2020.05.03 Changeling Bealtaine Event

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Changeling Bealtaine Event 2020
The annual Bealtaine festival for the Changeling sphere
IC Date May 02 2020
IC Time 4 PM-???
Players Kai Kyri Tabin Yarden Sterling Conn Wick Hop
Location Murder of Crows
Prp/Tp N/A
Theme Song N/A

Sceneset: The Bealtaine Festival Committee spared no effort making the place suitable for any fae that might want to join in the Bealtaine festivities. Small chimerical lights float among the trees and shrubs, winking in and out of existence giving the seeming of stars in the hedges and trees. Two chimerical bonfires glow merrily in a cleared off area of the yard, tradition claiming that passing through them brings luck and health for the year.

A table has been set with dozens of varieties of cooked and baked goods, savory veggie options and sweet dessert options both present, provided courtesy of Hop (7 successes). Guests have been informed to please not bring any Meat inside the property. Beverages from the Dreaming have been laid on one side of the drinks table and beverages from the Autumn world on the other.