

Tabin bows after the performance but then quickly slips away from the stage so Wick can perform his solo piece. He tucks his violin into the case nearby and then slips over near Kyri, now that his part to play with the band is finished. "Whaddya think?" He says settling in for Wick's performance, eager and excited. He also whispers something to her in her ear.

Conn slips away after Tabin and sits beside Hop for a spell

Clara rises up on her toes and kisses Sterling lovingly as the song ends then turns to the stage with a smile, applauding and leaning into her husband's arms to hear the new song

Wick offers a deep bow to his audience and smiles. But then standing there, he takes a slow breath to steady himself. The first hint of nervousness he's ever shown on stage. A copper pick glints in his hand.

The music begins with an unsettling progression of notes, calling to mind the dark of a winter's night. But then Wick begins to hum with a gentle warmth of summer, harmonizing with those darker notes until they drown out his voice. Silence falls. Wick draws a soft sigh before starting to tap out an intricate beat against the sides of that magnificent guitar. The dark notes begin again, but soon a bright little song joins them in a counter-melody.

Hop smiles to Conn and sips his drink, but then looks thoughtful as the music turns melancholy for a moment, and smiles lightly once the happier notes start.

Kyri leans against Tabin's side as he retakes his seat, her head tilting to listen as he whispers something to her. She laughs softly, nodding to him with a warm, excited smile before laying her head down on his shoulder to look back to the performance. Her eyes close, listening with with a soft expression of wonder.

Conn stares lovingly at Wick as he plays and brushes the tears from his eyes away.

The song ends, leaving Wick in a daze of music. The applause almost startles him back to the present. He takes a deep bow before the gathering before hurrying off to make room for the next performance.

Conn returns to the impromptu stage "Everyone knows I am a staunch traditionalist, and my solo piece is a song that was written by someone called Jonathan Coulton for the holiday that's in it." The song starts off like a disney piece, replete with singing squirrels, chipmunks, and robins. It's sweet. Saccharine sweet. Until the chorus wherein the song celebrates the true meaning of mayday: outdoor sex. He takes a short bow when he's done.

Clara wipes at her eyes and applauds brightly for the new song even giving a somewhat unladylike "woooooo" of approval before she blushes

Tabin is enthralled with Wick's performance. Great minds think alike it seems. He shifts to let Kyri rest her head on her shoulder but he listens to the music with an almost analytical fixation. There is something about it, beyond the music, that has enraptured his attention. By the end of the song he blinks away his fixation, smiling and applauding at Wick's end. When Conn begins to play he laughs, hard, at the staunch difference between the two pieces. Making them all the more better.

Wick's cheeks have flooded with heat. He keeps his head down, hugging that guitar of his to his chest. He heads off to pour himself a drink. He smiles as Conn takes to the stage. He recognizes it at once and has to clamp a hand over his mouth to keep the laughter in. Only when Conn reaches that chorus does he allow himself to join the lighthearted laughter. Taking a sip of the fizzy, sparkling libation, he drifts over to sit with Hop.

Wick is among the first to applaud when Conn brings his song to an end. And placing two fingers between his lips, he gives a shrill whistle of enthusiasm for it.

Clara listens to the song with a smile but when that chorus starts in she laughs and blushes to the roots of her dark hair

Sterling listens as well, his arm around Clara as he smiles broadly. But as the lyrics start in, he rumbles with laughter. "Hah! Oh, I say!" He looks down to Clara with a grin, waggling his eyebrows and tipping her a sly wink.

Hop looks to Kyri, "I've never met a mermaid before! That's rad! Hey, I'm an alchemist, would you be up for collecting some chimerical sea plants for me, trade ya a buncha' kick ass snacks for them?" he asks with a smile.

Clara is blushing as she laughs and playfully swats at her husband but then turns and leans up to murmer into his ear

Tabin is next once Conn leaves. He gets up to head to the stage but he isn't carrying a violin. Instead, he is carrying a old thick book. He gets to the mic and taps on it. "...I can't really compare with that." He says with a smirk. "What better time for storytelling than Beltaine and what better friends to share it with huh? So, tonight, before we bask in the grass and fields with loved ones and friends let's take you back to a time long ago..." A paintbrush appears in his hand and begins to paint the air swirling with light and color that float across the surrounds, surrounding everyone with the image of a city of raw glamour: Majestic and powerful, eternal and glorious. The illusion puts everyone gathered in a revelry of phantasmal fae, bygones and eldritch fae of myth and legend. "This is not your normal Beltaine story. We always hear -those- Beltaine stories....this is an Unseelie story of Beltaine with all it's passion, beauty and splendor."

Kyri doesn't quite seem to know what to do with that particular song, but can't help her smile as Tabin starts to laugh. Her head lifts, looking to Hop with a nod, her smile brightening. "I would be happy to. If you have drawings or what you would like? It's possible we call them different things, so pictures would be better." Then quiets down as Tabin rises and walks to the stage. Her smile remains, listening to him as he speaks.

Wick smiles as joins the renewed applause as Tabin takes to the stage. And his eyes shine with delight and awe as the air begins to swirl with light and color. He murmurs something at his table.

Clara applauds for Conn then turns to listen curiously to Tabin - any who know the pretty kinaine knows she is still relatively new to this world and still has a great deal to learn

Conn sits and stares at the Eshu storyteller's performance. His knowledge of Unseelie lore is next to nil and is earnestly fascinated.

Sterling goes to fetch a fruity drink, one for himself and one for Clara. He settles in with her to listen to the tale Tabin spins, curiosity on his silver-bearded face. It's well known that Lord Sterling has been Seelie his whole life, and so the chance for him to learn a bit of Unseelie Lore is an interesting one.

"A long long time ago....reigned the Unseelie King." Behind Tabin emerges a being roughly eight feet tall, clad in dark armor that doesn't have a name with a fae that is so terrifying it is beautiful. "Winter clenched it's might across blessed Arcadia. But this was no mere festival. This...was the festival of the Oathtruce. The first time the righteous crown of Arcadia would change hands. So it was, that the passing of the crown would be had with the lighting of the Beltaine fires." A BIG BONFIRE explodes in the center of the area, a prismatic flame that reflects the glimmer and sheen of the illusory. "The Unseelie King handed his crown to a maiden, the Seelie Queen," A similar image appears behind him but the reverse - a woman of unearthly beauty, wearing clothes made from the earth itself but held an inner strength that rivaled the terrorizing visage of the Unseelie King. "And all reveled. The Unseelie King could not stay to enjoy the Beltaine Fires...for his time had ended. Spring had come, and his home was Winter. To remain, would cast suspicion upon the truce that bound all Kithain together..but he longed for the Beltaine fires, their beauty and warmth and promise. So, he took a single ember." The visage of the King descends from the stage toward the bonfire, plucking an ember from the ashes and stashing it inside an ornate lantern. "And put it in his lantern to cherish....and left." The Unseelie King passes through the crowd, those standing near will feel the brush of wind as if something passed them until the figure dissappears.

Clara does gasp when the fire errupts, literally wrapt as she watches and listens, accepting the drink from Sterling but forgetting to drink it

Hop looks to the fire, and makes sure it isnt catching any of his chimerical plants on fire. Once he's sure the plants are safe he calms down listens, sipping his drink and leaning back against the outdoor seats cushions. "Anything would be cool, can see what Alchemical properties it has, havent gotten to work with chimerical sea plants yet." he responds to Kyri then listens.

Wick's breath stills as those two figures emerge behind Tabin. The Satyr sits utterly entranced in the storycraft. He gives a slight flinch with that burst of fire. But then joins the applause in appreciation of it. The drink in his hands rests forgotten.

Conn sits in rapt attention as Tabin weaves his tale.

Kai heads over to the three at the sitting area . "Hey bros awesome job tonight thanks for throwing a sick ass party, but the ocean is calling more than this crazy story so Imma go surf then spend some time in my lady love."

Hop looks over to Kai, "Cool man, see ya soon. Tell the Ocean Hop says 'Hey'." he says with a big smile and a nod.

Wick smiles with warmth up at Kai. As riveting as Tabin's story craft is, he rises to wrap him up tight in a hug. "It was wonderful to see you. Happy Beltaine to you, Kai."

Kyri watches the figures as they spring to life, a soft sigh of open appreciation as they move about; though she also jumps as the fire springs up in the center of the area.

Clara glances over with a wave to those needing to depart and remembers to sip her drink

"The Beltaine Fires burned hot across Arcadia, bringing life where once Winter had crushed it. No more survival, but plenty and promise....but I told you this wasn't your usual Beltaine story...this isn't where our story goes, friends. This is an Unseelie tale....and why tell it to you, really?" He looks across the audience and then puts a finger to his lips. "...when you can live it...Enjoy the story." Tabin snaps the book closed.

And everything falls into utter darkness. No bonfire. No smell of garden. Nothing. Instead there is the howl of ancient beasts that sense prey. A crashing sky of white hot lightning with a chill to the bones. The darkness is swallowing, so much that without touch one cannot see another.

"The Unseelie King left Arcadia left those Beltaine fires, with only his ember to warm him." Tabin's voice, now a haunting phantom, pierces the darkness. "He entered the heart of Winter, that which had not been warmed by the Beltaine fires. And what did he find? I wonder..."

A figure appears, the only person visible in the darkness standing out as if the darkness refuses to touch him. He is cloaked, gleaning armor underneath blacker than any material known. In his hand, is a lantern, that glows a brilliant prismatic sheen. The cloaked figure approaches, until he stops,

In front of Clara. "What are you and yours doing in this place?" He asks the woman.

Clara gasps aloud and clutches at Sterling's arm, green eyes wide

Claras jaw drops a moment and she murmers "it's.. b.. be.. Beltaine"

Hop blinks and scowls a bit, "Not exactly a chill mood." he says into the darkness. "Remember guys its just an illusion, it can't hurt you. If it was real it would be suffering the faerie rings mojo right now." he nods, saying it so people know now to freak out. But then goes back to listening in the darkness.

Wick shivers with the howl of ancient beasts. His arms wrap around himself against the sense of cold and darkness. But Hop's words ease that darkness, and the Satyr smiles at him with warmth. He gazes off at the figure as it stands before Clara. "We're gathered in celebration of Beltaine!"

Conn warily watches the figure with a hand on the borrowed chimerical weapon until Hop reminds him of the facts whereupon he, rather embarrased, sits back down.

Kai rolls his eyes at the nobility story being told, but is a bit unnerved until Hop chimes in. He returns Wick's hug. "I might disappear for a few days spend some time to reconnect with my home, but I'll be back."

The hooded figure laughs. "-Beltaine??- There is no Beltaine fire -here-." He says to Clara, then the cowl turns to Wick. "There is no -Spring- here."

"...yet." says Tabin. "The Unseelie King looked at those he had found in the thrall of Winter, who had never seen the beauty of the Beltaine fires as he had. He had a choice to make. To nurture his ember, for he and he alone to warm him here in Winter? Or give it to those he had found in this place. The choice, was not an easy one...but a choice was made."

"If that is what you seek..." He says. He gives Clara the very real lantern. "Gather yourselves, bring your friends close. Look upon the flame of the lantern."

Kyri watches with open excitement in her eyes as the story grows dark, then the figure approaches, starting to interact with the others.

Clara swallows hard and flicks her eyes towards Hop and nods a little then watches the figure before her, reaching out to take the lantern and lifts it so everyone can see the ember inside it

Sterling settles his arms around Clara, cradling her close. "It's all right, dearest. I'm here. I'm never letting you go," he says quietly to her.

Wick drifts in closer, keen to be a part of the unfolding drama. He comes to stand next to Clara and offers her a soft smile of encouragement before turning his attention to the ember inside the lantern. Addressing the figure, he says, "We celebrate to usher it in. Through the warmth of our music and dancing, we can make it real."

Conn is a traditionalist and so stands with the drama's queen, he's been to RHPS, he knows what immersive theatre is.

Clara stays close in Sterling's arms and with him there holding her and Wick's presence the lady smiles a little and gazes at the flame inside the lantern

Hop watches the scene from his seat and sips his drink. He's obviously /not/ a fan of the darkness or being inside an Unseelie illusion, from the look on his face, but he stays quiet and watches.

The lantern's light pulses. Until it bursts into prismatic brilliance, piercing the cold and the darkness and the beasts like paper. Literally. The darkness looks to get shredded like paper. Beneath is that same city, that same prismatic bonfire, that same festive revelry. But this time the actors and phantoms are not just revelrying and dancing and playing music around them. They are dancing and revelrying and playing music FOR them. Some run up to give each one a hug that makes you warm from your head down to the tips of your toes. Some get flower wreaths on their head, real to the touch that offer that same passion and desire as if it had never left. Or regrew? Who knows.

On the stage is the Summer Queen, Kyri, dressed in the brillant earthen fabrics as she had in the illusion with a crown that reflects the brilliance of the fires.

The Unseelie King, meanwhile, steps away, turning to leave.

The Summer Queen lifts her hand, as if to forstall the Unseelie King's departure. Her expression is one of concern but bears the unmistakeable tinge of sadness to it as she speaks. "You do not need to go!" She calls to him, a foot sliding forward as if to pursue. "YOu have given your ember for others! You are welcome at my table and my fires, Unseelie King." Her steps halting after a few brings her closer to the figure.

Clara had actually started to call for the Unseelie King, her heart is far too soft for this world. Seeing the Queen do so, she smiles and leans gently against her Lord's arm.

The Unseelie King stops, turns to the Seelie Queen, the cowl lowered and says. ".....No. My place is not here." He takes one more ember and puts it in his lantern. "It is there. Where your fires do not reach. I shall guide them to you, so that they may know our trust."

"And so." Tabin concludes. "The Unseelie King left." The cloaked figure departs. "And there you have it. The Unseelie Tale of the Lantern and the Beltaine Fires. As you enjoy your spring nights to come, with loved one and friends always remember. No matter how bleak things seem...we will bring you back. We always do."

And all at once, every illusion bursts into chimerical fireworks that last long after Tabin pulls off the cloak, sweatier than if he had spend 10 hours at the gym and the story concludes.

Clara gasps again, eyes wide but she is smiling this time. Setting down the lantern carefully she bursts into applause

Hop smiles and visibly relaxes once the darkness is gone. Then he sees Tabin sweaty and chuckles, "Hose and bucket of water over by the greenhouse dude." he says with a nod.

Wick squints a bit with the sudden dazzle of light. With a wreath of flowers on his head, the Satyr can't help but get swept up in the revelry. He hugs the illusions back and spins them around with an exuberant laughter. But as the Summer Queen speaks, he grows still to listen. He catches his lower lip as the Unseelie King left. But as the illusions burst into fireworks, he laughs with the brilliance of them. He joins the cheers and applause, whistling shrill with delight.

Sterling gasps with wonder and delight as the beautiful display. "Wonderful!" he calls, bringing his hands together in vigorous applause. He looks down to Clara with a warm smile. "You see, my lady? The spring -always- returns to us, no matter how dreadful the winter before it."

Clara touches the flowers upon her head and smiles up at Sterling, lifting a hand to his bearded cheek before she calls "Thank you Tabin, that was remarkable!" - and yes he scared her but that just means he was doing it right

Kyri smiles again as she returns to just being herself, moving quietly back over to retake her seat as Tabin gets his due praise.

Wick all but dances over to Tabin where he catches him up in a hug and spins him around, just as he'd done with the illusions a moment ago. "That was amazing! Absolutely brilliant! Thank you /so/ much Tabin."

Tabin is assaulted with a hug! Gah! And he is spun! Satyr hug-strength! "Gah!" He is spun! He laughs at the spin, wrapping one arm around Wick. "You asked for a performance, man...you thought I was just going to play -violin-?" He pffts. "Don't forget to thank your Summer Queen." He points to Kyri, while he uses the opportunity to bundle up the cloak, in which the inner pockets contained the book and paintbrush, two flower wreaths, a small chimerical container of oil and a lighter.

Clara applauds for Kyri also. She hasn't met the woman but gives her a bright smile "That was wonderful"

Sterling laughs deeply, nodding his head. "I say. Far better than any Beltaine celebration -I- ever managed. Usually we just go with the singing, dancing, feasting, and then the wandering off to roll about in the woods atop one another."

Wick sets Tabin down with gentle care and nods with a laugh. "I know, I know. But that. /That/. It was amazing." He shakes his head in wonder. Then smiling to Kyri with a shy warmth, he offers a deep bow. "Thank you. You played the part of the summer queen well." Lifting his head, he grins up at her. "Hope you enjoyed this land-dweller celebration..." With a slight glance of Sterling, his cheeks turn someone pink - bashful for a Satyr.

Hop gives Tabin a nod and then gets up to go get another drink. The chimerical bunnies hop around in the fireworks trying to eat the color bits till they fade away, and then they settle back down to nap. "Oh, there's plenty of places hidden around the garden for rolling around if people want to go do that part of the celebration." he chuckles as he fills his wine glass again.

Clara laughs, blushing and turns to lift her head and kiss Sterling with a grin "later love"

Kyri smiles with open delight, "Thank you." She says to both Wick and Clara, "I was worried, I didn't want to be presumputious in taking on such a role." Sterling's comment makes her laugh and she looks back to Tabin, with a rosy-cheeked smile.

Tabin pats Wick's shoulder a few times. "You're welcome." He gives a nod to Hop, with his bundle of stuff, and heads over to Kyri and he digs out one of the flower wreaths and puts it on her head. "There you go. You get one too." She also gets the sensation that the others did, like being wrapped up in warmth that heats the cheeks for all the right (and perhaps wrong) reasons. He looks over at Sterling and laughs. "THAT type of performance I can do...just with more time. This was a three day build. I need at least a week if you want a story that revs up the band." That is of course when he looks at Kyri, who is blushing, and his face goes red.

Wick's eyes shine with a delighted warmth as the bunnies hop about after the colorful traces of fireworks before returning to their naps in the grass. But then he shakes his head at Kyri. "Mm. No, you played a beautiful part in the story. It's wonderful you could come join us." He nods. But, glancing from her to Tabin, he can't help but laugh as the Eshu's face grows red. But he says nothing, just drifting off over towards Hop - as if in a silent reminder of the pooka's words.

Everyone settles into drinking and eating and small talking happily throughout the night. The Beltaine fires burning bright and cheerily till the morning sun rises.