Catalina Alvarez

From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 17:06, 14 May 2019 by imported>MiyoH
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Catalina Maria Alvarez

aka Kitty


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Mage Harry Potter?
Vampire Bram Stoker's Dracula? Is that what you mean?
Werewolf I don't know....the one playing opposite Kate Beckingsale in Underworld was hot but scary.
Mortal Live life to the fullest...because life is short.
Changeling A say what now?
Demon Hail Mary...full of grace....

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The Chef - A total flirt and at least up front and honest...but he's cool and going to teach me how to cook!

The Wanderer - She's an odd duck but I feel for her. I'm gonna help her out as much as I can.

The Wiccan - Owner of Witche's Brew and pretty darn cool.

The Old Man - New client that I'm helping with electronics stuff...not bad for an old man.

The PJ Maker - Another streamer AND he's going to make me pajamas!!

The Pretty One - Super pretty and knows it...maybe I'll get to know her more...we'll see.

The Security Guy - Not sure how I feel about him. He works for the local police department and is just....I don't know yet.

The Irishwoman - Super sweet and seems like good people!

The B*tch - Who? I don't even know who this is.

The Fed - He's...well...intriguing. I'm not sure what to make of this handsome Fed.

The Sassy One - Pretty cool and sassy....I like it!

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RP Hooks
  • Video Games - You play video games? Do you follow the top players around! You might know Catalina aka Kitty from her streaming or conventions that she goes to with her team. She looooove to talk about them.
  • Cosplay - Yup...she loves costuming. Do you love cosplaying? Are you a costumer? She'd love to hit you up and have a meeting of the minds.
  • Computer Rigs - You need a computer built? She's your girl!!
  • Streaming - Are you a streaming in general? Doesn't really matter what you stream she loves to connect with other content creators.
  • Hackers - For her to know and you to find out.

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Catalina Maria "Kitty" Alvarez

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Full name: Catalina "Kitty" Alvarez
Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle!
Date of Birth: April 15, 1995
Nationality: Latina American
Occupation: Cosplayer/Competitive Gamer/Computer Specialist
Nature: Optimist
Demeanor: Competitor
Race: Mortal
Apparent Age: Mid Twenties
Height: 5'8"


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Catalina2.jpg Catalina3.jpg

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