2020-07-28: The Secret Life of Fire Kittens

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The Secret Life of Fire Kittens
Our heroes help a cute phalanx of mice take on the cute invading fire kittens
IC Date July 28, 2020
IC Time 2 PM
Players Arumi as ST, Adeline, Astra, Bobbi, Sabrina
Location Galaxy Express 999 - Nexus Platform
Prp/Tp N/A
Spheres Traditions
Theme Song The Sorcerer's Apprentice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rrm8usaH0sM

Some know that Arumi was feeding a little fire gaffling with plasma, and even named it Onibi. However what is to now only known by the mice, is that this feeding is having knockon effects. While Onibi knows the routine, other fire gafflings know that there is feeding happening here.

So at the moment, outside the station at the Nexus, there is a brigade of mice. Squeaking at each other, pointing at the door. The more curious of Mages may want to go down and see what's going on...

Bobbi enters the train platform, wearing a simple black t-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers, a black swedish military geographer's bag over her shoulder. At first she begins to make her way to pay for a ticket, but the squeaking quickly gets her attention. "Another wedding!" she practically squeals as she rushes to the crowd of mice to wish the 'newlyweds' well.

Astra steps off the train looking a little dejected, she's wearing a fringed brown leather native american inspired vest over a black tank top, tied at the neck, with a knit design on front along with a pair of blue jeans and her usual black Asics. (this: https://cityofhopemush.net/index.php/File:Astra04.jpg) She's's got her backpack slung over one shoulder. "Grey wasn't there today." she mopes, then notices the commotion, "What's got them all riled up!?"

Adeline is definitely curious. She's wearing a white lab coat under her leather jacket, and has wandered to the train platform and seems to be clutching an art portfolio and a small vintage marine sextant, but she nearly drops these when she sees the disconcerted mice. "heya, what's up, little ones?" She calls, "Your pals on the boat say hello, I expect." And she heads across to see what is up.

Sabrina is humming along, with her happy working song, as she is entering the train platform. Seeing the others here, she begins to wave to each and then sees the mice. "What's going on little ones? Something we can help you with?"

With a group of people interested, the mice confer, and decide to enlist the help. Once the humans are all on the platform, the mice point toward the far end of the platform.

Apparently earlier today they rigged up a sort of tarp to cover that end, becuase now it's removed, and after it falls, the problem is apparent.

DOZENS and dozens of fire gafflings, fire kittens, aliens, whatever you want to cal them. They are piled up. Faffing around, floating, rolling, looking for food. And they're taking up a lot of space.

"Huh?" Bobbi says as she mice start squeaking. "uh -- oh!" she says as she finally realizes what's going on. "This reminds me of that time I left food out for an injured cat," Bobbi notes mostly to hersef, "that turned out just to be in heat." Bobbi glances to the other and explains, "Arumi started feeding on of them plasma. I imagine this is eventually going to lead to a new sign somewhere ... "

Adeline beams at the others. "Heya AStra, Bobbi, Sabrina! Isn't this intriguing?" And then when the mice unmask the issue, she looks charmed. "Oh my gosh? They're lovely?" And she scampers forward optimistically, not presuming to touch them but utterly fascinated.

"Why are we being invaded by fire cats!?" Astra squeals, darting over to cling to Bobbi for protection and peering at one of the cats intently for a moment. "Hungry ones... What do you feed a fire kitty?" She manages a nervous smile at Adeline, "They're adorable, but they're also on fire..."

Sabrina watch as the dozens of gafflings all fall around. "They are cute, but yeah, once you feed one stray, you get the colony. This is probably more than we could feed. Perhaps we need to find them a better home, where they have all the food they could want?" She looks around to see if anyone has better ideas.

The Mice have an idea. The brigade brings out shields and spears. Forming a line, they link shields, raise their spears, and march forward. Glaring at the gafflings, they draw a line in the sand, or in the platform, declaring that the invaders wiill go this far, but no further.

The gafflings, having been warned, are amenable to human attention. A few start to approach, though are blocked by the phalanx.

Putting an arm around Astra, Bobbi looks to the kittens. "Plasma," she notes, "Arumi's been feeding one of them plasma. I have no idea where we find a bunch of plasma where we would also want these things. I mean, I have a feeling if we find them a home, they'll just attract more. I speak their language, but ... what am I going to say 'you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here?' I don't see that approach working."

Adeline giggles at Astra's accurate point of the on fire status of adorable kittens. "true," she admits, "but I dunno, lately I look at giant squid all day and maybe I have developed an unusual cuteness hierarchy."

A grin, and a perplexed perusal. "What do you think we should do? Oh look they are coming to say hello!" Adeline drops down to car level, behind the phalanx of brave mice, and sort of beams at the kittens as they approach.

Sabrina smiles, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That is for certain." She gives it a think. "I would think an Etherite would have the best idea where to find the plasma they would love."

Astra groans at Bobbi's explanation, "That's probably like feeding them energy bars dipped in sugar. If I'd know this was happening I would have brought the oxy-acetylene torch." She smirks, watching the mice form their phalanx, "You guys know what they say about herding cats right!?"

Arumi is not there though! She was ordered by SOME people to take the week off from Fortean research, so she's not even at her lab, either! What a shame. Such notable Etherics as Drs. Whateley, Varona, or Goldhart are nowhere to be seen, either.

The mine don't mind if the humans get close, or even reach over or step over them. But they do keep watching the gafflings, raising their shields in unison. Their tiny feet positioned to brace themselves, which is tested when one fire gaffling floats down, and lands on one shield. There is a squeak, but the line holds.

Adeline is both touched and concerned at the Mice Gallantry. "The mice are - super brave as always but maybe they will get hurt? Uh--" an apologetic glance at the others, "I think my skills are a bit limited on this one. What do you think we should do? You can talk to them, Bobbi?"

"Well, there are ways to get them fed," Bobbi notes to the others, "but that's a temporary solution that I think is going to make things worse. Then they'll just continue to take over the area. I mean, they could basically be seen as an invasive species, and that's not something you just want to encourage. At the same time ... perhaps there is a way to make them useful in some way." Bobbi gives a nod to Adeline and notes, "I can speak to them, but I can't guarantee they'll listen."

"We need to convince them that there's food someplace else. Is there a train stop near an active volcano?" Astra asks hopefully, "I've talked to *normal* cats a few times but there's not much point to it, they do whatever they want anyway."

Sabrina hmms, "That is a good point. Perhaps ask them what they could do? Or help with the trains? This really is not my field of study, but we could do something." A look to Astra, "I'm not sure where there are active volcanos outside of Hawaii and maybe Japan."

The line holds, but the number of gafflings approaching the humans grows. The total number of the group appears to be growing, too! Spinning, floating, rolling, running, flying, crackling, the gafflings are starting to bump into the shield wall more and more. Trying to get past to the humans.

But the line holds. A young mouse runs out from a staff door, bringing a bottle of water to give the phalanx sips each in turn, and to dab their foreheads.

Adeline rummages in her own bag for some water which she drops onto her scarf and gently offers to pat the heads of the nearest mice. She is still kneeling in e floor behind the phalanx. She nods thoughtfully at the comments from the others, and a wry grin to Astra -"Yes - good point about normal cats doing what they want anyway. I doubt fire cats would be any more amenable. Active volcano is an idea though!" And a bright nod to Sabrina. "Do you think they would like that, Bobbi?"

And then looking back at the fire kittens a bit wistfully, "It would be lovely to have them around though. I have been looking for a kitten for my boat, you know. Though I guess a technically on fire kitten isn't a sensible addition for a wooden vessel." Maybe not. Let sanity intervene at this time.

"Too bad Einir isn't here," Bobbi notes mostly to herself as she thinks about this. "Ok, let's assume that feeding them is a solved problem, and come back to that later. The question is what we do with them to make them not a nuisance. They produce their own energy, so it's possible to convert their movements into power in some way. They're also warm, so they could be used to heat an area, though you're not goin to necessarily need to heat an area twenty-four-seven. The other idea is to us them aesthetically. Enough in the distance, they become a beautiful light show to entertain passengers while they wait for the train. Does anyone have any other idea or think this might be sensible." Bobbbi think sabout what is said and notes, "If we want to get rid of them, active volcano is a way to go, and while in general those are in very specific locations, we are also in the Umbra, so I have a feeling they might be a little easier to find. Either that or take them to The Hollow Earth ... "

"The Hollow Earth is a myth." Astra groans, assuming Bobbi's just being Bobbi, "I really wanted to believe it it, used to dream about it. But the mass of the earth would just be too far off." She says matter-of-factly, "This is a terrible, terrible idea but we could try to coax them into the forge for now? That ought to keep them happy until we can think of something better?" She looks to Sabrina, "isn't there an uninhabited volcanic island off the coat of Japan? Do we have a way to get them there?"

Sabrina aahs, "A forge! That is a great idea. It would be great to put them to use somehow, while keeping them happy and fed." She watches the poor mice trying to do their duty. "Especially if it can help these mice out too."

The mice accept Adeline's assistance with a squeak of thanks, as all the soldiers of the line are watered, and the little assistant scampers back off.

Just in time though. Apparnetly the gafflings understand enough of the talk of a forge, or a volcano, or at least at some deeper level an undersatnding of a dsire to give them fire, that the dam bursts. At least 50 more gafflings appear on the scene, piling up higher and higher in their contained end of the station and platform. The mice brace themselves, and shout what can only be "Hold, men! Hold!" but one falls over the top of their heads and rolls up toward Adeline.

"As a physical location," Bobbi starts to say to Astra, "you are correct, but on this side of the gauntlet? It's definitely there. The Sephirot relating to matter has an inverse spiritual layout to our planet, so instead of travelling outward to reach the spirit realm, you travel inward. I suppose 'Hollow Earth' is a misnomer. It's the spiritual interior of another planet that has it's own life to it. But 'Hollow Interior Spirit Realm' just doesn't have the same ring to it, does it?" After a moment she adds, "I've never been there myself, but the thing to know is that someone has thought of it, it exists somewhere in the Spirit realm. Also things people have never or could never think of. An unbounded infinite."

All the sudden Bobbi's eyes go wide as the first fire kitten emerges. "Hey, Adeline?" Bobbi notes as she puts herself between Astra and the gaffling. "You're still flammable, right?"

Adeline looks so so pleased to be helping the mice, diligently offering them the water and gentle succour of the dampened scarf. But then! Onslaught! The enthusiastic fire kittens breach the mouse defences and here is a literally on fire kitten rolling towards her. Adeline doesnt immediately retreat, continuing to look enchanted, but Bobbi's question wakes her up - "er - yes I am flammable. sadly" and hastily does then sit back on her ass and rapidly crawl away. Looking regretful. Then perks up. "Could I be made NOT flammable? cos then I could cuddle one?"

"So it *is* possible I say a Grey on the train!" That's Astra's takeaway! She's digging a bottle of water out of her own backpack now, not sure of she should try to squirt that fire kitty with it or maybe try to water the mice? "Crap.. Okay unless anyone had a better idea try to tell them to come to the forge, in an orderly fashion if possible?"

Sabrina looks like she is not sure what to do with the fire kitten breaking through the lines and heading toward Adeline. "Oh do be careful!" As Adeline gets back, she looks to Astra, "Is there a way for any gaffling, let alone kittens to be enticed to do that better? Oh, if there was a trail of plasma treats or something for them?"

The bad news for Adeline is that fire gafflings are quick! The good news is these fire gafflings, being especially kitten-like in their airy, flaming wisipiness, are able to modulate their heat, and when it leaps up onto Adeline's arm. it's hot. It's like a hot shower hot, but no harm will be done.

The breach of the line though distresses the mice. ORders are shouted in a tiny voice, and they move, abandoning the line and running BEHIND the horde of fire.

With new orders they begin to PUSH the kittens toward the exit. Apparently they heard the Forge plans!

"Well, we could also setup a picnic in the shape of an Enochian vowel ... " Bobbi begins to say, but then she notices the mice on the move. "I guess they speak ... people?" Bobbi looks to Adeline and says, "I thought you said you were flammable?" Then Bobbi turns and whispers something to Astra.

Adeline is now beaming!a darling fire kittens is legit on her arm! Admittedly quite a HOT fire kitten but gosh, how adorable. "hello little one," she murmurs, smiling, "It's nice to meet you!"

But the mice are not having fun!"The mice need reinforcements," she murmurs worriedly - and then has an idea, pouring water to soak her scarf and sort of - throwing it to land roughly near/in front of the Heroic Mouse Barrier, in case that offers a smidgen of fire absorption like in some how to handle houses on fire instruction manuals. And she admits to Bobbi, "I am oretty sure I am flammable, but maybe this one has - less flame?"

Astra smirks at Bobbi, "It looks that way?" She dares move closer to Adeline now, holding her still sealed water bottle threateningly. "Why are you not on fire!?" She asks curiously, then slowly sticks her pinky finger toward Adeline's Fire Kitten.

Sabrina has to consider. "If she can hold them one? Maybe while they are fire, they can control it? We could possibly pick them up and carry them where they need to go? It is a risk, put possible?"

Herding cats is hard. The mice do their dogged (micest?) best pushing the line forward, Inch by inch. Most of the gafflings start rolling forward, right toward the door (and the humans between them and the door), but it's slow going.

The fire gaffling on Adeline seems to enjoy the attention, but a part that's somewhat head-like seems to look up at the humans expectantly. Any who can understand spirit speech may hear <<Bright fire from Deep Fire?>>

Adeline is beaming at the fire kitten on her arm. "And you must understand people, Cos you seem keen in the forge idea. So you can understand that I think you are _lovely_!" And she strokes it lightly, despite the high temperature of it. Worth getting a bit hot for such cuteness context!

As Astra approaches she beams at her too and turns to face her, so they can bend together over the fascinating creature of fire.

>> Yes, Bright Fire from Deep Fire, << Bobbi confirms to the Gaffling near Adeline, in a strange alien language, >> It might be good to do what the mice say. Though maybe you're not hungry and just want to hangout here ... <<

Sabrina does not understand what Bobbi is saying, but asks, "Maybe you can ask them? We could help carry them if they can control their heat for a bit?"

The gaffling on Astra's arm finds it comfortable, and looks at Bobbi. <<Show us>>

The Mice are less giving instructions as giving orders. By pushing. The lage mound of gafflings rolls on forward, slowly gaining speed now as the mice gain momentum, and the spirits begin to really come around to the idea of being taken to the forge. Which the humans have the idea is very, very hot.

Bobbi gives a light shrug, as she pretends to play the flute and does a little pied piper walk towards the forge.

Adeline keeps stroking the fire kitten and looking rapturous, while intermittently casting sympathetic glances of solidarity towards the mice. A grin at Bobbi's pied piper flute walk.

Astra scritches the kitten under it's chin, "Well you just feel like a furry little sauna don't you?" She says as she makes kissy faces at it. She peers at the Mice suspiciously, "Were you guys just being dramatic?" She notes the horde of kittens getting more excited, "Do we let them though? Let me say I again that I think the forge is actually a terrible idea, I just don't know where else to get fire!"

Sabrina realizes she is not being heard, as the kittens are simply too distracting. She'll follow up and do what she can to support the others and the mouse guard.

Bobbi and Sabrina thinking along similar lines, the communication between spirit and human has been made. And so, while up until now the mice have had to push, now they make a BREAK for it. Tumbling, hurling, raging toward Bobbi, they follow and surround her. IT's warm where Bobbi is. Not dangerously hot. But it's quite warm.

Adeline stands up, still holding the kitten gently, and she follows after Bobbi, but at a distance from the giant MASS of kittens . She approaches Sabrina as she walks, and smiles, friendly, offers the kitten, "arent they lovely? I think you are right, we could totally carry them. If any of them get distracted from the Bobbi led marching then you and I could pick them up? They don't seem to be hurting me--"

Astra looks to Sabrina, "There's easily fifty kitties here and four of us.. and the mice are getting dehydrated! We've just got to do our best to corral them all into the forge and hope they stay cool enough not to set anything important ablaze!"

Making her way into the forge, Bobbi pauses near it and turns around to face the fire kittens, wiping the sweat off her brow. >> You can have a little snack, << Bobbi explains to them in that strange language, >> but you have to share with each other, and leave some for others that might want some. If you can do that? We'll come back and build you a whole plasma dining center. << Bobbi points to the forge and says, >> Over there. << Then looking to the others she notes, "I just signed up Arumi to create a plasma dining center. Hopefully she won't mind too much taking a break from her spaceship. It might even give her some useful construction and logistics experience. I think should be ok to pick up, at least before they eat the fire? If not? My bad, but I'll fix you up."

Sabrina takes the offered kitten, and is surprised at how hot it is and not burning. "Good kitty. I'm sure I am flammable too." She smiles to Adeline in thanks. "Well, if we get a bunch of them, and they understand enough that we are trying to help? Then the rest may follow the group? I know they are not like lemmings, but maybe?"

Between Astra's thoughts of blaze, dehydration and fire, Bobbi's expressed offer to help, and the clear intent and good will from SAbrina and Adeline, the pack of spirits is all following along.

The mice collapse exhausted, but content that they will go home today with their shields, rather than on them.

Humans and fire kittens cross the threshold out of the train station. Fortunately the Nexus is isolated and warded. And the grounds outside are heat treated. So it's no problem to bring them all the way into the forge, where they all congregate, piling in like a clown car into the hottest part of the room, the fire itself. It's no plasma flame, but they take Bobbi at her word.

"We probably shouldn't join them in there," Bobbi states the obvious, "it's probably still too hot for us." Bobbi then glances to the mousguard, then back to the others, and notes, "Not the same as a mouse wedding, but I'm always glad to see them."

Adeline nods enthusiastically to Sabrina. "Exactly! Yes it could encourage them I think. They will want to be with their friends." Another beam and she works with Sabrina to do their part in persuading the kittens into safety.

And then Adeline cheers. "We did it! Like the cowboys in the amazing cat herd ad. Surging chords and hats and Persian shorthairs sweeping across the prairie!"l except, you know, On fire!"

Sabrina lets the kittens she carried go, and watches them pounce to the fire. "They are still so sweet, even if a ball of flames. We should find someway to give them play time or something fun that wouldn't burn the place down." She imagines herding them with cowboy hats and giggles.

Astra darts around a lot, checking for stray kitties that might be getting into flammable things, especially books and notes, and returning them to the group. "I'm sure having both mice and kittens running around in here isn't going to cause any problems at all." She sighs.